Lucky ones!


No and I hope it's never gonna happen! lol

Did it happen to you?


Junior Member
Num7 it did happen to me when I was 17years old. I was walking to my best friend house and some guy grab me from behind and throw me in his trunk and luckily I had a knife on me and pepper spray on me, he took me to a beach 1 hour away from my house and soon he open the trunk I spray him with the pepper spray and I ran to someone house and I called the cops. That whole time I was in the trunk I turned on my flash light on my phone and I saw all kind of crazy stuff like rope, duck tape, video camera, all types of knifes, and alot of different types of pills bottles, needles and I also saw pictures of other girls being tied up.
It was crazy because if I didn't had my pepper spray or knife I would of been dead by now, everything happened for a reason, thank god I survived that terrible experience:/


Senior Member
7,099 are a lucky one for sure. I think rapists, pedafiles, or abductors should be casterated...then they won't have the balls to repeat the crime. We also could work with other countries and drop them off on an island and they would be on their own, like the flick No Escape. They could then choose to play with themselves or other island inmates without harming the innocent.


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
Punishment for rapists and molesters (?) is a sick joke..Most get a slap on the wrist, they get to walk free after serving minimal time, and while they're in jail, they usually segregate them from the rest of prison population... I like your idea, Tn..Castrate the motherless fucks, leave them for the hardened inmates to play with...
