is the human mind a time machine?


ok heres the way my mind plays tricks on me .I was remembering an accedent I had on my dirt bike many years ago. in which I came over the top of a steep hill and jumped the bike about 4 ft into the air. this was a comon practice of mine at that point of my youth. as the bike reach the apex of its upward motion I noticed that a large oak tree was on a intercepting course with me and the bike.

now is where the mind become's a time mechine. at this point in the ride the world slowed to almost a stop. while my mind kept thinking at a super speed. in the 100th's of second's, I considered what to do, and was able to react, to the soon to be event of hitting the tree. some how my body was able to respond to my decision to jump off the bike and let it hit the tree, while I in therory would land in the dirt next to it... how ever that is not what actualy happened. while I did try to jump off the bike my leggs responded to that desire with enough force to kick the almost 400LB bike away from me alowing it to clear the tree, while I inturn hit said tree head on knocking me out cold, luckly it was one of the few times I had worn a helmet while dirt riding. when I awoke the bike was still running a few feet to the side of the tree and mostly ok enough so that I was able to get back on and ride it home. my helmet had not faired so well. it was split in two and hanging off my kneck by only the chin strap..

now heres the question....
just how in the hell did my mind slow down time enough to alow me to think through the mess I was in, and still have time for me to react to it???

anyone who has been a oh shit type of accident has no-doubt had the same type of moment occure to them so if our mind can do this when we are in a crises moment can we learn to control the event and time travel useing only our mind to controlo the speed at which time passes for us in relation to the world around us ?????


Temporal Engineer
ok heres the way my mind plays tricks on me .I was remembering an accedent I had on my dirt bike many years ago. in which I came over the top of a steep hill and jumped the bike about 4 ft into the air. this was a comon practice of mine at that point of my youth. as the bike reach the apex of its upward motion I noticed that a large oak tree was on a intercepting course with me and the bike.

now is where the mind become's a time mechine. at this point in the ride the world slowed to almost a stop. while my mind kept thinking at a super speed. in the 100th's of second's, I considered what to do, and was able to react, to the soon to be event of hitting the tree. some how my body was able to respond to my decision to jump off the bike and let it hit the tree, while I in therory would land in the dirt next to it... how ever that is not what actualy happened. while I did try to jump off the bike my leggs responded to that desire with enough force to kick the almost 400LB bike away from me alowing it to clear the tree, while I inturn hit said tree head on knocking me out cold, luckly it was one of the few times I had worn a helmet while dirt riding. when I awoke the bike was still running a few feet to the side of the tree and mostly ok enough so that I was able to get back on and ride it home. my helmet had not faired so well. it was split in two and hanging off my kneck by only the chin strap..

now heres the question....
just how in the hell did my mind slow down time enough to alow me to think through the mess I was in, and still have time for me to react to it???

anyone who has been a oh shit type of accident has no-doubt had the same type of moment occure to them so if our mind can do this when we are in a crises moment can we learn to control the event and time travel useing only our mind to controlo the speed at which time passes for us in relation to the world around us ?????

I've experienced this three times in my life. The first time I thought I was going to die. I was in a car on the freeway going 70 mph with bald tires. Of course it started to rain in bucket fulls. The car lost traction with the road and began to spin. My whole life flashed before my eyes. But I remembered something that may have saved my life. During the spin, time was slowed down to a crawl. I remembered my driving instructors words on how to control a car in a spin. Turn into the spin until you gain control. The exact opposite of what instinct would tell you to do. And of course it meant that I would be turning around to face the traffic behind me. But it worked. And all the traffic had stopped. So after sliding to a stop, I pulled off the freeway and got out of my car and shook like a leaf for the next 20 minutes until I could calm down enough to drive home.

It seems to me that always tremendous fear was the initiator that turned this feature on in my brain. So if you are that type of thrill seeker, I suppose you could expose yourself to things that generate the fear response. Skydiving comes to mind. From what I've read, it's always a rush everytime you dive.


New Member
Adrenaline does unbelievable things that regularly are thought as impossible. On top of that there is still much that remains to be desired about the human brain and understanding it. Maybe that is a feature we have yet to tame, hard to say for certain really. Adrenaline can induce quite amazing abilities though.


so is it possable that the adrenaline speeds up the mind and body to the point that it appears to slow down everything ells? cause when you are in the moment of oh shit everything around you sure apears to have gone into slow motion so much so it seems to be almost ready to stop. but as soon as you decide what you are going to do it then snaps back to real time...then the event is over and you are left an emotional wreck while you come to grips with how close you just came to dieing... could it be a self preservation reflex that triggers something in the normally dormant 85% of the brain causeing it to become active and unleash a hidden power we have long forgotten we have??? I don't know but I do know what I and most everyone has experanced at some point in there life ..when for just an instant we seem to be able to control the rate of time's passing..


