Logical debunking and hasty generalizations.


Active Member
hear hear everyone; I want to come and bring something of importance to the table here.

Now; he truth is a few years back; a friend of mine showed me a picture of the time traveling hipster that caught my attention into time travel.

Now; at this time; I was big on law of attraction and all that hoo hah garbage at that time. Things were very different mind you. Really different.

Now; when I first read the headline and saw the picture; I jumped into a frenzy and bought into it then and there and went. No way. Becsuse at this point: I saw the meaning past what was presented in my cartoons and the like at the time.

Now here's what I want you all to take into consideration and think to yourself about:

Can something like this that I generalize and displace about be logically debunked? Yes. Yes it can.

For example; if you look for pictures of people in the past with today's modern clothing; you'll notice and realize that these things did indeed exist in the past and were not available in the mainstream until a certain point in time.

So for instance; there probably was a fancy advanced space suit that existed in 5000 bc with whatever technology hey used then until time decayed it. So it is a generalization to say that things that didn't exist before never did.

History has shown these things can be debunked and that this indeed did get me into time travel; but it's hasty generalization at best.

And throw that in with law of attraction; you have an incredibly dangerous road and world ahead of you up ahead of you.

And with that said; this is something I want you to think about: as this too did indeed get me until it was logically debunked over time.

So relax: so far it doesn't seem like we have made any jumping a so far; but there are still speculations.

So whenever you see something don't get tricked. Think about it; and deduce whether it's safe or correct and then proceed. Research. Don't ask people to do it for you. Learn to do it yourself. In grad school you have to learn to do it on your own. Sucks but it's true.

Not like peole who come up with silly conclusions that something will happen when hey do x and y and fry themselves to death. It's all speculation and not processed thinking.

So a word of warning to people on here: hasty generalizations. I see why now people are desperate here because of this and honestly; it's best you all do some processing on your thinkng and beliefs before pushing towards anythjng in life. Words of wisdom for you all.


@tflofasho - Well spoken, and it makes a lot of sense. But I can't agree with you regarding that law of attraction bit. It is a tried-and-true experiment that like attracts like.

For instance, there was a man who sustained serious injuries from a plane crash. He ended up completely paralyzed in the hospital with not being able to breathe on his own, since his diaphragm was destroyed. And the doctor really stacked the odds against him, saying that he would remain like a "vegetable" for the rest of his life.

Well, he proved the doctor wrong by using the law of attraction through his determination that he would walk out of the hospital by Christmas. First, he was able to breathe on his own again and was removed from his respirator. Then, after eight months in the hospital, like he had imagined, he walked out of there on his own two feet.

So, aside from a little gray area, which there always is, I can say with a high degree of certainty that the law of attraction exists, and works all the time, and as long as you take action, you'll get, have, and/or become everything you ever dreamed of. Note: As is usually the case, things don't come to you automatically.

Edit: Snopes isn't a very reliable source. It lacks credibility because it is often wrong on various things, especially related to politics and history. It says that claims of Obama's Hawaii birth certificate being a forgery are false, when they are very likely true.


Active Member
This is why Academia and the truth has issues today. Truth is relative but facts aren't. That's usually why arguments always spawn up.

Besides, it's not always the case for LOA. magnets that have the same polarity repel each other. N and N and S and S are examples.

The same can be said with a helpless girl getting assaulted beause she was "too sexual" when she wasnt even thinking it. Opposites dont always attract either, so it depends.

Nonetheless thats an excellent rebuttle.

I'd like to go to 2008 to prevent my problems and ever losing my video games, anime, manga, vinyl and all that stuff that happened to me over the years and pushed on towards nursing and a good lucrative career before i became a complete jerk all over.


Senior Member
@tflofasho But what if you see on a 17th century painting, a guy holding an iPad with the name Apple written all over it? :eek:...
Could this maybe have come from Isaac Newton when an apple happened to fall on his head, and he proposed the universal law of gravitation? :whistle: :D
