Man claims he can summon UFOs.


I know most of us believe in alien space craft, but we always have to scrutinize. The fakers ruin it for the legitimate cases. I still don't understand why we don't have crystal clear photos with today's technology. People are taking pictures of the surface of the moon, and we can't get a clear UFO shot?
I know phone zoom capabilities suck, and not everyone can afford a good camera, but someone out there has to be able to take a better shot.


Senior Member
I know most of us believe in alien space craft, but we always have to scrutinize. The fakers ruin it for the legitimate cases. I still don't understand why we don't have crystal clear photos with today's technology. People are taking pictures of the surface of the moon, and we can't get a clear UFO shot?
I know phone zoom capabilities suck, and not everyone can afford a good camera, but someone out there has to be able to take a better shot.

It's human psychology that causes that.
Technically speaking a faker shouldn't automatically disprove all UFO's but the human mind works in a way
where if one thing doesn't add up they become rejecting of an entire idea for the most part.
See the Invader Zim episode "ChickenFoot" for further reference, jk.
I believe the idea we don't get good photos is partially a media myth, there have been a few, the O'hare ufo
and also a recent one over a Space Force base, and even an old VHS tape has a crystal clear footage of a spaceship.
I believe they do not want to be seen and are interdimensional. They can become invisible.
They are not a common sighting, you're very lucky if you see a genuine UFO. People think it's more common ironically cuz we have better tech to see them as you said.

Why am I so convinced they're real?
I've seen them. TONS of them. Seen entire fleets of them.
Saw a gigantic yellow shining lightship over my pond outside when I used to live in Missouri.
It had a weird metal ring around it and it glowed brighter than the moon.

So either hallucinations are the most incredible thing known to mankind or they're real but very rare.
Multiple people hallucinating the exact same UFO seems like something that is either implausible
or something scientists and skeptics haven't dug deep into enough.


Senior Member
The attitude of most skeptics is to just brush things aside without really digging deep
because to them UFO's as an idea is so ludicriously insane and cartoonish that the subject
just doesn't interest them. Except clowns like Michael Shermer who become obsessed.
Most people except for him when they really dig deep into UFO's end up coming
away as believers. This happens to a government researcher for Blue Book I forget his name.


Senior Member
I saw a UFO on a live cam of Catallina Island California once.
It was a big metal ship that literally came up out of the water.
Then I'm watching some alien TV show similar to Ancient Aliens
the next day and they talk about Catallina being a UFO hotspot.

So....yeah....I think they're real personally. But there's a lot of frauds.


Senior Member
And let's think about this from a purely logical standpoint on the whole thing about summoning
alien spaceships, assuming they are real and here in this reality:

Can you do a special magical jig that calls down one of OUR sky craft?
I can do a polka dance and it won't make an airplane come down and have
its pilot say "hello"

Unless the entire thing is spiritual-----but see I think it's half and half and more
complicated than any of that.


Senior Member
Can anyone else back up this guys story?
As a matter of fact yes. There's quite a few people that know how to summon them. I think the Creedo Mutwah was one of them. There's also an African dude that can do pretty much of the same thing. What I'm thinking is that these people have a certain religious index, to where ET in his flying thing-a-ma-bob might owe Earthlings, so these people that summon them are able to turn on the gilt faucet. man is able to summon uFOs from the sky - Bing