Temporal Engineer
I know adrenalin is there in the aftermath. But I don't think it has anything to do with initiating this phenomena. It seems as if there are visual cues that alert my brain to enter this slowed down time state. In one instance I had time to think my way out but my body would not respond at the speed I was giving it commands. I was being rear ended by a driver that fell asleep at the wheel. I could see in the rear view mirror what was about to happen. But my foot felt like a dead lead weight as I tried to get to the accelerator pedal in time to get out of the way. My foot made it to the pedal before impact. But the car just stood still while the tires squealed away. And of course impact occurred anyway. Maybe lessened just a bit. But that time the laws of reality still work just the same. This is almost like a built in preservation mode to give you time to react to what is about to happen. The adrenalin I can do without. It always seems to make me sick afterwards.


could this self preseveration reflex of the brain be a hold over/lost abbality from the caveman days when humans had to deal with the like's of the sabortooth tiger and the raptors of that time. who were much bigger and faster??? maybe it was a developed defence that aloud man to survive the day.then when the threat was gone we no longer needed to have the abality to slow time to stay alive, so now it only happen in the most dier condition's. I don't know but it is very unnerving to go through and still very disturbing even after a good amount of time has passed.


Temporal Engineer
could this self preseveration reflex of the brain be a hold over/lost abbality from the caveman days when humans had to deal with the like's of the sabortooth tiger and the raptors of that time. who were much bigger and faster??? maybe it was a developed defence that aloud man to survive the day.then when the threat was gone we no longer needed to have the abality to slow time to stay alive, so now it only happen in the most dier condition's. I don't know but it is very unnerving to go through and still very disturbing even after a good amount of time has passed.

I don't know about Raptors. I think they came before the age of man. But I would have to agree with you that this is a built in preservation feature of our brains. The adrenalin is what bothers me. When I was in my 20's, I learned to turn on adrenalin on demand. This isn't something the human body can sustain for long term use. In my late 20's, I developed a rather odd side effect. My intestines would writhe around under my skin, in situations where I was in adrenalin mode. It looked like a snake squirming under my skin. The medical literature at the time pointed toward a high stress disorder. So I had to learn how to not use adrenalin on demand. I learned how to meditate, and avoid getting so hyper. That cured the stress disorder symptom. And to this day I haven't had any more symptoms.


I to learned to control the adrenalin rush from my time as a martial arts if we are able to tap/control that part of the preservation reflex then we should also be able to learn to control the time bending as well. or at least I would tend to think we should. the main point of an attempt being to consentrate our thinking on the speed of things happening.. I don't know, maybe I'm just being to hopeful, but the more I think about it the more it seems possable to actually do it.....shit to much thinking for one day, I need a cold beer and a good cigar.


Temporal Engineer
I to learned to control the adrenalin rush from my time as a martial arts if we are able to tap/control that part of the preservation reflex then we should also be able to learn to control the time bending as well. or at least I would tend to think we should. the main point of an attempt being to consentrate our thinking on the speed of things happening.. I don't know, maybe I'm just being to hopeful, but the more I think about it the more it seems possable to actually do it.....shit to much thinking for one day, I need a cold beer and a good cigar.

I have seen lots of what you are referring to on TV or the movies. I don't know if any of it is true. Tibetan monks come to mind as having practiced this. If I learn stuff from the tube, I kind of treat as not being true. Like, is there any truth to truth serum? Used on TV all the time. But haven't heard of its use in real life yet.


while I hold the same feelings for anything taught or preached on the tube or in movies as you, it's all a bunch of hoowie.. however I did learn a great deal about some of the reported abilities of the shaolin monks. and while they were amazing to say the least. the idea if slowing time with the power of ones mind is something I have never heard of befor. and still don't realy know how to take it in myself. I want to believe it is very possable, but it seems so far away from the normal, as to be just a pipe dream/wish. yet just 400 years ago man flying/airplanes/rocketships to the moon, were just a pipe dream/wish. so I will have to give this alot more consideration. we may be on the verge of a whole new area of human development. or it may be one of the biggest jokes my mind has played on me yet.
