Let the crackdown begin....

Re: Let the crackdown begin....

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Crosstika\")</div>
lot o' negativity on this board man...[/b]

Brought on by you Cross. I'll keep my mouth shut. Not my thread to mod. But we are watching you. Just FYI.
Re: Let the crackdown begin....

well before this turns into a bloodfest ... just whom are they "rounding up" and why ? if it is felons running from the law then ...it is about time... but that also is a double edge sword...in this political climate;there are a number of unjustified arrest... so if its an honest "by the law" not the regular paranoid bush & co. then yes they should be doing their job. i haven't made it to the artical yet... but,if its the afore mentioned then ....yes there is cause for concern; haveing said that , theres little at the present"time" if you will, that we will do about it....
Re: Let the crackdown begin....

Excuse me for a second here.

But Ashcroft upgraded the Justice? Are you kidding me?

Ascrofts sense of justice is throwing someone into a FEMA Camp. He spoke HIGHLY of them, and wanted them in operation. Though, they are not 'used' yet, they will be used in the near future. Guantanamo Bay cannot hold everyone you know, and Civil Disobedience will most likely be on the rise with every Right taken away.

And the Government is doing its job well? I beg to differ, the Attorney General should not be annoucing something that the US Marshalls should be. We had a Deputy US Marshall come to our school, maybe two months ago, maybe more. Relavance is, that they take their work seriously, very seriously.

Whether or not the Dragnet was succesful, and whom they took in is besides the fact. If they were all Dissenters, then I would be raising an eyebrow, however I don't think any of us know their political views, nor where they are placed on the political spectrum.

If the United States Government wants to round up a bunch of Criminals, let them. Until they start imposing the Patriot Act on innocent victims, which they're beginning too, thats when the Dragnet of Dissenters will be.

Personally, I think that the US Marshalls should be working on returning illegal immigrants, instead of this. We will be over-run soon, if we do not do something, they just come in freely. I believe its Texas that is having extreme problems, as well as New Mexico and a few others. Why isn't there a Dragnet seeking Illegal Immigrants?

And as far as my hope for the Justice Deparment, until they repeal the PA, I will not, ever put faith in them.
Re: Let the crackdown begin....

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Crosstika\")</div>
Also I'm no psychic, but I'd be willin' to bet not all those people were guilty. Call me crazy

Nah, they were all guilty cause we all our didnt you know that!

Re: Let the crackdown begin....

well put pyro99; i agree, i hate the patroit acts l and ll ,they are the keystones to the next civil war, you better belive they have and are building deterrnent camps ... have you noticed how the new football stadiums are being built?? how very proud i am that some of the youth of this country are thinking.....i was worried
Re: Let the crackdown begin....

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"lucidus\")</div>
Beeep! Violation of Godwin's law, you lose.


The law states that:
As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one. There is a tradition in many Usenet newsgroups that once such a comparison is made, the thread is over, and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever argument was in progress. In addition, whoever points out that Godwin's law applies to the thread is also considered to have \"lost\" the battle, as it is considered poor form to invoke the law explicitly.

Thank you, Lucidus, for sacrificing yourself in the argument.

