Iranian scientist says he's got a time machine

I am not sure just what to make of this report but here it is,, you can judge
Iranian scientist claims to have invented 'time machine' - Telegraph

An Iranian businessman claims to have mastered time with a machine that allows users to fast forward up to eight years into the future.

Thanks KC! Here's the full article. I wouldn't be surprised if the machine showed that Iran will someday be blown up in a nuclear war, which could prompt their leader to strike first. :eek:

Iranian scientist claims to have invented 'time machine'

An Iranian businessman claims to have mastered time with a machine that allows users to fast forward up to eight years into the future.

April 10, 2013 - Ali Razeghi, a Tehran scientist has registered "The Aryayek Time Traveling Machine" with the state-run Centre for Strategic Inventions.

The device can predict the future in a print out after taking readings from the touch of a user, he told the Fars state newsagency.
Razaeghi, 27, said the device worked by a set of complex algorithims to "predict five to eight years of the future life of any individual, with 98 percent accuracy".

As the managing director of Iran's Centre for Strategic Inventions, Razeghi is a serial inventor with 179 other inventions listed under his own name. "I have been working on this project for the last 10 years," he said.

"My invention easily fits into the size of a personal computer case and can predict details of the next 5-8 years of the life of its users. It will not take you into the future, it will bring the future to you."

Razeghi says Iran's government can predict the possibility of a military confrontation with a foreign country, and forecast the fluctuation in the value of foreign currencies and oil prices by using his new invention.

"Naturally a government that can see five years into the future would be able to prepare itself for challenges that might destabilise it," he said. "As such we expect to market this invention among states as well as individuals once we reach a mass production stage."

Razeghi said his latest project has been criticised by friends and relatives for "trying to play God" with ordinary lives and history. "This project is not against our religious values at all. The Americans are trying to make this invention by spending millions of dollars on it where I have already achieved it by a fraction of the cost," he said. "The reason that we are not launching our prototype at this stage is that the Chinese will steal the idea and produce it in millions overnight."

I do not believe the enclosed report; it really feels like a hoax to me.

I am not sure just what to make of this report but here it is,, you can judge
Iranian scientist claims to have invented 'time machine' - Telegraph

An Iranian businessman claims to have mastered time with a machine that allows users to fast forward up to eight years into the future.

There are many ways to travel in time. You can go very, very fast in space, but this takes too long. My time machine creates a wormhole in the time-space fabric by tearing it open. It is very similar to what they are doing in Switzerland I believe.
There are many ways to travel in time. You can go very, very fast in space, but this takes too long. My time machine creates a wormhole in the time-space fabric by tearing it open. It is very similar to what they are doing in Switzerland I believe.

Sorry Zeit It's when you say stuff like this you sound lame. If Nazi Germany had mastered time travel you would KNOW what they were doing in Switzerland because someone would have gone to have a look. Before they came on a forum looking for "technology" . WHAT exactly are they doing in Switzerland and HOW does your time machine work by tearing open the space time fabric? What's the physics? Are you asking us to believe that your superiors sent a completely untrained person on this important mission without even any knowledge to recognise what he is supposed to find?
There are many ways to travel in time. You can go very, very fast in space, but this takes too long. My time machine creates a wormhole in the time-space fabric by tearing it open. It is very similar to what they are doing in Switzerland I believe.

Sorry Zeit It's when you say stuff like this you sound lame. If Nazi Germany had mastered time travel you would KNOW what they were doing in Switzerland because someone would have gone to have a look. Before they came on a forum looking for "technology" . WHAT exactly are they doing in Switzerland and HOW does your time machine work by tearing open the space time fabric? What's the physics? Are you asking us to believe that your superiors sent a completely untrained person on this important mission without even any knowledge to recognise what he is supposed to find?

My job here is not to monitor science in Switzerland, I’m sure the Schutzstaffel has sent people there, but not me. This type of technology is not what Germany is looking for, we do not want to make black hole; we can care less about the universe. Adolf Hitler is the one who wants to get technology, Heinrich Himmler, my superior, wants us to collect information about the Aryan Race; its culture, people, and traditions.

The type of technology I am personally assigned to collect is more on the means of parts. Such has helicopter parts, tank parts, plane parts, things like that. The hardest part is to reconstruct these parts. We often reconstruct them, just to find out it doesn’t work because something is missing. The helicopter was greatly improved and the rocket also.

