Confirmed Hoax I've time travelled twice


New Member
This should be my last big post. Ive finished sorting througj my menories of the last 16 years and all the different world lines. Ive time travelled twice and have been able to isolate the "final worldline" ignoring the other sets of memories that made me assume my time travel had created a paradox (I realise now the black car time machine existed in 2008 or even before then whereas before I believed it was from the future and was susceptible to paradox)

I used different strategies to isolate the memories but that doesn't matter, I talked about the other worldliness memories I have in the other time traveller forum) Before I just assumed my time travel had created a paradox even though now that I'm paying for attention to what actually happened that day on this worldliness it untangles the spaghetti

1. 2008
I was 14. Biology class had just ended, a man I'd never met before told me not to go anywhere after school and that I was being taken for an evaluation. I waited outside the office corridor to the left by the main entrance as everybody else left.

I was then taken to a car in the parking lot, a black car that looked like a Dodge Charger on the outside (Warning I know nothing about cars I just googled black cars until I found one that looked like the one I went in mid April 2020 and 2008 during the school year my 3rd year of high-school.

The man told me not to say anything about what was going to happen or about time travel. He showed me the blue lights at the front of the car and all the fancy buttons. But I was sitting in the backseat behind the drivers side on the right. Nobody else was in the car.

Nothing notable happened. Shortly after, we were at a mental hospital. He parked at the main entrance and I was let inside.

I was taken to a single room and sat down on the bed, I noticed it was really cold even though it should have been about late spring. I was nearly 15, birthday in summer.

People kept visiting my door and telling me I'd lost weight, showing me KSI vs Logan Paul 2, they showed me about 20 seconds of it on YouTube but the WiFi wasn't working so I told them I believe you that KSI wins. Staff told me to look at the clock and the date said it was in the 2020s after 2022. Possibly 2023 or 2024 I can't remember. They also asked my name and told me I'd been here before.

At dinner or lunch time (they just shout dinner) I sat down in the cafeteria and told there was no food for me there (I only eat certain finger foods and they knew my future self was a picky eater) so I left.

I was told after being in the future for what felt like 6 hours that somebody was here to pick me up. I went back to the past. The reason no assessment happened in the finsl worldline was because of the next paragraph

My favorite staff member at the hospital who in 2021 I told about my intestines being tortured when I was 14 or 15 after visiting that hospital and being tortured in a different room on a medical bed and being strapped to it in a white room, was in that day. He told me in the final worldline he'd try to get me home

When I'd been dropped off at home I apologised for being late and said I hadn't had dinner. My mother told me I was right on time for dinner and that I wasn't late.

The next day time I had biology again I told my high-school sweet heart who always talked to me about books and stuff,- I told her about me going to a mental hospital.

The guy behind me from my primary school said "You don't go to a mental hospital for half an hour" I said I did then the biology teacher confirmed that I'd had an appointment yesterday.

2. 2020

I'd been incredibly mentally ill since April 2020 started. It started with 4 days of spending at least 3 hours a day crying my eyes out and having breakdowns screaming over memories of being tortured. A lot happened, I'd been taken by the police to a hospital with mental hospital wards to see a doctor for an assessment.

I avoided being admitted. I also had two appointments in less than a week at a centre my family had made the appointments, I talked to two people at the appointments and avoided being admitted again. I believed if I got admitted to hospital I'd be tortured.

This is where the time travel happens. I didn't even realise it until recently after years. One day I hear the door close in mid April 2020. My mother then calls me downstairs, this wakes me up and says im going to a mental hospital. I get in a black car outside with a man and get driven to the hospital the really unwell patients go

This was my first time there on the final worldline. I walked down the corridor and went left and sat on a low to the ground squarish comfy waterproof chair for subduing patients, I only learnt that on 2023.

They tried to take me to my room, but I said I wanted to sit on the chair. I asked for water and a packet of crisps like the voices asked me to.

After about 40 minutes a man on night shift said "You don't belong here", "Somebody's coming to take you home".

I left and got in a black car again, my dad was there. He said "I havent seen you in a long time" I told him I'd seen him yesterday. He asked "Why are you pretending to be missing" and "Whst year and date is it" I said I'm not pretending to be missing and that it was around April 16th.

I was dropped off at home and went in with my key, my dad stayed in the car. I went back to bed.

My mum had no memory of me going to the hospital before the 28th of April even though she'd sent me there. I realised the other day she was still at work then, she'd time travelled to take me to the hospital sooner

I had bad psychosis and schizophrenia, but now that I've unravelled everything I know I need to change the worldline or ask the time travelling gangsters that torture people to send me into the future so I go missing without being tortured.

I should have sorted our my memories properly before making the other super long post on the time travellers forum but part of me wanted to believe that I'd time leapt back and that I hadn't heard I'd gone missing, probably after getting tortured again.

I still remember the pain of having my genitals cut off and my intestines tortured in other worldlines

What should I do? Please save me. The time travelling gangsters and doctors that torture people are around the Paisley- Glasgow and operate in abandoned buildings and hospitals in the future. They might have the governments involvement.


New Member
Decided to ask my mother details about mid April 2020 and concluded that I've somehow retained 45 minutes of intact memories and the sense of touch and taste from a paradoxical worldline. I remember everything do vividly and it played into my future delusions a lot

As for 2008 I think that's the same. In my friend from 2010 colleges case, she got time travelled from 2010 to 2020. They found her in the past after she'd shaved her head and sent her to the hospital in the future.

In my case they'd probably knew of me in the future and kept triggering contingency points every time they tried to time travel me.

Why do I have such vivid experiences time travelling in other worldlines to the point I can't tell whether or not it created a paradox in 2008?

Anyway I'm back to my original plan on fighting hopefully six or less time travellers


Senior Member
It's funny only was interested in time travel for one thing. My high school lady. Then stuff just went hay wire. I learned everything about it. I wouldn't regret leaving home but. I miss being home. In time travel terms. I'm home sick. But did you have any vivid dreams before this happened?


New Member
Only two. One in 2003 when I was sword-fighting against a family friend. I waa 10 at the time but was 14 in the dream, one that I have many time travel memories of and of him torturing me all between age 8-10 he moved from Los Angeles where he worked for the BBC to Scotland to retire and make metal sculptures.

In the menory he asked me to pick a sword, stand in the arena and fight him or wlse my future self would be tortured. He eventually stabbed me with the sword and stabbed me a few more times i had been rapidly improving whilst fighting him too. It hurt. For a decade this would be the only dream I had with pain.

The second vivid dream was 2016 where I was handcuffed to a bed with my arms above me. I was in excruciating pain in my genitals area. A woman was standing over me, she moved away and around the double bed, I looked left and saw two men In black with hats in the corridor talking. (In the vivid painful memories there's never any audio)

I kept thinking "I wish there was some way I could go back in time" repeatedly. I woke up after about 20 seconds.

In 2018 I met the woman on a date and had intercouse with her, but since the cafe I waa cautious of her and after we were done I walked her back to the train station. She said "Why are you so desperate to get rid of me" I just said "I just don't want you to miss your train"

In retrospect she was suspicious. She didn't want anything to eat all day but wanted to stay over.

In April 2020 I opened the curtains slightly involuntarily and saw the two men walking down my backyard.

After the dream I woke up and it was 2016 again, I told my friends on Skype about it. I only started to take it seriously during April 2018 on the date.

Thanks for the reply Tron1


New Member
I take everything back. I'm not a time traveller and I don't have superpowers it must have just been sleep paralysis and vivid dreams and faulty technology
