Let the crackdown begin....

Re: Let the crackdown begin....

Also I'm no psychic, but I'd be willin' to bet not all those people were guilty. Call me crazy

Isn't that why some of them are being held for trial. Kinda what trials are for. Its hard to convict anyone without arresting them first.
Re: Let the crackdown begin....

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
Is it me or is Swastika trying to experiment with Hara Kiri again?[/b]

Crasstika is exhibiting his disdain for logical argument. First, you throw a bomb, then you change the subject.

Granting the ridiculous assertion that the Geneva Conventions are to be applied to law enforcement, I still say that I see no violation of the Geneva Conventions in the above-posted article.

Crasstika's only response to this is that a slow news day is a good thing.

Re: Let the crackdown begin....

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Harte\")</div>
Thank you, Lucidus, for sacrificing yourself in the argument.


No problem. And I apologize to the rest of the forum for my poor form in invoking Godwin's Law, but I just feel like Crosstika invokes the NAZI analogy a little too often.
Re: Let the crackdown begin....

You got that too? Perhaps in his last life he was a SS Obengrupenfurer and still feels bad about it?
Re: Let the crackdown begin....

Let's do some math here....

1,613 are accused or convicted of murder, armed robbery, rape or sexual assault, gang membership, or not registering as a sex offender

What the eff are the 8,727 being held for?
Re: Let the crackdown begin....

HAHA what a great job these thugs are perpetuating..
Wonder what kind of message and to whom they're trying to send it to..

Heinrich Gonzales admits to publicity stint

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- More than 10,000 fugitives from justice have been captured in a nationwide, weeklong dragnet involving federal, state and local authorities, said the U.S. Marshals Service, which led the effort.

Operation FALCON lasted from April 4 - 10 and marks the largest number of arrests ever recorded during a single operation.

Of priority: suspects wanted in homicides, sexual assaults, gang-related crimes, kidnappings, major drug offenses, and crimes against children and the elderly.

The operation captured 10,340 people, of whom 162 were wanted for murder, 638 had outstanding arrest warrants for armed robbery and 553 were wanted for rape or sexual assault.

Also captured were 106 unregistered sex offenders and 154 gang members.

"We will use all of our nation's law-enforcement resources to serve the people, to pursue justice, and to make our streets and nation safer," Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said.

More than 70 percent of those arrested had prior arrests for violent crimes, said Gonzales.

And some were considered especially dangerous. In one case, an armed man was found in a cave under a trap door in his kitchen floor, Gonzales said.

Other fugitives who were caught include operators of two methamphetamine labs and an illegal alcohol-producing still.

Officials acknowledge the decision to provide such a massive show of force at one time was expected to prompt publicity and help highlight the mission.

haha better watch out for them illegal alcohol producers....Damn fine job guys, the homeland is safer knowing jim bob is no longer capable of makin' moonshine. god bless america
