Is the New World Order Movement Seeking to Eliminate Gender Differences?


🤖 Think outside the mind
With a new movement for transgender individuals rapidly taking shape (especially in the aftermath of the Bruce Jenner to Caitlin Jenner transformation) paired with increasing acceptance of homosexuals in American society, it seems like gender identities are the most confused they’ve ever been. Children in this day and age don’t have stark black and white portrayals of who or what they should be based on their gender. Now, granted, that is a great thing in many ways. Society has reshaped itself in such a way that females are no longer secondary to males in various industries, and when they are, it’s not just unfair but also illegal. Despite all the good, though, there are people out there that feel that there is a movement not for transgender or gay rights, but to eliminate gender identity altogether.

Perhaps the male gender was already doing enough to render itself defenseless already.

New World Order? Illuminati? Oppressive Big Brother-style government? Whatever name you put on it, there are plenty of theories that gender identity elimination is a big part of a one-world government movement where everyone is mostly just the same… a cog in the wheel of the machine. The video below points to figures in modern culture that are really pushing the envelope on gender identity. Jaden Smith, son of Will Smith, is a great example. As far as the world knows, Jaden is neither gay nor transsexual, and yet he seems to find enjoyment in shocking the world with his fashion choices that often mingle the sexes liberally. Is this just a way of being different? Or is this pushing people to stop making the distinction? What would the world be like if genders suddenly disappeared altogether?

Some people believe the reason for this movement is to feminize men. The concept there is that if men are bombarded with this from day one, they are less likely to fall under male stereotypes. We already live in a society where young men are increasingly behind computer screens at work and video game consoles at home. No longer are young men the hunters and gatherers of society, and they look like it. Many people in conspiracy circles believe this is a government-sanctioned movement to weaken males to make it easier for domination. Males today are less likely to be interested in guns and less likely to be a great physical specimen. They are also much less self-sufficient, which means that almost all the bases are covered with lowering the chance of resistance as the New World Order takes shape.

What do you think? We all basically agree that everyone should have the same rights (although there is widespread disagreement as to what those rights are and how they are defined), but are we also being conditioned to not just treat everyone equal, but to eliminate the concept altogether? And what does that mean for our future?

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy
Some good points. And what about all body shaving? Men without hair on their chest, arms, legs, etc? They'll all go back to being hairy when WW3 starts and they have to go back to disposable razors. And once good-looking men like Kenny Rogers getting the tackiest plastic surgery.

The number one Agenda in the new world order is Agenda 21 and it is being implanted in all our walks in life. There goal is to cut at least a billion people off earth because of all the food shortages around the world and crimes and it will help the agenda creators to have better control of the people under their influence. Trans-humanism is being done as I write this in far away countries. Making part animal and part humans or humans with certain animal instincts. Just look up the Trans-Humanism you will be rather surprised. As far as the billion souls begin destroyed this could only come from a nuclear strike under some kind of false flagging.

Agenda 21 was made public in 1992 and has nothing to do with cutting people off the face of the earth.

Agenda 21 is a 700-page document divided into 40 chapters that have been grouped into 4 sections:

  • Section I: Social and Economic Dimensions is directed toward combating poverty, especially in developing countries, changing consumption patterns, promoting health, achieving a more sustainable population, and sustainable settlement in decision making.
Agenda 21 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
