Locating a Vortex for Physical Time Traveling


Junior Member
There maybe misspelling please try to ignore it if you can, when I am up tomorrow I will come and read this to check for misspellings and any words that make no sense!

Just the other day I was cleaning up both of my HDR’s, one with the amplifier knobs 0-10 and the other a newer model around 2004 that just has two silver potentiometers, no numbers and no cadeus coil. Somehow he placed copper foil for the inductions to take place in 2004. One thing I know for sure, it is probably one of the most resistant devices to get a ”stick”! I have a $6000.00 device and it practically runs on its own but there are two simple steps to get it running which one has to use the stick pad for the correct rates. I only had counted on just one hand where i couldn’t get a single stick to save my own life!

The HDR really puts me to work for tuning this HDR, not sure the reason behind it, and I am a pretty good dowser! Until I start using the HDR and the funny part even when you do get a “stick” it is not accurate and with myself, it takes me to years of the future and the past, I have no idea where I went and what year it was! When I would ask the people close to me, they look at you like you are clearly a nut!

HDRKID, when we talked on the phone around 2003 when he lived in Miami Florida, he told me, he would run his HDR for about 8-10 minutes and then be on his way to do things what he needed to do. He sat at a bus stop waiting for the bus. He was picked up by the bus, he sat down near the window looking at the stop and then a flash of bright light happened. It was late coming in. He told me that, had the bus been 2-3 minutes late in picking up those waiting in line, he would have been physically transporter to some unknown future or past.

My wife was always nervous when I used mine when I purchased it and it came a day before Thanksgiving around 2003. After, about one month of using it twice a day, then I had very strong out of body time travel! Then I would just pop out upon my body falling asleep. Meeting Steven Gibbs in another parallel world timeline. He had curly hair and a little chubby. One day, I was researching links about time travel and this guys picture popped up and it was the same guy I saw in some timeline past or future I don’t know but it was the same guy nonetheless!

It was easy knowing who he was, when he shook my hand and told me, Hi, I am Steven Gibbs! We met at a park somewhere in the USA. He showed up, to show me his new model HDR. Instead of knobs to turn and plates to rub, he embed just a 1/8th inch deep four crystals inlayed where the rub plate should be.

He tapped one and it sounded like sine wave of sound easy to the astral body. He handed to me, it was still in the briefcase I started to tap them randomly and it made such a screeching noise worse then using chalk on a chalk board when drawing on it and it screeches up our spines to the back of the neck!

He was upset with me, for doing it that way, he told me, these crystals are very sensitive you got to know what you are doing! He, shut the briefcase and turnaround and walked off about 4 yards away and disappeared. But to find the same guy on the Internet was one in a billion. I sent it to him, and he asked how I found it, I told him I was researching about time travel with Canadian partners of those experimenting with other instruments to breach into the Scalar Realm.

HDRkid, we spent a few hours on the phone and he took a picture in Miami in the suburbs and it showed he was driving into a translucent vortex! I was just beside myself. I lost that picture because back then my HP tower model all went to tits up lost all my information! But I can remember it like it was yesterday. He was nuts, because he would propel himself 2000 years in an unknown future (Parallel Timeline Jumping). Steven told me, he would only go 300 years in the past and future.

He told me, that his device is not the Naval Boat that was built with a ”cloaking” device to be invisible! He in his latter years (Steven), we would talk and he told me, “you know, I am getting old, and tired and he wished he had taught someone to build this device and to emboss upon the circuits a special thing he didn’t mention in the building of this process. He never told me in all those years what was the last step and without it, it just didn’t work! I was on with Steven Gibbs and Patrica Ress on Coast to Coast (C2C)…

I was talking about when I was transported right on the battlefield it was a Civil War! It had the cannons and long rifles with bayonets, people fighting and dying. I began to walk and everything went quiet and some of the fighters from the North dropped their rifles and rubbed their eyes in disbelief what they were seeing! I looked at what I might have been wearing, I had on me my jeans with holes at the knee cap etc. I did seem to be out of place! Then I seen a building and several people working very fast running in and out of this building.

