Is there any current confirmed TIME TRAVELERS ON HERE NOW???


Temporal Engineer
Actually i do...but with out a PHD my work would end up belonging to someone else

It takes real facts and the learned ability to invent. Both of those things are not taught in schools. You haven't put forth any discovered facts to support your claims.


Let me educate you...

It is clear you possess an agenda. What is not clear, is what the agenda is. You're failing to convince me of any of your claims for several reasons. First off, your spelling and grammar is atrocious and you've not communicated any one solid idea clearly. Despite not having a PhD, you're not able to coherently structure a thought in order to convey it to another entity. Secondly, you are giving partial information, making mental jumps that aren't logically connected or explained, and you're leaving a lot of open presumptions. It's fine and dandy if you're only trying to communicate to yourself; but the only ones you will convince are the ones that are easily led astray and don't follow sound logic based on the physical laws of our universe. Lastly, I will only expect one thing from you; a continuation of your lackluster communication and a failed rebuttal to this comment. This is your opportunity to step up and provide a convincing argument; or you know, an actual educational moment which you claim is part of your agenda. Do not waste this opportunity; because as you say, you're incapable of traversing time within space, only space within time (similar to how I traverse space in time when I go get a snack from the fridge, right?)


Junior Member
It is clear you possess an agenda. What is not clear, is what the agenda is. You're failing to convince me of any of your claims for several reasons. First off, your spelling and grammar is atrocious and you've not communicated any one solid idea clearly. Despite not having a PhD, you're not able to coherently structure a thought in order to convey it to another entity. Secondly, you are giving partial information, making mental jumps that aren't logically connected or explained, and you're leaving a lot of open presumptions. It's fine and dandy if you're only trying to communicate to yourself; but the only ones you will convince are the ones that are easily led astray and don't follow sound logic based on the physical laws of our universe. Lastly, I will only expect one thing from you; a continuation of your lackluster communication and a failed rebuttal to this comment. This is your opportunity to step up and provide a convincing argument; or you know, an actual educational moment which you claim is part of your agenda. Do not waste this opportunity; because as you say, you're incapable of traversing time within space, only space within time (similar to how I traverse space in time when I go get a snack from the fridge, right?)
Absolutely right about the snack...most people imagine that when they time travel they will just appear in another time but what they miss to see is what happened trough the time that they skiped..lets say you go 20 years in the you expect to find yourself in a carton of milk of course not if this happened you travel wrong for you enter what i call the reality realm...which means if you break one law of reality all laws are capable of breaking by them selfs for reality seeses to exist....this type of travel is dangerous...not stable. But what would happen if you did go 20 years in the future... Well travel but people still affect your future until you reach the space in time you want to reach. Lets say in your future you will be CEO well you wake up been a CEO but all the steps in that are memories. Wormholes let you do this for you dont break any reality laws you just travel trough them.and about my spelling...spelling is just a form to be seen to be correct or incorrect in the way you structure it... But the meaning of language is meaning it self so if the meaning was understood... I did my trying to get you to understand... Not get an A+ in spelling.Just like how someone been good at soccer isnt good at baseball all tough they are both sports. I gave you alot of info... And i mean what do people expect...for me to be like. Look this is how you do it...for what... for someone else to benefit from it just because the board would never give me credit because im not considered worthy for not having my credentials. Not on my watch plus as you may know i have alot to learn if i want to get a phd. That might not be the best way to go.


Junior Member
It is clear you possess an agenda. What is not clear, is what the agenda is. You're failing to convince me of any of your claims for several reasons. First off, your spelling and grammar is atrocious and you've not communicated any one solid idea clearly. Despite not having a PhD, you're not able to coherently structure a thought in order to convey it to another entity. Secondly, you are giving partial information, making mental jumps that aren't logically connected or explained, and you're leaving a lot of open presumptions. It's fine and dandy if you're only trying to communicate to yourself; but the only ones you will convince are the ones that are easily led astray and don't follow sound logic based on the physical laws of our universe. Lastly, I will only expect one thing from you; a continuation of your lackluster communication and a failed rebuttal to this comment. This is your opportunity to step up and provide a convincing argument; or you know, an actual educational moment which you claim is part of your agenda. Do not waste this opportunity; because as you say, you're incapable of traversing time within space, only space within time (similar to how I traverse space in time when I go get a snack from the fridge, right?)
My agenda is to create housing under a one rulled order.create burger places were the people that live in that housing can work this way they have jobs...i would have to cover all of this like clothing stores exet... The reason for this is so that sinse the money they earn was given back to the same (one rulled order) im able to pay them alot for what ever type of job they do for me. Also get yearly bonuses.. And whatever small benifit thats left after splitting it amongs our one rulled order would be towards expanding to help other people enter so that we can help them fight poverty and hopefully get them rich.


and about my spelling...spelling is just a form to be seen to be correct or incorrect in the way you structure it... But the meaning of language is meaning it self so if the meaning was understood... I did my trying to get you to understand... Not get an A+ in spelling.Just like how someone been good at soccer isnt good at baseball all tough they are both sports.

Someone good at baseball wouldn't necessarily want to even play soccer. You're a baseball player (self-claimed time traveler) and you're trying to play soccer (explain time travel on a text-based forum with an inability to accurately or coherently convey your thoughts through written correspondence). It's one thing if it's face to face speech. Phonetically, words like "they're, there, their" sound the same and within context I can figure it out. When you spell it so incorrectly that I have to fucking GRIND MY MENTAL GEARS just to try to comprehend the most basic portions of your communication, it becomes both overwhelming and tedious, and ultimately I find it unnecessary due to dissatisfaction with your overall argument or rather, lack thereof. I'm not a grammar Nazi and I'm not harping on spelling errors here and there. I'm saying, you are not convincing me of anything because of your extremely poor communication skills. You don't have the skills necessary to accomplish your goal of convincing, or educating others in any effective form.


Junior Member
Someone good at baseball wouldn't necessarily want to even play soccer. You're a baseball player (self-claimed time traveler) and you're trying to play soccer (explain time travel on a text-based forum with an inability to accurately or coherently convey your thoughts through written correspondence). It's one thing if it's face to face speech. Phonetically, words like "they're, there, their" sound the same and within context I can figure it out. When you spell it so incorrectly that I have to fucking GRIND MY MENTAL GEARS just to try to comprehend the most basic portions of your communication, it becomes both overwhelming and tedious, and ultimately I find it unnecessary due to dissatisfaction with your overall argument or rather, lack thereof. I'm not a grammar Nazi and I'm not harping on spelling errors here and there. I'm saying, you are not convincing me of anything because of your extremely poor communication skills. You don't have the skills necessary to accomplish your goal of convincing, or educating others in any effective form.
Then im doing my job by giving you an idea but not giving you the answers.. i can care less whether anyone belives me or not. Its happening whether you like it or not here to prove to anyone that i can travel im here for the one ruled order. I thought you would understand since you talked about the space in time. What do i get from telling anyone about this besides getting it i dont need im trying to give rather than take. I would only give it to humanity if i would be created. Nothing less


Junior Member
Then im doing my job by giving you an idea but not giving you the answers.. i can care less whether anyone belives me or not. Its happening whether you like it or not here to prove to anyone that i can travel im here for the one ruled order. I thought you would understand since you talked about the space in time. What do i get from telling anyone about this besides getting it i dont need im trying to give rather than take. I would only give it to humanity if i would be created. Nothing less


@TheSix if your job is to look like a conspiracy theorist that's off his medication and may be showing signs of dementia, then you've succeeded. You may time travel back to your one ruled order with free fast food and tell them you convinced us all of the truth and we're on the path to salvation.
