🛡️ Debate Looking for Opinions on a Certain Author


Senior Member
SO as of late i have been reading alot into the UFO and Abduction subject, and one of the first books i came across was Messages By Stan Romanek, now after doing some research on it Stan has a fairly large support base but a equally large group who calls him bogus, i am very curious as to others opinions on the matter and there reasoning!
I haven't heard of this author before, but I just looked up his books and "Messages" looks fascinating. I'll try to get a copy from the library to read. I like to keep up on the best abduction accounts. Thanks, and I hope someone can help you find answers to your debate.

If nothing else the book is a great read, one of the few i actually finished in a few days cause i couldnt put it down. You can find the videos he has of Aliens visiting him also on youtube wich is a huge part of his Love/hate fan base

If nothing else the book is a great read, one of the few i actually finished in a few days cause i couldnt put it down. You can find the videos he has of Aliens visiting him also on youtube wich is a huge part of his Love/hate fan base

Could you post some of the videos on this thread? It would also contribute evidence for the debate. :)
Thanks for posting! I watched the first one with the alien in the window. Don't have a clue whether or not is real or fake, but it made me LOL, an alien peeping-Tom! :eek: I have to sign off now, but will definitely be back later to check these out. :)
I would have to say, based on the first video, he is either a fake (and not a very good one) or the luckiest man in the world. Imagine, setting up a camera and catching an alien on it in only 1 min 35 secs. Bovine Feces! Maybe when I have more time I can comment on the other videos but the result will probably be the same. More Bovine Feces.

On a side note BlastTyrant, are you Jorge Garcia, his look alike, or just using his pic for your avatar?
Welcome to Paranormalis.
