Looking for someone who can discuss the theory of Multiverse! Thanks!

Rin Eran

Junior Member
:)This is one theory of time travel which I believed most. I believe it is connected to the words "fate, choice, and destiny." That every choice man has made creates a new parallel world. If time traveling would be possible via parallel worlds, how? Isn't there a theory about it? I cannot seem to connect it to other theories and I have a little knowledge about it. I wanted to know more. Thank you so much.;)
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I think that if time travel exists or is possible, it's most likely working with parallel world lines. It somewhat prevents paradoxes, right?

Do you believe that the future is already a 100% written, all of its the unimaginable, extreme possibilities are already in place and set?

Rin Eran

Junior Member
I think that if time travel exists or is possible, it's most likely working with parallel world lines. It somewhat prevents paradoxes, right?

Do you believe that the future is already a 100% written, all of its the unimaginable, extreme possibilities are already in place and set?
Yes. I believe it. There maybe different kinds of future already set depending on the choices you made in the present. There are time travel theories about time traveling through black holes and worm holes, traveling faster than speed of light, how about the parallel universe, how can one jump from one to another?


Maybe there are some kind of bridges between universes that can allow one to move from one to another.

The easiest way to consider at first would be astral travel, obviously. It's not dangerous and a few people can do it. But physically, that would be another story.

Rin Eran

Junior Member
If we can send our consciousness through time, is it also another form of time traveling using another scientific method? Maybe we are lacking some aspects to consider in some theories.
Maybe physical time travel is difficult in the first place, and sending our consciousness through time would be the answer.:D


:)This is one theory of time travel which I believed most. I believe it is connected to the words "fate, choice, and destiny." That every choice man has made creates a new parallel world. If time traveling would be possible via parallel worlds, how? Isn't there a theory about it? I cannot seem to connect it to other theories and I have a little knowledge about it. I wanted to know more. Thank you so much.;)

Yes, it's the Multiple Wordline Theory. This theory fixes the paradoxes and many scientists believe in this theory.


Senior Member
I don't think it's that simple. A different universe for every choice, or altering the same one each time like overwriting a hard drive? Anyway, that only covers part of it. Consciousness is the opposite (kind of) of entropy with time travel. If you smash some blocks together or hit billiard balls or let a building decay over time, you can deterministically predict how it will turn out, and that will be the end of it. You only get out of it what you put into it. Consciousness is what most people focus on, because it opens up the possibility of temporal feedback and altering things in illogical manners. It also wreaks havoc on the human mind. I'm not sure what your question is, but this rum sure is good. :D


:)This is one theory of time travel which I believed most. I believe it is connected to the words "fate, choice, and destiny." That every choice man has made creates a new parallel world. If time traveling would be possible via parallel worlds, how? Isn't there a theory about it? I cannot seem to connect it to other theories and I have a little knowledge about it. I wanted to know more. Thank you so much.;)

I too lean towards a multiverse/multidimensional reality. The implications of what this means and how it works cannot be proven or truly understood us that are grounded in set of 3D+time beliefs. So, I would like to share some of my personal opinions and beliefs in this area. Some of the this I wish to bring up could take some extended explanation to cover adequately. So please forgive me if much of what I say seems incomplete.

Reality is multidimensional. From a 4D+time perspective all possibilities (moment-points) exist simultaneously. Think of this similar to from our 3D+time perspective all possible physical locations exist simultaneously. Our being focused in a 3D+T reality ties us to the laws of the physical universe in which we experience time sequentially. Out of a near infinite set of future possibilities our individual beliefs, desires and actions increase the probabilities for some of these and collapse the probability wave function as we experience those that are actualized. The alternate choices do start a branch or alternate parallel timeline. So we end up with probable pasts, probable futures and alternate probabilities sideways in time. The timeline of our lives, from birth to death, is not a one straight line history. It is more like a probability cloud with what we remember being a set of core probabilities from our perspective. The alternate probable you(s) existing in parallels are just as real as you are. From their perspective you are the alternate probability to their reality.

I think I will stop here, although I seem to only have covered one aspect of the multiverse. If you are interested in this line of thought, the next topic should be simultaneous time. With probable pasts and futures existing simultaneously, the idea of reincarnation takes on a different meaning.
