is time travel real?


Junior Member

I would propose an event is imprinted onto a universal field as information. We experience this information or create new information as a sequential set, based on the directional decisions we collaboratively make. The question being asked is can this be reversed i.e. is there a rewind button, can the broken cup suddenly reassemble itself. The laws as we understand them is the universe tends to follow a path of least resistance. While we may have never witnessed a cup spontaneously reassembling itself, should this occur to the observer this event would simply be a continuation of the time path they were on. We do however see this type of reversal in our own lives regularly an example would be adding energy into the system to turn water into ice. The difference here is as far as we know have not found a method to reassemble the cup at the molecular level and float it back up onto the table it fell from.

The question with time travel at least for me, is can we find a method of tapping into an imprinted event set of information and experience it as a subset of our own experience? Memories aside, from our own conscious remembrance of events. The true test becomes can we get to an event set that is fully outside of our own given experience. There are clues around us pointing to this possibility, at minimum on the consciousness level. I understand this is not what most want as an interpretation, and prefer to see it as true time travel being a physical manifestation of being present as an event unfolds be it past or future. Can you go back and be present in the room before the cup was broken and watch it fall and break? If the forward timeline remains the same my question would be how do you break out of the endless loop you just created? Is the timeline truly the same, or would this action be a new observation thereby changing the state of the event set? (The Mets win the world series in 2025, 10 to 9, Game 7) does witnessing such an event change the final outcome or is it pre-determined? Would there just be subtle differences or major changes?

Would pre-determination, negate the concept of freewill? Alternately is it just potentials of possible moments we are navigating through, to each their own possible outcomes? For a consensus co-created reality, would there be multiple parallel realities we choose to be a part of? There are a lot of questions tied to this concept of Time Travel, which relate to what is our actual reality and state of being. The essence of this topic is extremely broad and has the potential to answer some very fundamental questions we have been asking since the dawn of humanity.

Those who travel the furthest back in time control the future... and the ultimate breakaway society is in the past ... was Atlantis a breakaway society, 50,000 years before any other known civilization?
I agree in your explanation as it defines event. Every nanosecond there is multiple events and every event creates it's own timeline so time cannot be broken as your own timeline revolve around you and the way you perceive it. Say you managed to create a machine that was capable of sending you to an past event but actually you still on your own timeline.

Traveler Child

New Member
The single circle spin remains constant to the equation...
You're going to have to clarify your meaning on that.

Contraction doesn't reverse anything tho, it is not an exception to anything, it's the same equation. And you say once in motion, as if the motion could be stopped, but believe me I wish it could be somedays. Just break the universe why not...

The body is always producing three individual etoroidm s tho, head heart and gut, or do you mean specifically

It occured to me when reading your response actually, your rebound effect experience may be a consequence of many states of other ppls emfs with larger and smaller levels of cog dis passing through your field causing interactions in seemingly unpredictable timings.
The closer you are to that state of exiting the matrix the more you may be sensitive to it because it's so dramaticly different from the fresher memories of the matrix based shared cocreation.
I've always been the outsider to the matrix ppl so maybe I've not experienced it the way you have. The way you describe it tho, it's more than just the differences and descriptions like watching a kettle boil and time flying.
My experiences of time are, well hard to describe but it is one of the traits of aspies to have quite a large disconnect to ideas of following time to begin with.

Maybe the levels of dissonance between matrix ppls and fresher out of the matrix ppls are sitting almost as harmonic do in fractal resonance, so this elastic feeling are the slopes of these dissonant waves when the harmonics are almost but not quite matching?

The single circle spin, is per toroid. Constant to equation is an equilibrium reducing one side increase the other or vice versa.

there is no reversal in the contraction or expansion. expansion and contraction is tied to field / energy reach and more of a mechanical manipulation, in wave form.

InMotion --> "Just break the universe why not...? "--> lol, yes in essence, at the body level it is constantly in motion. Foundationally the universe and energy subset would be in constant motion. If (big if) I am reading you correctly. However from a create / co-created construct perspective the energy can be brought to a standstill and molded per-say. From an etherical perspective this would be an isolated construct, while the energy contained within it is in motion the construct itself would not be until it is set in motion.

From a material point of view Frozen crystalline light comes to mind:
Saw this being used as an information processor in a remote view 20+ years ago. I cannot say for sure what the time period would have been though. BTW, this was not a controlled remote view, just a travel experience per say.

