Hate to be the bearer of sad tidings but "NO WAY". Thought I had a couple but if I "thought" as opposed to "know", then the ones I "thought" were, really weren't at all.

True Soul Mates (or Twin Flames, Split Aparts) are mutually 'in love', feel exactly the same love towards one another. It's a two-way street, not a one-way street. And it's ecstasy. Fireworks really go off when you kiss. :)

If one person doesn't feel the same way, if it's a one-way street, then they are not Twin Flames, they're not Soul Mates.
Maybe I'm part bitter, part jealous, oh yeah, envious of those that got closer than me, to what they and/or I wanted but I don't think fate or "predestination"has who I spent my time in and out of bed with and the physical attracton to keep me interested and an IQ along with a good "helping" of common sense to keep me in my place, when the need arises, which being an only chid, might take place more often that is considered legal in the US and Europe.:ROFLMAO:
Yeah, I had to re-write 'cause it didn't make much sense anyway I read it. Sorry.


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well as the the story goes the split-aprts will live as many lives as is needed for them to both mature to the point of joining back together. This possablity of liveing many lives is some what supported by a few passages in the BIBLE but then you can say anything with a few passages from the BIBLE if you want to but it does speak of the return of a prophet of old to proclaim the comeing of CHRIST. it is commonly believed that the said returning prophet was the one called John the babtist. so it would appear that the prophet of old was reborn a second time to do his job of proclaiming the birth of the CHRIST. so it may well be that we all will live many lives untill we mature as souls and then can be joined together with our split-apart, or soul mate the other half of us.
I have always felt that love is a powerful vibration. Some people have a natural affinity. I have had a few friends in which we could sit on the phone and "vibrate." I have always called it "two souls touching." I think any two people are capable of tuning into one another but some people come ready made. It is an amazing feeling. When it gets very strong... telepathy and empathy develop.

I also feel hypnosis can assist in the process of someone. A better term may be guided meditation
I would like to believe there is such a thing but as i grow older i have my doubts, it would hake take one hell of a woman to have to deal with me.
I would like to believe there is such a thing but as i grow older i have my doubts, it would hake take one hell of a woman to have to deal with me.

I think it requires a certain level of spiritual awareness and willingness. Everyone has the potential but few are perceptive and fewer choose to accept it when they have it.

When it happens it is amazing. Keep your standards high and trust your gut. When you see someone who stands out, approach him/her.
