John Titor and an old Post


Active Member
Haven't been on for awhile. I was listening to the news and wanted to search Titor's prediction about a woman president. He was telling someone in a posting that she (possibly Hillary Clinton) just tried to keep her power base. But I wanted to see the original posting again to see if it reads different in light of our present news. I didn't find that, but what I did find was very interesting. John talked about an eventual war between the Republicans and the Democrats! It looks like that's what's going down right now, it just might be coming to pass!!!!!! Can somene help me with the Hillary or woman president posting please?


Haven't been on for awhile. I was listening to the news and wanted to search Titor's prediction about a woman president. He was telling someone in a posting that she (possibly Hillary Clinton) just tried to keep her power base. But I wanted to see the original posting again to see if it reads different in light of our present news. I didn't find that, but what I did find was very interesting. John talked about an eventual war between the Republicans and the Democrats! It looks like that's what's going down right now, it just might be coming to pass!!!!!! Can somene help me with the Hillary or woman president posting please?

The woman Titor referred to is Oprah.


Temporal Engineer
Titor never made a posting about a woman president. He talked about a Lincoln like president though.


Senior Member
I don't believe John Titor made such a prediction.
As you say, he mentioned two male presidents, the first of which was "like " Lincoln.



Senior Member
He said that on his timeline, it was Hillary who won the election that Obama won in our timeline. She proceeded to start shit with Russia, and her dem allies in Congress began to seize guns. That was when the urban-rural split began and was the beginning of the civil war.

It was kind of uncanny how he predicted even her zeal to start shit with Russia.


It was kind of uncanny how he predicted even her zeal to start shit with Russia.

But now the current guy gives buttslaps and buddy-hugs to Russia when nobody's looking.

Which may be just because the US and Russia are eventually teaming up to do an alien disclosure.
Because Putin is an alien.
And so is Trump.
Is that enough spoilers?


Senior Member
TDS retardation ^^^

It was people like you that he predicted would come about. You are the problem he described. Maybe in doing this as a time travel story he was able to get the word out in a way that people never otherwise would have accepted in 2000. I can tell you that going into 2016, with all the crimes and talk of starting a war with Russia coming out of the democrats, I could not escape thinking about what John Titor posted.

Sometimes I wonder if he had an enormous impact by just putting the idea in people's minds and averting a future election disaster. I mean.. we really dodged a bullet in 2016. Holy fuck.
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It was people like you that he predicted would come about. You are the problem he described.

Nah, I'm moderate with a left lean. I don't want to go to war with Russia. But Russia does like to meddle where they're not supposed to (so does the US for that matter). It would be wonderful to have strong diplomatic relations with Russia, but that can't happen until there's trust... and there hasn't been real trust since 1893.


Senior Member
Nah, I'm moderate with a left lean. I don't want to go to war with Russia. But Russia does like to meddle where they're not supposed to (so does the US for that matter). It would be wonderful to have strong diplomatic relations with Russia, but that can't happen until there's trust... and there hasn't been real trust since 1893.

I doubt it. I think you are an undercover hack who is crying inside because your spirit-cooking criminal candidate lost the election.
