Is accepting Jesus as messiah a sin?

Gnostic Christian

Active Member
@Gnostic Christian well Posion Apple is now back in a Moderator position so will be keeping a eye out.

As for you hahahahs you love your groupies 'your words'.
Now why would you not get the quote. Non-existence perhaps?

Regardless. As to content, if not reality, ----

Why would it be otherwise?

Do you not like yours, should you have any?



Senior Member
Do you ley others decide how to post?

I prefer to play honestly and get rids of childish whiners early.

Note how our friend ran away the moment he knew he could not argue his point.

Hey, GLP is yet another web site. The operators of this site asked us to get along better, without throwing all the early webstyle horsesh*t. Why don't you take a good look at how your reference to others before opening your mouth. Anybody could see, it was a honey coated trap post anyways.

Gnostic Christian

Active Member
Hey, GLP is yet another web site. The operators of this site asked us to get along better, without throwing all the early webstyle horsesh*t. Why don't you take a good look at how your reference to others before opening your mouth. Anybody could see, it was a honey coated trap post anyways.
Why don't you bite me.

alpha centauri

Active Member
This thinking, brought to it's ultimate foolishness when applied to unconditional love, would be like --- Love the one rapping your wife and offer your daughter as his next.

All the same thinking that destroys arguments for no malice for anyone, --- also destroy the notions of unconditional love.

Hm. Where is that in the bible? And even if that is in the bible, that does not mean that this is correct. They are not even correct on Jesus`s teachings, in my opinion.

You should not give people anything that have enough, especially not oppressors. That would only increase their negativity. You are not mad at them and love them, that does not mean, they can do everything with you and others. If they do negative things, you can call them out or you can try to prevent it, because they will also harm others with their behavior. You can give people things or give charity and help them, but you should not give something to bullies.

That is what I meant with the quote that love does not turn off your brain. Some people think unconditional love does mean you do everything for a person. No that is not what it means.

Unconditional love means, that you have the feeling "love" for everyone and also other positive emotions like kindness and you are balanced in your elements (fire,water,earth,air, akasha). That has nothing to do with actions.

But you should help to make the planet a better place, of course. You could help some people that need it, but you should not be a slave or something for them that would mean you see yourself lower and with less worth than the other person . Then you would not love yourself. You should love others and yourself.

It just so happens that I wrote this on malice, or not having malice and loving unconditionally.

See if you can understand it.
You can still distinguish between right and wrong. You know, when a behaviour is toxic. You just dont feel the toxicity. You probably feel it through empathy if you will be near the person, but not through the internet.

alpha centauri

Active Member
@Gnostic Christian

There are also different kinds of love. That has to be the right love. Love is usually more magnetic and kindness more electric, how the Hermetics (such as Bardon) call it. That is why a lot of advanced spiritual people meditate on loving-kindness to have a good balance on the energies. You dont have to have an equal balance, so one energy can be more than the other but there has to be a good balance.

There is also a possessive love. That is more an addiction or obsession and passion. That love is more electric than magnetic, in my opinion. But these energies of possessive love have a lot of negative characteristics, because addicions are obviously negative and you love something "more" than all other things. So these definitions of electric and magnetic are generalizations.

The negative characteristics usually go away with the loving-kindness meditations after some time. There are also studies on that, that prove it. I posted them somewhere else.


Senior Member
To GC:

you say - It is to the victim to forgive and not some god who cannot be hurt in any way.

I believe that our heavenly father is saddened by seeing his children in pain.

Matthew 18
12 What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go out to search for the one that is lost? 13 And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he rejoices more over that one sheep than over the ninety-nine that did not go astray. 14 In the same way, your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.

My goal is for people to know that there are worlds out there where there are no wars. There is no pollution or crime. People live in peace. They do not get sick or grow old, but remain young.

It is similar to a person in North Korea telling other citizens that just a few miles away is South Korea a place where things although not perfect are far better than in the North and they do not believe you, but instead believe the government propaganda that they are given.

Certainly we live in an enormous universe.

Gnostic Christian

Active Member
You should love others and yourself.
If the behavior warrants it, absolutely.

You talk of balance of your psyche, yet pile everything on one side.

Hate is born from love, and you would throw it out with the bath water.

You might want to look up the word balance.

My hate is justified, and that is why the evil beliers of Yahweh and Jesus complain so much.


Gnostic Christian

Active Member
I believe that our heavenly father is saddened by seeing his children in pain.

Belief comes from facts.

Your faith in an invisible absentee god is dully noted.

Call it what it is.

The proof of the lie you put is in your own nature, that is in god's image. Right?

If you were saddened by your children's pain, you would act to reduce it. Right?

The fact that your imaginary god is less moral and ethical than you, because he does nothing, --- should tell you what to do with that genocidal piece of garbage.

Matthew 18
12 What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go out to search for the one that is lost?

What kind of fool of a shepherd would endanger his whole heard for one?

No self respecting sheep dog would work for such a silly shepherd, especially given that he is supposed to return and genocide our ass, again, with Armageddon.

You do not with the murder of the many for the sake of the few, do you?

