Debate Looking for Opinions on a Certain Author


Senior Member
Well according to his book he kept the camera set-up for weeks on end due to seein this little guy pop up occasionally, and he had just happened to set it up then and here he was. But ya it's defanitly a toss up. He claims to be a Star Child one of the few people choosen to spread the word of the visitors, i have read about them but have only came across 2 that claimed to be one, and one was revealed under deep hypnosis so lying is significantly harder if not impossible. He has Hypnosis sessions as well but none on public record.

And i actually had to google Jorge Garcia lol, that pic is me and it is a few years old i get called Zac brown more often now.


Senior Member
Danny: "His agent wanted $50,000 for the [alien] footage..."

If that was really an alien in his window, I don't think he would have an Agent trying to sell the footage to the highest bidder. :rolleyes:


Senior Member
Ya i see thats where his credability drops significantly, but i can see both sides also. If i had people raging on me constantly and wanting the stuff i have i would want some profit also, but at the same time he has showed his footage world wide so its not like its hard to get, he has been on Larry king live and countless news channels and interviews. And as far as i know he did all of that for free. He will take anyone to interview him if he has time for free but charges for his footage, and his footage has yet to be debunked. So i can see both sides of the coin. BUT with all the other abduction cases "betty and barney hill, communion" none of them have had half the publicity stan has, really with enough research anyone could fake a abduction. What needs to be done is a known Hypnotherapist not one of his choosing needs to sit down and put him under and see if its all real.
