Looking for the most recommended HDR or TT or ?? Schematics


Senior Member
I think you misread my post my friend. I believe in such things just am aware there’s a fair amount of designs out there that are insufficient and am looking for ones that are legit
Okay. Remember the HDR makes you bio-locate. I think that this just comes with the HDR as a feature. However there's a time limit that your supposed to come back and I think that this is twenty four hours. If you go over 24, then your stuck in that reality.

You can also use an HDR in a vehicle, if you couple it with a small Tesla coil. This gives you the envelope window, to jump backwards in time. Don't know about the future, he just mentioned the past. He went to the 1920s in a Ford Mustang.

Same guy also went laterally to another dimensional reality, that was a super-city very much like Tokyo. This one he just escaped by the skin of his teeth. He had a carry along battery pack with him and he was allowed to reset his HDR and get out just as the cops from this other reality were closing in one him.*This place has some kind of event detecting defense system, that would go off, as soon as a time traveler would appear.

Made friends with another fellow who used an HDR at Silberry Hill in the UK. That place has a real strong vortex that clicks on and off by itself and people see apparitions that are people hundreds of years old in their clothing styles. *The guards at Silberry don't like anybody with TT or jump gadgets walking around at that site.
