I'm Not John Titor


Senior Member
Liberty had the right idea.
Keep pelting hoaxers with questions and eventually the hoaxers will grow tired of playing the game and give up and grow disinterested.
Confession time.
I'm not John Titor.
I know some of you all wanted me to be him.
I ain't him.
I'm not a prophet either.
I have no idea what my or our future holds for us.
But I can pretty much guess it is death.
Be well.
Live long and prosper.
John Thomas of the Titor Project signing off pretending to be John Titor.
You may ask why I hoax.
Well, I have pretended to be a vampire, a werewolf, a psychic, a powerful wizard, and a myriad of other things.
I don't do it for money. I don't do it because I'm bored.
I get satisfaction out of convincing you of the impossible.
I always have. My father raised me on Texas Tall Tales.

He was a liar
..and I'm a liar too.
Not a very good liar.
But that is what I do.

I don't lie and hoax because I hate you. I do it because its my problem.


Senior Member
Liberty had the right idea.
I don't do it for money. I don't do it because I'm bored.
I get satisfaction out of convincing you of the impossible.

Well, I hope it helped your boredom anyway, because given the above statement, you certainly got no "satisfaction" from me.



Alright, that being said, I hope you are not going to continue your hoaxes from now on uh?

Thank you for this.


Senior Member
Ren.... Have you never understood that truth is stranger than fiction? It really is, life is weird....

Also if your bored looking for lols maybe oglaf would hit your funny bone Their are also lots of random funny threads all over the place. heres is some funny stuff http://writerchick.wordpress.com/2007/01/07/really-stupid-shit/

What I am getting at is that using others to relieve your bordem through lies is probably the worst possible way to accomplish your desire.

Good on you for coming clean. I hope you stay clean.


Senior Member
Titorite. If I could stop lying, I would have stopped a long time ago. What I have is a sickness. I must tell lies. I don't want to hurt anyone. I simply must compulsively lie. If someone asks me if I'm a powerful wizard. I'll say yes.
If someone asks me if I'm a time traveler, I'll say yes. The U.S. military thought that my talent for lies could be useful. That is why I was also invited to learn languages. Can you see where this is going? If I say that I'm a super spy, I'm probably lying.


Senior Member
I had a girlfriend like that once.

compulsive lying.

A real mental disorder.

I wish you luck in your battle against your demons.
Titorite. If I could stop lying, I would have stopped a long time ago. What I have is a sickness. I must tell lies. I don't want to hurt anyone. I simply must compulsively lie. If someone asks me if I'm a powerful wizard. I'll say yes.
If someone asks me if I'm a time traveler, I'll say yes. The U.S. military thought that my talent for lies could be useful. That is why I was also invited to learn languages. Can you see where this is going? If I say that I'm a super spy, I'm probably lying.

your not a good "super spy" either, tell them better luck next time, but my message to them is, why? try?

and we the people, does this help you realize why im being guarded of information about time travel?

also i will say this, if you were a time travel, the only purpose in you doing what your doing, would be to see if i evolved into the right person, for john to have bumped into.
