
Senior Member
But if only you have the spiritual awareness and the other dosent won't that completely debunk the whole thing? You know it's your soulmate but she want's nothing to do with you, so in return you lose the soulmate


But if only you have the spiritual awareness and the other dosent won't that completely debunk the whole thing? You know it's your soulmate but she want's nothing to do with you, so in return you lose the soulmate

If you see it, then you can stick with it, bunker down and wait for her to grow up, or you can move on. She probably sees the potential. They usually do, but they have other social conditionings and mundane expectations that hold them back. In my opinion the reasons are petty: not tall enough, doesn't have a good enough (high salary) job, not physically attractive enough, or not 'cool' enough.

All you can do is approach her, let her know there's something great waiting for the two of you, then keep it pushing. It is hard to walk away, but God gives us a choice for everything.


Senior Member
Now you say something there that puts another loop into this, what if god's plan was for us to not have a soul mate?


Now you say something there that puts another loop into this, what if god's plan was for us to not have a soul mate?

That's a question I have had for myself actually and still struggle with. For me it comes down tob1 Corinthians 7:9 saying it is better to marry than burn with passion. I think God taught me how to show Love but I mix it up with a carnal love on occasion. I think God would prefer that I not open that sexual door because it will make my life more difficult and dramatic but He does not disapprove of my desires.

In my opinion and search for Truth and communion with God... I feel that I have been told that God has many options in mind for all of us. There is the best plan (which may or may not be the easiest) then others of varying degrees of spiritual success, happiness and suffering (either self induced or trials).

Also, If God really wants YOU for something, he can be pretty convincing. Look at Jonah, Moses, Paul formally Saul, the man with the talking donkey, etc etc. But you can still choose.

So to relate this to a soulmates. There are many potentials. When I see them there is a glow around them almost. When I'm near them I 'vibrate.' From their reactions to me I know they feel it too. I cant make them choose me. I even had made a strong bond with one which she choose to break. I haven't given up though.

So before I get off on a serious tangent. Yea I think everyone has the potential to find their soulmate. It comes down to patience and holding to high standards. Then when you both choose to be the one for the other, you communicate and trust eachother. All of that when fine tune both souls to the other. When that process is complete, the souls not only brush together (which I attribute to a buzz or vibrating sensation) but become tied and connected.

It is a wonderful feeling.

And just for knowledge. I'll include one other way to make a soul tie/connection. It is very abused and potentially dangerous. It is like pregnant mother eating poison. The toxins pass straight from the mother through the cord to the child.
sex. And sometime the more violent the faster and more invasive the connection


Senior Member
I Apolagize for my skepticism trekkie but in my mind you have 1 soul mate 1 person who you click with when your around them the planets Align the moon turns bright blue pidgeons fly over head. my Grandma had just this my Grandpa jay, After he passed she knew that no one else would ever compare to him and there would be no one better than him so she didn't even bother to look cause she knew her's had passed.

Also i think the phrase "Better to marry than burn with passion" is kind of a crock as well, Marriage is suppose to be between 2 people who love each other unconditionally not so you can get your diggy dipped hell it's the complete opposite from what i understand.


Skepticism is great. Close mindedness isn't.
I agree. Marriage or any intimate relationship without that spiritual aspect is pointless.

Blast, you'll have that other half/whole (however you see it) of you someday. Dont get bitter in the meantime. I've walked that road :-/


Yeh, I guess it's fortunate I never got married or had a serious relationship. Too much bad karma. Too many Delilahs, Helens and Cleopatras, then and now I reckon.


Temporal Engineer
Maybe our real soul mates are people we wind up being with. But the general consensus is that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. So we never wind up staying with our soul mates.


The best example I have of twin flames is Jeanette McDonald and Nelson Eddy, well known actors and singers from several decades ago. Heck, they're probably reincarnated by this time.

Najah Zein

New Member
I do believe they exist. But the older I get, the more I see that we won't meet in this lifetime. I have loved once, but he wasn't it.