You may be correct in your assessment of cross contamination, from other sources causing interaction. However I have not fully grasped the concept you are tryin to relay here. From a matrix perspective my thought is we are immersed in this, I am not sure we can fully exit this. It would be an interesting concept, although my feel is reality as we know it would dramatically change. You would need to clarify it a bit more for me to respond properly.
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Traveler Child

New Member
I agree in your explanation as it defines event. Every nanosecond there is multiple events and every event creates it's own timeline so time cannot be broken as your own timeline revolve around you and the way you perceive it. Say you managed to create a machine that was capable of sending you to an past event but actually you still on your own timeline.
specifically this "your own timeline revolve around you and the way you perceive it"

I like this, because it is simple and probably as accurate as it can get.

I am truly looking forward to much more in depth conversations with you.

What are your thought on cross overs into timeline events, that would not initially be your own?


Active Member
The single circle spin, is per toroid. Constant to equation is an equilibrium reducing one side increase the other or vice versa.

there is no reversal in the contraction or expansion. expansion and contraction is tied to field / energy reach and more of a mechanical manipulation, in wave form.

InMotion --> "Just break the universe why not...? "--> lol, yes in essence, at the body level it is constantly in motion. Foundationally the universe and energy subset would be in constant motion. If (big if) I am reading you correctly. However from a create / co-created construct perspective the energy can be brought to a standstill and molded per-say. From an etherical perspective this would be an isolated construct, while the energy contained within it is in motion the construct itself would not be until it is set in motion.

From a material point of view Frozen crystalline light comes to mind:
Saw this being used as an information processor in a remote view 20+ years ago. I cannot say for sure what the time period would have been though. BTW, this was not a controlled remote view, just a travel experience per say.

You may be correct in your assessment of cross contamination, from other sources causing interaction. However I have not fully grasped the concept you are tryin to relay here. From a matrix perspective my thought is we are immersed in this, I am not sure we can fully exit this. It would be an interesting concept, although my feel is reality as we know it would dramatically change. You would need to clarify it a bit more for me to respond properly.
Gotcha. Agreed.

I'll look into that light thing in a bit.

From the holographic perspective, by signing your earth contract you only agree to follow a set of agreed upon conditions or rules, one of them is that pesky veil of forgetfulness. The primary function for this is to experience low density being which accelerates an understanding of various things, concepts, lessons etc. That was until the parasites started modifying things to their own end, now, yes you are technically correct in saying that the matrix is something you can't leave until your transition by the definition off the matrix being purely the first set of rules we agreed to when signing the earth contract, but this matrix I am talking about is the false overlay matrix modified by the parasites, this you can escape by essentially grouping together in the same way you create an eggregore.
The general matrix people, the ones who fall for these false rules hook line and sinker, they are disconnected from their cocreative power because they gave it all away in "earthly" contracts. aka the many manipulated permissions slips. It would probably take a million of them to move a mountain with their mind.
The older or non native earth souls that haven't been stuck in a false reincarnation loop for ten thousand lifetimes and don't fall for these false rules and are closer to their memories of how to co create from the void space, they don't give away that power so easily and have honed that co creative skillset. It doesn't take a million of those to create new realities. Infact it takes far far less than that.
So what is comes down to is just unagreeing with the false matrix overlay, the false rules, if enough people do this, then they will create the higher form of reality they all carry in the hearts.
And yes you are correct in that those 5d layers are very very different from this shared 3d one. It still follows some basic earth incarnation rules though.

Theres always been a clause in the earth rules though, so that in accordance of freewill you can choose to leave and return to the void, it is supposed to take three days of focused effort, and yes, this is also how christ was revived in his timeline, by another. It was a common or maybe not so common but written about in some ancient japanese scrolls, though they used it for resurrections rather than escaping here. I've tried it, for more than three days, but for weeks and I obviously failed cause I am still friggin stuck here, My intention probably wasn't clear enough. But none the less. If this is what you meant by a full exit, then yes that is supposed to be possible. There may be also the requirement of a ritual of dissolving existing contracts required on top of the 3 days of focus.

Now as for your idea of the beginning stages not being in motion, I don't know about that, I think it's possible the closer you are to those void space memories, but I feel that the normal manifestation process here is a lot slower given the lower density and lack of focus most people have, and even those that understand how to manifest "life" does tend to get in the way a lot so those processes are more built bit by bit, and with our minds constantly changing back and forth with no clarity there may be a truly a no movement thing going on there because even the thought is stuck with zero momentum. But, even if that is the case there isn't actually no momentum because there are other thoughts always going on in their own movements. So perhaps that would mechanically speaking look more like you are at the axial pole with the new thought so from above it doesn't move, but it is still part of the globe planet system which is still revolving beneath it.
It's an interesting one though.

