John, TIme TO R...


Active Member
Is it an acrostic or anagram of some kind? Or just simply Titor? We all know we do not know all things that those above us know. In the army a week before deploying to Desert Storm 2 visitors walked into my office and told me to leave. I was put on admin duty til we left. Of all soldiers in my unit they tell me to leave. I guess Dr Strange is right, if they tell you it won't happen. I was a SCI analyst. It kinda made me mad. Went to the Storm and came back. I was stationed in Stuttgart. The week we got back my supervisor walks in asking for volunteers to go back to the sandbox. I was 21 and looking for adventure, so I raised my hand. The only hand to go up in my whole brigade. It was a friday morning. He said to go pack. I hadn't finished unpacking. So I left my office. Never to return for some reason. Friday afternoon I was told that I was on hold. Sunday night Casper Weinberger canceled the mission I volunteered for. You don't do that, you don't ask for volunteers and cancel same day usually. It was Operation Provide Comfort. You can google that. The USA pulled out and UK took over. Saddam massacred the Kurds when we left. Then Kurds in trouble in 2019 around Syria. Why does the middle east hate them? My research found them to be descendants of King Solomons servants, the Jhin. Solomon had made an agreement with southern Europe in exchange for 500 maidens. He sent his Kurdish servants to retrieve them. After they got them they stopped along the Syrian/Turkish border and forced them into marriage thus kidnapping them. So if Kurds are going to do that then they will double cross any peace deal. Was John one of the men who kicked me out? We had plenty of other offices. After volunteering they never let me back in my office, for about 6 months. My morale was low doing admin stuff. They offered an honorable discharge with an early discharge. My girlfriend and future wife was from England so I was losing my clearance if we got married so I left. John biblically is the revelator at the end. If future time travel masters extended time span then religion could indeed be time travelers controlling events and putting into literary form. which has been suggested before. in 2013 I had a unique opportunity to meet an employee of an agency briefly for two sentences. He said he was from his employer. I told him all the scuds were nuclear. He said yes. We were interrupted and I never saw him again. Suggesting a parallel timeline or if 2036 happens on this timeline then the other can come to fruition.
