J.A.'s Introduction


Junior Member
I always thought that John Titor was just able to seem like a fake one, greetings, 'J.A.,' any further opinions? I like this place, it has a little
You're welcome, too! Greetings, J.A. Maxwell Hammer is a mysterious man, I, however, see no idea, whatsoever that I can 'testify' to being against him being just himself, the rest of you, would you give me any info on the issue, pls.? Thanx 4 being there, just kidding, - how on Earth can anyone though indir. seem 2 enjoy being pert, even w. oneself?
Welcome new member J.A. to this great forum, your schooling will
start with the reading of posting here and asking questions about
Time Travel and ET's and much more.

Professor Opmmur
You're welcome, too, I suppose that my messages can once in a while seem somewhat mysterious, that's a thing I just allow myself no idea at all that I can dwell too much on, I didn't 'testify(!)' to being perfect, so I pers. see no risk, whatsoever that I can deny believing in This Relev. Time Tr. Procedure. Money is A World Tyranny That most certainly doesn't convince me that I can fail to know a little about, what good news is, optimism, a good moral, best wishes, J.A., what can you pls. tell me about The Tach. Field?
