Know of any novel treatment for depression?

going to church everyday and having the eucharist really cured my depression.
it's seriously like prozac.

need an authentic church with a decent priest tho...otherwise doesn't work
They're having good results with psilocybin, believe it or not.
Not recommending self-treatment though.

You DID say "novel" treatment. Psilocybin appears to prevent depression for extended periods - like months or even years - without constantly using it.

Hi I suffer from recurring bouts of depression, it's been pretty bad this year because of the covid crisis and lost of friends. Not being able to tread the boards or be able to work fully also hasn't helped. I've tried numerous things over the years and all you get off the doctors is sertraline or some other antidepressant. Anyone know of any alternative perhaps even novel treatment for depression.
Grieving depression is part of the loss experience. The depression from this time allows you to sort out what a person meant to you when they were with you. So feeling a little down is actually a normal process. So you really don't want to put on the clown's outfit skip down the street, squirting people in the face with water from a plastic daisy on your ruffled collar.

A good way to manage depression is to first access your situation and environment. Can anything be done with that, or is this just rough water on the ocean or lake that I must sail through?

*This part of what I'm going to tell you sounds funny, but believe it or not, does help, if you know the exact cause of what's making you depressed. How covid 19 started out, was in 2013 as a proposed international stock funded sign-on for a proto-vaccine to treat both SARS and MERS viruses. This all started in another country, was transferred to the Americas noted in 2015 and then finally stopped as a place to be finished in 2019 in Wuhan China at a place known as the WIV level four containment building.

You see the Illuminati may have started this project thinking that it would only eliminate the aged and infirmed, but the people at the end of the project apparently were insane. What the infamous Chinese based bat lady had encouraged, is both a form of rabies and HIV be added to the final proto-vaccine.

What finally occurred was an electrical main power box failure and the virus escaped. This is now a very advanced super virus, but because it's a freak of nature, eventually it may fall apart. Just knowing that part, should alleviate some of the fear, which translates into a protective depression, but should only lighten your spirits a little.

If you go getting on a bunch of antidepressants, that's sometimes a worse situation than when you started. Depression is kind of like one of nature's sedatives, which slows one down a bit, so their more gauging to the situation their in. There's other perks like sex and such, happy puppies and all that, but if you can manage the sailboat that you're in now, in the conditions that your in by understanding, that's a big big advantage.
going to church everyday and having the eucharist really cured my depression.
it's seriously like prozac.

need an authentic church with a decent priest tho...otherwise doesn't work

If that works for ya, personally wouldnt set foot in a church unless handcuffed and dragged.

Those days of going are over.
They're having good results with psilocybin, believe it or not.
Not recommending self-treatment though.

You DID say "novel" treatment. Psilocybin appears to prevent depression for extended periods - like months or even years - without constantly using it.


That's interesting, where did you see this, Harte ?

I have heard of studies utilizing marijuana for the treatment of depression (and anxiety), never Psilocybin.

If that works for ya, personally wouldnt set foot in a church unless handcuffed and dragged.

Those days of going are over.
On the issue of going to Churchie-poo. I won't attempt to steer this, or touch it with a stick from a distance, but the element of having faith is vitally important.