When it comes to timelines evolving where you weren't originally a part off, or, egregores if you are still counting them, it does happen on occasion, it happens a lot with people driving actually and I am not sure why, but there is a thing of driving into the distant past and more rarely the future. When it comes to egregores though, it's probably better you don't stay too long, visit them in astral, remote view them or dream walk them. Just incase you can't get back.

I tried quantum tunneling in a car with a shaman once, the best we could do was knock 20 minutes off our arrival time to be on time. Which is also pretty common, actually a hell of a lot more common than people think, but most dismiss it as poor memory, or zoning out but I've met a few who had unmistakable events like this skipping 8 hours ahead of a driving time.
I presume this type of quantum tunneling is responsibile for most of those people who do visit other timelines, or old timelines.
The zoning out is essentially a hypnagogic state where the mind is half in the body and half in the etheric, if the vibration of the person is quite high then a passing thought of a different place wouldn't be difficult to accidentally create for a brief moment, but because its out of their normal belief structure it doesn't last long, once they realise they aren't in their reality, they start looking for their old or normal timeline, and the looking for it creates it. Like I said though thats probably a good thing.


Junior Member
specifically this "your own timeline revolve around you and the way you perceive it"

I like this, because it is simple and probably as accurate as it can get.

I am truly looking forward to much more in depth conversations with you.

What are your thought on cross overs into timeline events, that would not initially be your own?
Crossing over to other timeline is intriguing. It is still your timeline as you experience it. The main thing is no matter if you try to travel to a different timeline than your presant one will ultimately create an alternate timeline to the one you tried to enter. Physical travelling is impossible without creating a splinter off of a timeline.

Think timeline like a spike ball but the spikes keep splitting creating new spikes and spikes on spikes.
The number of spikes is uncountable due to the number of possible timelines. Every event in the timeline adds to the multiple timeline. In reality you will never leave your own timeline.


Active Member
Crossing over to other timeline is intriguing. It is still your timeline as you experience it. The main thing is no matter if you try to travel to a different timeline than your presant one will ultimately create an alternate timeline to the one you tried to enter. Physical travelling is impossible without creating a splinter off of a timeline.

Think timeline like a spike ball but the spikes keep splitting creating new spikes and spikes on spikes.
The number of spikes is uncountable due to the number of possible timelines. Every event in the timeline adds to the multiple timeline. In reality you will never leave your own timeline.
Exactly right, but whats even more intriguing is that it isn't just you that goes back, it's a billion versions of you going back to a billion potentials, they are all new potentials but, they still don't converge with the other times...Unless they do because you got the exactly perfect frequency...hmm...this shit still gives me a headache.

Traveler Child

New Member
Crossing over to other timeline is intriguing. It is still your timeline as you experience it. The main thing is no matter if you try to travel to a different timeline than your presant one will ultimately create an alternate timeline to the one you tried to enter. Physical travelling is impossible without creating a splinter off of a timeline.

Think timeline like a spike ball but the spikes keep splitting creating new spikes and spikes on spikes.
The number of spikes is uncountable due to the number of possible timelines. Every event in the timeline adds to the multiple timeline. In reality you will never leave your own timeline.
Your explanation had me thinking of a tree, in essence where branches and leaves may rub up against each other but never really merging. There of course some exception to this, but an entirely new branch is created. Perhaps where the concepts of tree of life came into being. I suppose the DNA coding we have could be sort of be seen as two timelines merging. Which could tie into the concepts of why some may try to maintain pure bloodlines. Almost vampiric, in the sense of a DNA remembrance of past lives and trying to keep these as pure as possible.


Junior Member
Your explanation had me thinking of a tree, in essence where branches and leaves may rub up against each other but never really merging. There of course some exception to this, but an entirely new branch is created. Perhaps where the concepts of tree of life came into being. I suppose the DNA coding we have could be sort of be seen as two timelines merging. Which could tie into the concepts of why some may try to maintain pure bloodlines. Almost vampiric, in the sense of a DNA remembrance of past lives and trying to keep these as pure as possible.
that is exactly how i see time, a tree branching out, the branches are uncountable due to the infinite timelines within that tree.