I asked them, what are you doing! The guy told me, we came to this past, to collect a plastic sheets like and they needed this material to use in their world. Then I woke up later and couldn’t believe that I remembered every detail being in that parallel timeline. Steven Gibbs told me, he and Patricia were walking up a small grassy hill, they noticed at the bottom there was some kind of old car shows. They got closer and these old model T’s were in mint condition!

Patricia said, where are we or what year! Steven went into a bookstore and he picked up a book called “Ching” something or another. Steven asked the clerk, can I write a check and he put the date him and Patricia came from. She looked at the check and said, sir, it’s not 1980’s it is 1975! Both of them looked at each other and he changed the year and handed it over and she placed it into her register drawer!

Steven said, to me, I would love to see the expression when they try to cash it! It does go more into detail but my memory was not as good as it was since 2004 for details of the conversation. But he and Carl written in a book format about their trips (physical time traveling) not (just astral time traveling or having many OBE’s) like myself! In my opinion since it doesn’t work for some people and others it does and I for one am in that camp,

It appears to me, the magnets charge (somehow) your energetic chakra’s. Subtly at first! That’s when you will experience astral type time travel! When they get overpowered in this magnet pulse, one than can attract a rogue vortex, like Carl has done in the past (HRKID) alias along with with Steven Gibbs and a few others out there!

This machine was designed to energize your chakra’s and third eye and the crown and everything in between. It would be interesting to see after about one week, test myself using the BIO-WELL which uses Kirlian photography and a well made software program! I would place each of my digits one at a time into the boxand a weak electrical charge would zap my finger tip and one has to do all ten fingertips. Opening up the software will show a huge amount information pictorial, how your aura looks “Before and After”. Of course, you would do this before the energizing and after the energizing.

It will show your main chakra’s with circular ball with its appropriate color! It shows if the chakra or chakra’s are out of balance. They could be to far to the left or right horizontally or we hope we have all them in a perpendicular fashion straight up and down. Lastly, to keep this short it will graphically show if your charka or chakra’s are too big or too small!

This is just one of the 9 different ways to learn what is going on inside your energy bodies. I use this to test my Spooky2 transmitter and receiver units making sure we are producing “Scalar waves”! It is awesome! This tool is only recommended to those who take these experiments very seriously it could be no less, or it will be worthless to you! I live for this stuff! I owe myself to use the HDR 12 minutes with each use. Since I am retired for the past 10 years, I decided this week to, do a 12 minute run time every other hour until its time to go to sleep! Will it work better or not at all, I guess that is why I am doing it!

When I first got my SUPER HDR, I ran it every evening for 30 days! I would in between have two experiences each whole month! No matter that is all I could get out of it. When it did happen they were truly awesome. It was worth the wait! Being in my sunset years still sort of young, I need to perhaps speed up my progress! Soon I will have the SPooky2 Scalar and run those generators creating a full length, width and height a scalar field of immense proportion. My good friend beat me on getting his, he told me everything that happened using these generators.

This is what it is all about ! Opening a scalar vortex we just need now an instrument to fine tune the raw scalar field one is producing and yes, it is artificial approach but once open it can be manipulated! My friend has proven it to himself for 2 years. At the time, my money was in crypto and still in it, my wife takes care of all that! Damn good job too! With my SE-51000 I had bi-located into Area 51! Dumb luck actually, I wrote a program using the SE-5’s software.

I set all the conditions the (+)’s and the (-)’s meaning, each statement per line with a (+) was the things I wanted and needed. The (-)’s were the things I didn’t want to experiment! I had about 25 lines with statements such as; (-) No military, no civilians, no guards of any type. Then using the (+) see alien ship, (+) show me any sub levels that exist and can be enter into by elevator.

The SE-51000, will look at the (+) and (-) near the words and would neutralize the (-)’s statements and allow (+) to manifest! All in all, I had about 30 commands listed. Again, had no idea what it would or even if it could to allow me to travel to Groom Lake unescorted! I taken my holographic card and download the Time Travel protocol I designed for it to run. It took a couple of days to download my program on a holographic picture of the Scare Crow (My custom design).

