Keto/Atkins/Low Carb

I stopped tracking. I am going to stick with atkins/low carb style, but only eat when hungry (not because some book says I have to eat X amount every day), and will get blood work done next week. Will discuss with my doctor on Monday.
The truth is, almost none of us "do enough". We have bodies evolved to survive in the paleolithic. Take a few minutes to envision what life in the paleolithic entailed, and how much physical exertion was required. Even the women, though they didn't typically go out and hunt/forage/fight with the men, had to carry their kit and supplies for miles and miles during the days they were migrating (which was probably half the year). They had to erect the shelters, etc. The human female is technically evolved to march a solid ten to fifteen miles per day bearing a substantial load. This is a level of physical exertion that we today would associate with an all-male infantry, carrying 100lbs plus on marches across difficult terrain for ten miles or more, at a fast step.

Even in the medieval period, if you look at old engravings and illustrations of common life, women were out in the fields working all day long. The men had to work the landlord's fields. The women worked the fields set aside for the peasants to produce their own food.

It's not personal. Probably none of us on this forum work that hard, and many of us have psychological governors in our brains telling us we hit some kind of limit in physical effort that is an extremely low threshold.
I believe current doctoral information is the best you can hope for Paula.

Some of us do work our hinnies off even today. Doing heavy yard work on Independence day isn't what most others consider a joy. I do. I consider it a blessing.

Leave the recommendations to her doctor.



Love you! Lay off. With peace and love.

A friend and lover. Not a hater.

(Men of today's world have no clue how hard real women work to men happy. Ease up. Everyone is doing the best they can).
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(Men of today's world have no clue how hard real women work to men happy. Ease up. Everyone is doing the best they can).

Seriously. I have been literally building bridges and moving large branches & it's still not good enough for this guy. I'm going to ignore him because as I've said, thousands lose hundreds of pounds from diet and walking AND I AM working hard. I am not going to let someone tell me otherwise. I don't have to prove anything to him or anybody. I'm not letting some stranger diminish my efforts. I've accomplished A LOT.

So, we shall move on and ignore the irrational.

Flax muffin and egg for breakfast. <--- hey, helps me not gain. THAT is also an accomplishment.

AND I'm told I look great now. I don't look like a fatty. Just a little chubby.... nothing disgusting any more.... smaller clothing sizes...

Just need some more off for health!
I believe current doctoral information is the best you can hope for Paula.

I do take thyroid medication and my blood work is due. Maybe it's low again.

Some of us do work our hinnies off even today. Doing heavy yard work on Independence day isn't what most others consider a joy. I do. I consider it a blessing.

All movement counts. Any time we aren't sitting here typing (LOL!) is a good thing for health. Walking, cleaning, dancing, moving....
never let anyone tell you otherwise. Weight Watchers taught me that. And I lost 50 pounds following that concept. So.... I guess
I was doing enough!

Don't let a stranger tell you that your hard work is "bull shit".
I wasn't aware this was feelings-based thread not connected to actual reality. Carry on.

You call peoples' accomplishments "bullshit". I lost 50 pounds. I didn't bench press. You make blanket statements based on ego.
Hundreds of people lose weight without going to a gym. People burn calories walking. None of it is "bullshit".
Well guys, something is changing because I'm going down another shorts size even though my weight is exactly the same.

So, I'm sticking with this longer. Still discussing everything with the doc on Monday as well.
