Interdimensional travel


New Member
Interdimensional travel

I recently read a theory that time doesn't exist. I am starting to believe that this might have a lot of probability. My simple mind can't help to ponder this:

Theoretically it's not possible for past-future time travel to have begun. Logically, in order for something to begin then it must be relative to time. It's impossible to say that the reason time travelers do not exist is because we have not yet reached that point in existence where time travel is made possible. If time travel is made possible though, then it would be possible to begin at anytime, past or future.

We must then realize that changing the past would alter the future, and by altering the future we would change the past. I can go into more detail as to why this is not probable, but I would rather focus on interdimensional travel.

Think of the Universe as having an unlimited amount of possibilities. Every possibility is another dimension, and every dimension is another possibility. Change does not exist, because what appears to be change is simply our "beings" constantly traveling into other dimensions.

I am not able to explain this much further at the moment, because I don't fully understand our cognitive "existence." I just feel that time travel is really skipping dimensions. Everything is predetermined, but in a way that seems impossible to understand.
Re: Interdimensional travel

As to time travel, the contradiction you mention is not obvious. The travel can exist at any time point, but say not for us yet. There could also be some unknown physical constrains to the time travel however advanced the fellows are. Some constrains may prevent those kill yourself paradoxes. We change the present ? I wish we knew better what the present is ? why do we care so much of not changing the past? It should be OK.

I would be careful with ?predetermination? and ?everything?. This indeed appears so in the Newtonian mechanistic view. It is pushed aside in quantum physics very much. When you say, ?everything is predetermined? you try to include infinity, not a reasonable try because all definitions disappear there. If you agree you have infinite possibilities at any given moment, and so does every other universal entity, multiplying the number of possible outcomes in the background, what else do you need? You have a perfectly free will at hand. What appears as everything being predetermined is not yours, it is Absolute?s. Buddhists say small I and big I. I would not mix them. If you are tired of metaphysics or otherwise, focus on what is here and now and listen to your breath, this is what they recommend.

Re: Interdimensional travel

When you can still the thoughts that incessantly run through your mind by letting them run as they will and you place your attention upon the sound that permeates that stillness, you just might be able to open that door inwardly and experience.

Alternate states of reality may NOT and can NOT be forced. The harder you 'push' or 'chase' towards something in this particular arena, it will recede from you equally.

The sound that can be heard is the BANI, it may resemble bees, bagpipes, the rushing wind, a flute note, violins. This primordial sound originates from where all of creation started from and is the sign post that Soul uses to find it's way back home. It surpasses the language barrier, it hold no class distinction nor is it predicated upon intelligence. It is universal and permeates from one edge of the Universe to the other edge.

Re: Interdimensional travel

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
When you can still the thoughts that incessantly run through your mind by letting them run as they will and you place your attention upon the sound that permeates that stillness, ?you just might be able to open that door inwardly and experience.

Alternate states of reality may NOT and can NOT be forced. ?The harder you 'push' or 'chase' towards something in this particular arena, ?it will recede from you equally.

The sound that can be heard is the BANI, ?it may resemble bees, bagpipes, the rushing wind, a flute note, violins. ?This primordial sound originates from where all of creation started from and is the sign post that Soul uses to find it's way back home. ?It surpasses the language barrier, ?it hold no class distinction nor is it predicated upon intelligence. ?It is universal and permeates from one edge of the Universe to the other edge.[/b]

like a universal consciousness?
and on a personal side note: this noise you're describing, would a 'hum' be an accurate way to describe it?
Re: Interdimensional travel

like a universal consciousness?
and on a personal side note: this noise you're describing, would a 'hum' be an accurate way to describe it?
OHM is better, but you were close.
