Leaked Footage From Roswell Crash And 'skinny Bob' Alien That Survived: Real Or Fake?


Senior Member
(I don't know if this has been posted on this Forum before, but here it is...)

The second half of the film footage shows a supposedly real extraterrestrial. I had seen this a few months ago, but now this longer version is available. It's very compelling film, and does look authentic.

Couple of things that made me skeptical are minor and could be explained away, but...they are:

1) According to the eye witness accounts that I've read about the Greys, they wear a uniform that is tight and form fitting, so much that it looks like their skin...but this alien's outfit is very lose fitting, clearly earthly material, and has a 'turtle-neck' collar. (A 'could be' explanation: Maybe he's wearing a suit made by our government after being taken in captivity. Maybe his skin-tight suit was damaged in a crash.)

2) To my recollection, Greys are not supposed to have noses...eye witness accounts say they have 'slits' where the nose should be. I'd have to thoroughly research this subject again to be positive about that though. (Possible explanation could be that Greys are some type of androids or 'workers' that have evolved.) Same could be said for the mouth. It seems to be more than described by witnesses, who said they have slits for mouth. Also, compare this to drawings made by Sketch Artists from eyewitness accounts.

Other than that, this alien footage looks very real. Does anyone have any information on this, pro or against?


Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
Interesting. Does this have anything to do with Roswell or is this another one? The fellow at the end looks pretty feeble but that doesn't necessarily mean anything (looks can be deceiving).
On the other hand, it's not really difficult to fake such a video using "Old-movie" effects, shutter sound, etc.
But as always, who really knows.


After watching the video, I checked some others from the panorama below.
One in particular had an alien captured in S. America.
The way the eyes blinked, looked very natural and real.
Until I see more in this area, it all remains an interesting possibility.

Sam, differences may only be due to being from different origins.
In all the possible parallel earthbound worldlines, I'm sure many different species would have attained intelligence.
Out of those, more than one could have developed the tech to make sideways in time (ST) travel possible.
I do feel that the design for the THEORETICAL time machine in the patent APPLICATION could be modified for ST by the addition of a third singularity. More on that later.

Don't you love trying to be PC?


New Member
I'm not a sceptic at all,but I don't think the goverment would let any video to leak out(IF there is an alien cover-up conspiracy)


Senior Member
I'm not a sceptic at all,but I don't think the goverment would let any video to leak out(IF there is an alien cover-up conspiracy)

There are many people who witnessed evidence from Roswell and told about it decades later. Those who kept quiet only did so because they were threatened with their lives and families. Disclosure has been taking place since the 1990's, and many former Military personnel have come forward with information, some anonymously. It wouldn't surprise me if this was leaked footage. There is most assuredly an alien cover-up by US government. There is tons of research information out there if one is willing to spend the time investigating. :)

Luke Pfaff

New Member
The thing is, that symbol in the beginning is the KGB emblem, which is Russian. So even if this film is authentic, it isn't from Roswell unless for some reason the Soviet Union had a document of it.

It does look authentic due to it's aged, grainy quality but I feel like I've seen some of those film clips in my Destroy all Humans! game for Playstation 2. I know it's also possible to make film look like that with modern video editing programs, but I'm not denying that this has a good chance of being authentic. I just feel like there is so much about the Roswell incident that isn't being released and is obviously not accsessible over the internet and Youtube.
The Roswell crash was definitely real. Alot of people are skeptical of other life in the universe. But this is not the first signs that life is beyond our world. The pilot that crash in to the ufo died on impact so could not tell what he saw. But they are not building planes or running covert military operations there. But they have there personel flew in by private plane and exit the same which i find odd. They also have military that guards the base 24/7 and will shoot trespassers on site. So ask yourself what do they have to hide? Tons if you ask me. There have been tons of personel that have retired and came out on various documentaries of Roswell and told of the death threats made against them if they spoke of the incident. I have watched just about everything there is on Roswell. I firmly believe that the government never intends to let the american people know what there discovery was. It definitely was not a weather balloon that is for sure. The truth will never come out unless the government is exposed and have no choice.


Senior Member
The U.S. government knows all about extraterrestrials and has contact with them on secret underground bases. Our gov't has been back-engineering crashed saucers ever since Roswell. U.S. gov't will never reveal what they know. Millions of people around the world are victims of alien abductions, and the government knows full well what's happening, because President Eisenhower in 1954 signed a treaty giving permission to do it, but the number of abductees agreed upon went waaay over the limit. Aliens have been hybriding with humans since at least the 1950's. It's an evil thing, more like rape and stolen fetuses. I have studied this subject extensively and keep up on the lastest information available periodically. The gov't will never confess, because if they did, the victims would rise up in a civil war.
What is sad about the situation there are no places for someone who has been abducted or even a hybrid to go. No where to turn really. I know more than i will say on this subject because it causes such a big debate. But I have met and helped people who have had alien experiences. I personally have had sightings of ufos since age 5 is the first i remember seeing. But it has followed me all the way into adult life. I still see them often. But i wish that the government would help the situation instead of using people not from this world as lab rats. Then they wonder why other life forms might be angry and it might cause an uprising. If my family had unheard of things done to them without permission i would be upset too. So many think that other life forms mean us harm and that is so not the case. There are a few races that aren't good just like human good and bad in all races. But most that i have encountered even people with experiences had nothing bad to say about what or who they encountered. Vamp1r3goddess


Senior Member
Recommended reading: "The Threat" by Dr. David M. Jacobs. I don't feel any sympathy for the Greys (or Reptilians), and I regard both as extremely dangerous. I do feel sad for the docile hybrids, but many are not.

There is only one way that I know of to stop abductions. Well, it worked for me and for others that I spoke with or read about on the subject. At the beginning of an attempted abduction, when you hear that horrible noise that causes paralysis, and you can see or sense those little Grey buggars approaching...try to say or 'think' the word "Jesus". As soon as you think, or say the word, that will break a person free from the paralysis. Anyway, it worked for me every time.
