

light is odd.
it takes up space but has almost no mass.
if it had even a gram of mass it would destroy everything upon impact, due to its great speed.
it has only one fast as possible, and the only thing that can slow it down is gravity.
if we could harness gravity we could slow down light and it would be trippy as hell, lol.


What is light then? A particle, pure enegy, or both? :)


light makes people conceptualize reality wrong.
they think that objects are the color that they see. but really you are only seeing the light that reflects off of it.
close your eyes. instead of seeing objects as you understand them to be. realize that you cannot really know what it looks like, but see the understanding of what it actually is.


its made up of photons which are made up of quarks.(these are particles)energy such as electricity is made up of electrons(particles)
so all energy has particles, Numenorean7
you could harness light to make a thermal energy power.

i was wondering...what would happen if you get a two way mirror and make a ball then let light go in and be trapped inside of it. ? idk why i just thought of it? i think it would get hot...if it does could we use it as thermal energy?


This is a repost of a discussion I started with Ren. As it deals with the nature of light, I thought you may have an interest.

Still working on an overall summary. I think first it would be a good start to focus on some specific sections and concepts.

I chose this section because I had similar views on the nature of light before I read this.
Note: Quintessences below in [0060] are a Planck mass*. Sorry the formulas did not transfer.

Time Travel Patent Application sections 0057-0060

[0057] The Space-Time Lattice

[0058] The understanding of the true nature of space-time and how’ it is formulated in three dimensions of real space is crucial. To simply assume that space-time exists, and thence not to question the nature of that existence, denies a deeper understanding of the universe.

[0059] In order to understand the nature of space-lime itself, at the quantum level a further look at the nature light and the photon is necessary. Since Einstein’s description of light as a particle (the photon) and the description of the photoelectric effect, the standard picture of light as simply a wave can, no longer be applied. If light was to exist as a photon, it could not exist in one dimension, as ordinary waves do. It would need to be three dimensional, with the addition of time. Let us suppose, in this case, that a photon is a three dimensional helical ringlet of light, traveling in the x vector, and spinning around the x-axis. Conventionally this ringlet has a radius; r=Lambda/2 pie. The ringlet itself would he vibrating in the y and z vectors. The vectors x, y and z would represent the photon. The substance of which, would he traveling in the x direction and oscillating in the y and z vectors, which would represent oscillatory energy. This in turn would allow it to act as a wave, and create oscillatory electromagnetic fields.

[0060] It is important to re-examine space-time itself in this light, this would have one directional vector with two vector dimensions of energy, one of capacitance and one of electrical permeability, thus accounting for the well-known constants of free space, the permittivity of free space and the permeability of free space 4D respectively. The vector dimension of direction x, would be the direction of travel and those “quintessences” traveling in an outwardly direction would account for none other than the expansion of the universe.

Three of these quintessences would naturally constitute three dimensional visible space-time. These constituents of space-time would interact with the generations of the other vector dimensions reciprocally. Thus one quintessence would sweep out one vector of (Lambda sub zero) permeability and one vector of (mu sub zero) permeability, through which the other two quintessences could travel, and vice-verse, creating a three dimensional space-time lattice.

My Comments
In [0059] a photon is described as a three dimensional helical ringlet of light, traveling in the x vector, and spinning around the x-axis. The way I saw this was the photon is orbiting a Planck mass nucleus in the y and z vectors, perpendicular to the x vector line of travel. This would form the 3D helical nature of the photons as the pair travel at C velocity. The frequency/wavelength would be determined by the Planck mass size of the nucleus and the resultant change in the radius of the orbital. Viewed in a 2D frame, this would appear as a standard oscillating sine wave.

*Planck Mass - The Planck mass is not the elusive particle so often depicted, but it is the constituent part of each electron and neutrino. If the Planck mass is considered as a charged black hole, we find that the electron mass and charge are a natural corollary. The faster the rotation of the Planck mass the lower its measurable mass appears to be: at the speed of light we are left with a massless and chargeless particle that is identified with the neutrino and an extension in our world of such mass decrease is investigated. Finally, the interaction of the Planck charge with virtual particles present in the vacuum seems to yield the right charge for the d-quark and a negative fine structure constant seems to imply a speed faster than light. So the reason the Planck mass is large is the same as the statement of the "hierarchy problem"; why is gravity so much weaker than the quantum forces represented by Compton?
The Randall-Sundrum model gives one possible explanation: quantum forces are carried by open strings confined to a "brane" (our observable spacetime), while gravity is carried by closed strings that can move off the brane into a larger dimensional space called the "bulk", so we see less gravitons than we do quanta of standard model forces because some of the gravitons are outside our visible universe.
