Kay Titor 177 Tempus Edax Rerum

Merging Timelines: I would like to ask John about the "Mandela Effect." Hopefully you all know what this is? Somewhere (best guess) between April and June of this year, a "Mandela Effect" took place in my world line. The "Mandela Effect" that occurred included two (2) very obvious and distinct events. One was related to the JFK assassination. I distinctly remember a four (4) seat car / not six (6). Another was "Andrew D. Basiago" was dead last year, and then was Alive when I googled him in May. I was shocked about these events and trying to figure out what could have caused events to have changed on my world line. So, I would want to ask John what date he arrived on this world line and ascertain if his arrival coincides with the "Mandela Effect" that I have experienced.

If the altervu you're referring to occured because of time travel, there is a chance it might not have been john. For instance, I got intense altervu's between 2013 and 2014, but it probably wasn't john... Probably government time travel.

Also, John's two (2) faxes have changed on this world line.
John Titor's FAXes to Art Bell
There was much less information in the faxes from what I remember. These faxes have substantially (about 40% more) information than the faxes from my original time line (or if you prefer - altervu).
Before I read your posts I forgot the biggest one of all....Where's the departure video?
John had promised that to me personally
and I so wanted to see it with all my heart
I waited with great anticipation.
Then nothing came and I saw Larry Haber
Saying on an interview that he saw the departure video. That had to be the most hurtful thing ever. I actually broke down and cried. I was so grieved and then mad and then grieved again.
PAMELA: After all this time, what questions bother you the most? If you had the opportunity now for a good uninterrupted conversation w/the John you knew, do you think you'd walk away with more or less understanding? Also, do you think anyone else is consciously aware of a similar experience?

I think it's cool you were contacted again thru "Kay". Is she going to be able to post here again? Guess I don't understand the reason for a public msg.

Thanks for sharing parts of your version of events over the yrs. Unlike some ppl, not only have I been fascinated by the scientific possibilities, but the human aspect as well.

Oh yes I would definetly have more peace and understanding after talking to him!!

I kind of wish he would post on here as well for you guys but iam not sure if he can.
A lot of people followed him over the years that have questions as well.

I think it would be nice for one of them to answer the questions you have posted here for them. It wasn't just me that saved his posts and kept the conversation going but all of you as well. You may have your opportunity because I will tell you they are thinking other Johns may come.

I guess for me most of mine would be personal. I would want to know about the songs for sure. I would want to know if the altervu es had to do with him or something else entirely. I would want to know what I missed or he knew I missed talking to the other Johns. I would want to know about him if he is happy if he has a family etc.
I would ask him about the email experiment and also what he said the scientists in his time was working on and if he knew anymore about that or not.

I would want to know what he thought was going to happen in our future.

I want to ask him about another time traveler I met that was suppose to be part of his team i would show him his picture and tell him what happened to tgat guy. I would ask him about a couple of other people. I would show him a picture of some thing I cant say and ask him if it was true . Sometimes when different people contacted me I would ask him about them.

I would tell him I sent the papers he wanted to the person he wanted me to send them to and ask why there was no response like he said he expected.
I would share with him all the scientist I shared with. And what Cern wrote to me.

I would show him the label I was sent and all the other stuff I was sent and talk to him about it. I would show him the book I was sent and ask him who he thought wrote in it.

I would share some other stuff I can't even mention on here and ask his opinion on it.

I would like to know what John I am talking
To now and what he knew he wrote to me and what he remembers of me.

I would ask him tons of time travel questions and show him what I sent Steven hawking.

I would ask if I could see his machine and touch it.

I know there is hundreds of more questions
I would want to know but it would go on and on. Mostly just what I was involved in what he knew about me from other lines. If he knew me from before 1999. How the time lines actually work. How the spirit is involved in different time lines. What about the faxes...Etc etc. I actually need to ask questions have them answered. See if he has any questions for me. Show him a few things. Have a few things explained in detail.
Just seeing him for a little while and even having a few things answered would help.

See how long this is? And I made it as short as I could.

But I wish he would post for you guys also.
There are alot of questions to be answered.

I do have a theory that may be somewhat interesting regarding timelines. It'd be interesting to run it by John to see how accurate it is.

There are some things that are "Time Locked" and somethings that aren't. What I mean is that some events are predestined and cannot be changed. However the same event cannot occur on every worldline, as it would be physically impossible. Causality plays a big role here, if one is supposed to do something but attempt to perform another action that would prevent it from happening then the action would be prevented by some measure from happening. I've actually observed this first person. I know of a future event and at the time I didn't know who it related to, but anyway every time I attempted to become friends with the person, causality seemed to prevent it. For instance the buses were late, they were sick, etc. I now know the event relates to someone I haven't met yet, but may meet them on October 1st.