I finished up and placed the card into my Remote SE-5 Broadcaster and ran it for 24/7 for two weeks, somedays I had forgotten I was even running it! That one day or afternoon I was walking around in the house and the next thing i was walking on a hot tarmac and I was facing a hangar with a faded out word printed across the underneath the hangars soffit, it read, “AREA 51”! I had to go quickly into the hangar the weather was hot and dry and melting my tennis shoes I was wearing. I looked around and there was absolutely no one, nada, I was all by myself.

Then is dawned on me, I thought to myself, wait a minute this SE-5 has transported me to what I wanted to see and experience and the people whether military, civilan , Men in Black etc. I didn’t want to run into! It has all came to pass! I want to end this right now! You can always go to my blog called, SUPERHDR and FRIENDS

I haven’t written updates as of lately due to this COVID crap and other issues a person has to challenge everyweek. I written my blog and it’s updates for almost 20+ years! HDRKID and Myself are becoming extinct. That is being kind to us. Sorry for the length of this article but I haven’t been around here, so many other things take up my time by evening I am wiped out!!

Keep the faith, those who own the HDR or are afraid to use such a device, not to worry, I am still here, after experiencing both astral time travel, physical time traveling and a host of other weird things I had experienced using this device. I thanked the professor for all our discussions for twenty or so years, if you don’t take his experiences to heart, you will miss the greatest opportunities using such a device. Until next time, if I have any results doing the HDR every hour for 12 minutes for 30 days starting tomorrow.


steven chiverton

Senior Member
hey scare crow what was that steven gibbs never told you or anyone that he did to the hdr circuit you mentioned it but didn't say what it was

He told me, that his device is not the Naval Boat that was built with a ”cloaking” device to be invisible! He in his latter years (Steven), we would talk and he told me, “you know, I am getting old, and tired and he wished he had taught someone to build this device and to emboss upon the circuits a special thing he didn’t mention in the building of this process. He never told me in all those years what was the last step and without it, it just didn’t work! I was on with Steven Gibbs and Patrica Ress on Coast to Coast (C2C)…

steven chiverton

Senior Member
during my frequency generator and pulsar circuit experiments the ac square wave form on my small dso150 scope was acting strange it was going forwards and backwards like a scalar wave ive seen the videos on scalar waves online so that was strange and even a signal rode over it and moves from left to right as shown in my youtube videos i suspected something unknown was interfering with the scalar wave like waveform at that certain frequency and spiking it as i put it and it happened during the tests, steven gibbs hdr runs off mains so its 60 hertz in America isn't it so what if you introduce another waveform over it making it i think a certain complex waveform maybe you get something


Temporal Engineer
during my frequency generator and pulsar circuit experiments the ac square wave form on my small dso150 scope was acting strange it was going forwards and backwards like a scalar wave ive seen the videos on scalar waves online so that was strange and even a signal rode over it and moves from left to right as shown in my youtube videos i suspected something unknown was interfering with the scalar wave like waveform at that certain frequency and spiking it as i put it and it happened during the tests, steven gibbs hdr runs off mains so its 60 hertz in America isn't it so what if you introduce another waveform over it making it i think a certain complex waveform maybe you get something

This could be caused by your scope. Does your scope automatically adjust its frequency display depending on frequency. If so look to see if that feature has an Auto/Manual switch. Set it to manual mode.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
i have manual adjust on the ds0 150 scope so the square waves are ok but act strangely maybe something out of the ordinary scope works fine measuring most waveforms so some act strangely if the scope was a problem id get the same thing most of the time so i suspect theres secrets we have yet to discover that isnt even listed online in fact i cannot find a big enough information on the various complex waveforms only a few but one video had a bunch in it i arsked where did he get that from no anserws yet , i use 9 volts battery for frequency generator so set the scope for ten volts thats close enough and adjust or set the other parts no problems so when the waveform is there it behaves strangely with some frequencies, i suspect theres more to it than what we can find out