Like everything, the universe has holes, wrinkles, and voids; nothing is flat, smooth, or solid. There are tiny openings in the time-space fabric which is smaller than an atom. These tiny openings constantly form, disappear, and reform. These are openings in time. The time machine itself creates a micro black hole, like they are doing in Switzerland, from theDrängeneinheit, which creates magnetic and gravitational forces that force atoms and particles out of the tube exit, called Schusswaffeeinheit, and these atoms hit particles that manipulate the time-space fabric. The collision cases a large bang. This is what creates the Zeitportal, literaly“time portal” or micro black hole. This portal is about 6 feet tall and 3 feet in diameter. This portal is 0-shaped and is called Verzerrentor. The portal only stays open for about 20 seconds, orginaly 8 seconds in early tests in 1938. The portal closes when any large mater passes through it.

I would like to state that I am not a Scientist, I am a military official in the Schutzstaffel (SS). I personaly don’t know how the Drängeneinheit creates these magnetic and gravitational forces that pushes the particles and atoms out. I do believe, however, it has to do with something about electron (-) and proton (+) charges.
There is no such thing as Race; all humans are only a few genes adrift from each other. We are not even different enough to be split into different species by biological standards.
The "Aryan " race is a discredited theory.
The only people who can truly be called Aryans were a chariot culture of Indo Europeans who migrated east into Northern India and into Iran about 5000 years ago. They can claim that name because we know that's what they called themselves. Iran means "Land of the Aryans". They were Caucasians , which means they originated somewhere around the Caucasus mountains. The word has NOTHING to do with skin colour, it denotes the features of the skull. Indians are also Caucasians .
After 5000 years all genetic material is hopelessly and wonderfully mixed. The original Aryans were quite happy to breed with the indigenous peoples everywhere they went anyway.

Your "science" sounds like bollocks. First you say your superiors are not interested in black holes then you say a black hole is an integral part of your time travel device.

On a personal note I have done my bit for genetic mixing. My wife is Punjabi Indian and we have 6 Anglo - Indian children all healthy thank you.
There is no such thing as Race; all humans are only a few genes adrift from each other. We are not even different enough to be split into different species by biological standards.
The "Aryan " race is a discredited theory.
The only people who can truly be called Aryans were a chariot culture of Indo Europeans who migrated east into Northern India and into Iran about 5000 years ago. They can claim that name because we know that's what they called themselves. Iran means "Land of the Aryans". They were Caucasians , which means they originated somewhere around the Caucasus mountains. The word has NOTHING to do with skin colour, it denotes the features of the skull. Indians are also Caucasians .
After 5000 years all genetic material is hopelessly and wonderfully mixed. The original Aryans were quite happy to breed with the indigenous peoples everywhere they went anyway.

Your "science" sounds like bollocks. First you say your superiors are not interested in black holes then you say a black hole is an integral part of your time travel device.

On a personal note I have done my bit for genetic mixing. My wife is Punjabi Indian and we have 6 Anglo - Indian children all healthy thank you.

They already know about how to make black holes, but they are only interested in time traveling about the micro black hole. The people in Switzerland want to learn about the Universe, not time travel. We are not here to collect information of the Universe and space.
That is an interesting document. But if the point was to bring the future to you in 5-8 years would that be such a scam? Sure you could go and check your future, but your future is never 100 percent set in stone, we all make decisions either consciously or subconsciously, which can decide which path we go down in our future, a good perspective of this is watching the Butterfly effect. There would be no point of bringing the future to you, if we all make decisions that can alter and change our future. That is just my opinion.

I do agree with Vodkafan, the Aryan is more of a brotherhood not a race. Just as Mormonism is a cult rather than a religion. I think that we have all in a way, moved a long in the world in terms of race. Or so- I think. That is my opinion. I am white, and I view no problem with breeding with others. I just think we all need to show the Universal love rather than forcing violence or judgements among others.

That is an interesting document. But if the point was to bring the future to you in 5-8 years would that be such a scam? Sure you could go and check your future, but your future is never 100 percent set in stone, we all make decisions either consciously or subconsciously, which can decide which path we go down in our future, a good perspective of this is watching the Butterfly effect. There would be no point of bringing the future to you, if we all make decisions that can alter and change our future. That is just my opinion.

I do agree with Vodkafan, the Aryan is more of a brotherhood not a race. Just as Mormonism is a cult rather than a religion. I think that we have all in a way, moved a long in the world in terms of race. Or so- I think. That is my opinion. I am white, and I view no problem with breeding with others. I just think we all need to show the Universal love rather than forcing violence or judgements among others.


This is not my personally views, this is the views set by Nazi leaders. Throw my time “traveling” I have met different peoples, including the ancient Hebrews – they are my favorite. Currently when I left (1941), Nazi Scientists have concluded that we time travelers are in the same Universe line and the time is set in stone. I do not know if this is correct, but this is what they say. For all I know I could be in a different universe or demission back home in 1941 where time could play out differently.