It could be a case of some force forcing events to happen for a particular reason, such as a convergence event, which would make my theory similar to the "Attractor field" theroy mentioned in Stiens;Gate. However I don't believe that a time machine could be limited by the convergence events, since in nature it would operate outside the limitations of the worldline. That said, its possible that convergence/divergence events cannot be changed so that the only way to change events is to find a particular point in history where the event is not timelocked. Off the top of my head there are two divergence points that are nearby. January 1st 2000 (Probably no Time lock) and September 11, 2001 (Time Locked). That said, I imagine that in order to escape our convergence field (Alpha), we would need to utilize divergence points much further back than that. Possibly as far back as a one and a half thousand years!

In order to properly visualize worldlines, you have to have 3 or more dimensions. 1 axis is time, another is one type of divergence and the other is another type of divergence. The main type of divergence would be the level of control I'm guessing. In terms of divergence I would assume that there would be ~50% from each side of the "Central Worldline", but I could be wrong and it could be 100% either side. On one side would be anarchy (Less government control to no government at all) and the other side totalitarianism. In theory the central world line should be a utopia of sorts. If you think about it, it'd be something like this:

Anarchy - Utopia - Totalitarianism

I mentioned another type of divergence, and it is also quite important. It refers to the method used in the world line. I.e, how did the worldline get to this point. You can have a similar end result but get there in much different ways. However I suspect that if one diverges too much on this axis then the world itself will start appearing quite weird, like stuff stretched out in relation to our worldline, or technology missing. (Like concrete) An example of this type of divergence is if HAARP was created during the cold war. Both powers would try to mess with each other's weather and end up completely destroying the world's weather systems and making it so that there are constantly sudden electro static discharges in the atmosphere. (Similar fashion to the ones in a movie called "the core") Not exactly sure if there is a particular pattern but I think it would be safe to assume that its:

(- Tech) - (Same tech) - (+ Tech)

As for the soul, I do have a theory on that but have no real hard evidence to back it up (Yet). I sometimes wonder if being able to remember alternate world lines has something to do with time travel itself. Specifically if one is to become a time traveler or is influenced by one, then they will remember events that they shouldn't. For instance, I remember meeting my future self when I was young but he has never been to this timeline. (The event never actually happened here in other words) Also, I do have memories of events that can only be explained if time travel is involved.

Hopefully this theory isn't too long and complicated... XD

I'm sure John will see this post because Kay posted in it. So chances are he will read this.

I dont know why some things would be time locked and not others. But I guess it's possible. I do believe in God and perhaps some things are just suppose to happen certain ways.

You sound very knowledgeable. Are you a scientist? Hmmm you may be someone John would recruit. Your polite, knowledgeable and kind . I like reading your posts they are very interesting.
Before I read your posts I forgot the biggest one of all....Where's the departure video?
John had promised that to me personally
and I so wanted to see it with all my heart
I waited with great anticipation.
Then nothing came and I saw Larry Haber
Saying on an interview that he saw the departure video. That had to be the most hurtful thing ever. I actually broke down and cried. I was so grieved and then mad and then grieved again.

I really feel for you Pamela. Your whole life seems to have been effected more by John than anyone else who has ever (openly) posted on forums. I truly hope that John cares for you as much as you do for him. If life were fair (which it is not), you should be gifted with a wonderful special future - simply because of your devotion to John and the genuineness of your postings. You have never wavered in your support for him.
PARADOX: Making any game that is marketable takes a huge amount of production money. So many of us designers ended up working on other ppls projects (never our own). I did level design, texture-mapping and contributed to art bibles. If you're serious, try working within the mobile gaming engine. Most gamers no longer have time to dedicate to console or PC sagas. I worked on Maya and 3D StudioMax back in the day.

PAMELA: As usual, your post has piqued my interest, thanks. My question was if you think anybody else has similar time traveler encounter experiences? Indicating, the possibility some may have - but just not have a conscious memory of it like youve retained. I'm sure your recollections stay at the forefront of your thoughts, right? Kinda like alien encounters where ppl tend to forget what happened (or their memory is scrubbed). In other words, do you think you were truly meant to remember John in this verse? The fact that you do opens new possibilities. I'm sure Kay has her share of "wtf" moments too.

(But everyone else remembers him here also. The part that is weird to me is when I first met him I felt as if I knew him. You know like when you meet people and you feel like you knew them forever? It was very strong like this. I instantly liked him and was interested in him the more he talked to me the more I felt like I knew him. I even asked if I did.)

