ISIS threaten to kill two Japanese


Temporal Engineer
I couldn't help but laugh at the following image. This was shown on TV as being real. Yet anyone that has worked in Photoshop knows that you have to make sure all the shadows point the same way.

I found a video that shows the same thing. Yet it is impossible to make the sun cast a shadow in a different direction than other objects in the video. That makes the video a fake. And as I have suspected all along, ISIS may not even exist at all.


That photo does look fake. Could be a green screen. It doesn't mean they aren't killing people, though.

I agree, looks totally fake. I just mean that they could still later kill the men.

I kind of look at it as a hoax. Someone created this using some type of editing program. Those Japanese people were inserted into the video. Which does suggest they might not even be hostages at all. Why make a fake video if you could just as easily have made a real one instead? Unless you don't really have any hostages.

This video was released to the news media as being a real threat. So who is behind the creation of this video? Is it our own government? Or is it just some independent hoaxer?
I agree, looks totally fake. I just mean that they could still later kill the men.

I kind of look at it as a hoax. Someone created this using some type of editing program. Those Japanese people were inserted into the video. Which does suggest they might not even be hostages at all. Why make a fake video if you could just as easily have made a real one instead? Unless you don't really have any hostages.

This video was released to the news media as being a real threat. So who is behind the creation of this video? Is it our own government? Or is it just some independent hoaxer?

Ok, I see what you mean. Good questions.

The second video is more relevant while the first makes a good point on why.
I feel you may have seen these or others like it Einstein. Both of these videos are on the isis beheadings.

Faked videos, real murders.. which take place off screen I think.

Something is very different with the beheadings done by isis to syrian soldiers, then the ones by isis to foreign countrymen. If you want to see, it is can be quickly noticed by a google search.

The videos that depict Syrian soldier/citizens beheading do not contain any video editing that I can see.
While videos like the one you posted (which will soon be beheadings) Are, and will remain edited.

In conclusion, I think Isis had nothing to do with the videos in question.
Its more likely to me, it was done by Syrians or some other party Isis has pissed off. Or... ... ...
I thought for a moment... That bankers should have funds enough to make a skillfully made video.
I suppose they wouldn't want to make a video like that.

Who profits from the war the videos might help start?
