Keep smelling smoke!

Ok I have caught green orbs in my home since it started. Connection?View attachment 7204

IMHO -- I believe in spirits but I do not believe orbs are spirits unless you see them with your own eyes.
Digital cameras create these orbs as well as reflections, dust, insects, etc. Seeing one with your own eyes first is a different story.
It doesn't mean you don't have an entity, I just wouldn't put any faith in orbs.
IMHO -- I believe in spirits but I do not believe orbs are spirits unless you see them with your own eyes.
Digital cameras create these orbs as well as reflections, dust, insects, etc. Seeing one with your own eyes first is a different story.
It doesn't mean you don't have an entity, I just wouldn't put any faith in orbs.
But I did see it. Many many times. That's why I took the picture
White light is classic.

Sounds (to me) that it really could be your brother whom has (possibly) returned as some sort of guardian spirit.

To make amends with the past.

Sounds crazy... I know but,
this wouldn't be the first time this has happened for someone.

Try talking to him...
Don't show fear...


Watch for little white/bluish lights or sparks. I have come to know that these are indicatives of having some very good and positive beings nearby.

Never ask anything of a ouija board or other communication device meant to talk to spirits, this is totally asking for trouble.(!!)


I truly think in bringing up your have (possibly) answered your own question.

The cool thing is that I'm Not Afraid. Not in the least. I grew up with the ability of seeing ghosts. And have on many occasions. So they don't bother me. The only thing I don't like is the cigarette smell. LOL. I'm torn with trying to communicate because I was brought up that Christians don't do that. but I could never understand why I would be giving an ability that I couldn't use. But I've always been a supernatural magnet. Maybe because I died as a child and had to be resuscitated? I don't know. But I will definitely watch for the other signs you mentioned as well. What is odd is for probably over a year since the orb's started that I see the numbers 1111 everywhere period all the time. Every day. I've been told that that could mean an angel or an Angelic spirit is trying to communicate. I wonder if these are tied?
The cool thing is that I'm Not Afraid. Not in the least. I grew up with the ability of seeing ghosts. And have on many occasions. So they don't bother me. The only thing I don't like is the cigarette smell. LOL. I'm torn with trying to communicate because I was brought up that Christians don't do that. but I could never understand why I would be giving an ability that I couldn't use. But I've always been a supernatural magnet. Maybe because I died as a child and had to be resuscitated? I don't know. But I will definitely watch for the other signs you mentioned as well. What is odd is for probably over a year since the orb's started that I see the numbers 1111 everywhere period all the time. Every day. I've been told that that could mean an angel or an Angelic spirit is trying to communicate. I wonder if these are tied?

I am Christian, in my humble belief it isn't a big deal to have an ability that others do not, it's more a responsibility than anything.

I have gifted senses as well that is, in my belief and Faith, were gifts from God.

I have told my story(s) here about my younger life and the attacks I and my family {and others} suffered.

In a nutshell...if the very worst of the spiritual then does the very BEST! :)

It isn't a sin to use your gift(s).

I am happy to help where I can and refer to other people when I cannot when helping people with 'unbelievable circumstance.' is one.

Her students helped me where others could not back in the day.

I hope life finds you well Wanda...and that you have a good handle on this 'heavy smoker' situation.

The Holy Spirit exists.
Not to be a debunker, as I 100% believe in the paranormal. (And judging by your picture, something is obviously going on.) However, could it be that the previous tenants were smokers? Cigarette smoke is quite oily, during hot / humid days the oil which settled decades ago can become flagrant once again. But I wouldn't think it'd be as flagrant to "punch" you in the nose.
Not to be a debunker, as I 100% believe in the paranormal. (And judging by your picture, something is obviously going on.) However, could it be that the previous tenants were smokers? Cigarette smoke is quite oily, during hot / humid days the oil which settled decades ago can become flagrant once again. But I wouldn't think it'd be as flagrant to "punch" you in the nose.
Thanks. This began heavily in our frigid winter tho. But I appreciate the suggestion
I also see that you're the only one that smells it. (Missed that originally.) Have you brought anything new into the home? Do you have any loved ones that have passed that were heavy smokers?
Hey @wanda could you put your NDE up ? I do phone interviews on occasion with experiencers, if this interests you let me know. I'm on the Para discord often as well.

It is very common for people who have had a NDE to have almost regular paranormal occurrences afterwards (particularly in childhood). I've also found that many who have had NDE's and then paranormal experiences after lose the fear component of ghosts/orbs/entities , etc.

Have you ever had a "download experience" where you felt you were being given information telepathically ? Not just flashing pictures, but something you felt was extremely meaningful to you, your future, or the universe?

Much love to All
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Wow I thought that I was the only one. I smell random smoky smells, mainly woodsmoke but sometimes cigarette. Nobody in my house smokes. It can happen anywhere.