Do you ever feel he is communicating to you in ways beyond conventional means?

(You mean like psychically? I did have alot of dreams about him when he was here. But you do kind of dream of things your mind is fixated on)

For your sake, I hope the day will come in this lifetime when you will find all your answers. If not, do you believe it could take multiple lifetimes/verses to finally accomplish your involvement/purpose in his mission? Or have you ever felt that you had one (a reason for a connection to John)?

(I honestly do not know)

PARADOX mentioned something abt spirituality. Do you think that is involved in any way?

Well John said his scientist were discussing things like premonitions and dejavue being some people can possibly pick up on what's going on in a close dimension tgat is slightly delayed or advanced behind the one their in. Can't remember the exact words he said.
I always thought that might he spiritual.
And is your spirit in all dimensions at once??? Lots of questions there.)
* I do appreciate your openness.
Merging Timelines: I would like to ask John about the "Mandela Effect." Hopefully you all know what this is? Somewhere (best guess) between April and June of this year, a "Mandela Effect" took place in my world line. The "Mandela Effect" that occurred included two (2) very obvious and distinct events. One was related to the JFK assassination. I distinctly remember a four (4) seat car / not six (6). Another was "Andrew D. Basiago" was dead last year, and then was Alive when I googled him in May. I was shocked about these events and trying to figure out what could have caused events to have changed on my world line. So, I want to ask John what date he arrived on this world line and ascertain if his arrival coincides with the "Mandela Effect" that I have experienced.

I heard of these Mandela effects but haven't really got into reading about them.
Before I read your posts I forgot the biggest one of all....Where's the departure video?
John had promised that to me personally
and I so wanted to see it with all my heart
I waited with great anticipation.
Then nothing came and I saw Larry Haber
Saying on an interview that he saw the departure video. That had to be the most hurtful thing ever. I actually broke down and cried. I was so grieved and then mad and then grieved again.

I really feel for you Pamela. Your whole life seems to have been effected more by John than anyone else who has ever (openly) posted on forums. I truly hope that John cares for you as much as you do for him. If life were fair (which it is not), you should be gifted with a wonderful special future - simply because of your devotion to John and the genuineness of your postings. You have never wavered in your support for him.

That's like the kindest thing anyone has ever said to me on a forum before. Thank you.
Sorry got to go bed. Iam really tired I hope I didn't miss any of your questions. If so just point it out and I'll try to answer it tomorriw.
Merging Timelines: I would like to ask John about the "Mandela Effect." Hopefully you all know what this is? Somewhere (best guess) between April and June of this year, a "Mandela Effect" took place in my world line. The "Mandela Effect" that occurred included two (2) very obvious and distinct events. One was related to the JFK assassination. I distinctly remember a four (4) seat car / not six (6). Another was "Andrew D. Basiago" was dead last year, and then was Alive when I googled him in May. I was shocked about these events and trying to figure out what could have caused events to have changed on my world line. So, I want to ask John what date he arrived on this world line and ascertain if his arrival coincides with the "Mandela Effect" that I have experienced.

I heard of these Mandela effects but haven't really got into reading about them.
You should google "Mandela Effect." From time to time over the last 15 years my time line (altervu) has changed. When I first started doing research (2012) it occurred to me that maybe the time slips (altervu's) coincided with the times that John was supposed to visit 177 Tempus Edax Rerum - Good Luck, John. The John Titor Foundation. It might all just be coincidence. However, I have (currently) been researching the (above quoted) "Mandela Effect" that recently took place on my time line - Researching the two (2) faxes that John sent - Lo and Behold - This forum is discussing the possible return of John. This forum thread is (now) of great interest. Has the arrival of John at various times created these "Mandela Effects" (merging timelines / altervu's)?
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But do you trust Larry Haber - that he saw the alleged departure vid? It sometimes seems hard to believe if some parties are working for or against each other.

I'm glad they finally created a name for the Mandela Effect. For some reason, spirituality, past lives, consciousness, time travel, altered history, de ja'vu all seem related somehow. But it's one of those things I can't quite put my finger on. Im reluctant to claim I believe in anything I can't fully understand.

To even live in an age where all the answers may finally be possible is an amazing privilege. However, we are not the first to think so and may not be the last.

The John/Pamela situation is def one that challenges my mind to think outside the box. I also wonder how many others could be traveling & just not know it or remember. The fact she had the dream prior to him coming on the scene (and other things) almost makes me think they ripped a veil btwn dimensions.
