Jesus/Santa is black!!! Wow.


Active Member
This is ridiculous. I'm not sure if everyone has heard this news yet, but this is just absolutely ridiculous. That there is even a debate on national news over what color Santa is, is just.. I'm just speechless. That Jesus is black.. odds aren't there on it. But not to debate it, but rather to look at this from a neutral standpoint. Why do these people have to rock the boat? From what I hear, this is a form of racial baiting. I've never heard that phrase before, but now I see very clearly what it is. There just seem to be some people that will never be content with the status quo. They have to make waves. I can see if an archaeologist digs up evidence that Jesus was black (ONLY FOR EXAMPLE, NOT FOR DEBATE), then yes.. bring up and argue the point and change things. But this seems merely to be a racial issue on people are tired of Jesus/Santa being white in drawings/paintings/movie/tv. I find this sad. I think these people have too much time on their hands. I mean Santa albeit not real, was invented by white culture, and the story adopted around the world. This is another example of other cultures coming to America and wanting change, yet not willing to waiver in their ways. Now they have the Latino culture in an uproar asking why these two men can't be hispanic also. Sometimes all you can do is sit back and laugh.


Senior Member
I read this on Yahoo news, John Stewart was going after the lady who made a comment.

In this day and Age Race is becoming a Huge factor again so anything that can be made racist will be and it will be made national and out rage those who still refuse to move past it, just wait soon the Easter bunny will be on the racial chopping block.

and i agree completely these people have far to much time on their hands, this shouldn't even be a debate i mean really they are arguing over a IMAGINARY MADE UP CHARACTER, how desperate for attention must people be.

He is white deal with it, Easter Bunny is white, deal with it. Buddha is Asain, deal with it. i mean really it is just sad and pathetic and re-enforces my belief that there is NO hope for this Society.


Senior Member
I read this on Yahoo news, John Stewart was going after the lady who made a comment.

In this day and Age Race is becoming a Huge factor again so anything that can be made racist will be and it will be made national and out rage those who still refuse to move past it, just wait soon the Easter bunny will be on the racial chopping block.

and i agree completely these people have far to much time on their hands, this shouldn't even be a debate i mean really they are arguing over a IMAGINARY MADE UP CHARACTER, how desperate for attention must people be.

He is white deal with it, Easter Bunny is white, deal with it. Buddha is Asain, deal with it. i mean really it is just sad and pathetic and re-enforces my belief that there is NO hope for this Society.
Maybe the Easter Bunny could be black, white, and brown...I think I've seen bunnies like that at the fair. Now we have the tooth fairy to think are right, too much time on our hands.


Active Member
Yup. I mean I've seen and met lots of people over the years that believe that some character throughout history was in reality a different ethnicity. Do you see them on the news antagonizing society with these racist claims? Nope. It's all a ploy to get people to argue and bring up the racial debate just like BT said. I'm wondering though, since they have so much time on their hands, if they'd be willing to come mow my grass this summer? Then while they do it, we can argue over the exact color of my grass.


He is white deal with it

Actually, if he existed he was born in Judea, part of what is now Israel, so he would most likely have had fairly dark skin, not black or white. The whole thing of depicting Jesus as a white man is a fairly recent conception.


Active Member
No, Ayasano.. you're right. If you really dissect it, the way he was supposedly treated and whatnot he wasn't white cause that would have made him, more than likely, a Roman. But odds are that due to regional correlations and all that, that he'd be brown/olive skinned.. whatever, basically he'd be Middle Eastern. Point is that this was just a publicity stunt. Which.. I mean if you really dig back.. If you believe in evolution then we're all African as science (usually) concludes that the earliest Man lived in Africa and migrated out of there. OR if you believe in your big 3 religions.. then man came out of the Middle East near the Arabian peninsula which makes us all Arabian/Persians. OR we could go alien test tube baby theory and all the different ethnicities of the world were created independently from one or many alien species in order to do their manual labor here on Earth. So we're either Africans, Arabs, or Aliens.. take your pic. Did I miss any? lol.


I personally follow the Africa theory since it currently has the most evidence backing it up. We wouldn't really be considered African today though, as there are large enough differences between the various races, both biologically and culturally. For example, lactose intolerance is present in 70-95% of Asian populations, whereas it's much lower in places like the UK and America. (Which, incidentally, follows from a cultural difference. Dairy products are very uncommon in the Far East for historical reasons, namely a lack of native cow species I believe, so they never developed a tolerance for lactose)


Junior Member
I thought santa was a real person :( ...

also not sure how this works in other places but In england we can sing bar bar black sheep have you any wool anymore.... of all things its green sheep now who the hell has ever seen a green sheep?!! stupid but true, they teach this new version to kids and then wonder why kids don't listen these days in schools...


Active Member
LOL. I think the kid thing comes from not challenging them anymore. My kids told me they had track and field day and everyone got a trophy. EVERYONE. Whats the point in even trying if you get the same trophy as the kid that came in last? The idea behind it is nice. Make everyone feel they are important. I get it. But sometimes.. like in my original post, you just have to say.. you know, it's been this way for this long and its worked. What exactly is your motivation behind pushing this issue now?
