Man Spots Giant ‘Tasmanian Tiger’ in Tennessee


Think outside the mind
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — A man in southeastern Tennessee believes he has seen a creature that looked like a Tasmanian tiger.


Michael King, a 32-year-old counselor from Hamilton County, told Cryptozoology News that he was driving on Interstate 75 earlier this month when he spotted the unidentified creature.

“I was riding in the passenger seat, my wife was driving,” Kind said. “We were taking our four year old son to have dental surgery. I look up at this tiered ridge line mountain and see this animal next to a full-grown deer just 7 feet from it.”

The Tennessean added that he initially thought the animal was “just a coyote”.

“I then realized was not. I’ve tried to tell myself it was just a coyote, but I have never seen anything that looked like that, especially the size.”

King said the animal was “taller than the deer”. Its face, he added, looked like a mix between a fox, a wolf and a cat, with short hair and a long tail that looked like a rat’s. He also claimed that it was not a cougar. He believes he was about to pounce on the deer.

“It reminded me of a Tasmanian tiger. It looked like something that scale the face of a rocky cliff with no effort. I could see the muscles in this thing, the body. Big body, skinny but not unhealthy, muscular like puma or large cut, but slender. Long face, pointy ears, slanted dark eyes, very long tail… Very large.”

The thylacine, commonly known as the Tasmanian tiger, was the largest carnivorous marsupial known to date. Native to Australia, New Guinea and Tasmania, the thylacine became extinct in the 20th century mainly due to human indiscriminate action. Reports of new sightings from these areas surface frequently but the lack of evidence suggests animal misidentification.

It is not common for a similar sighting to be reported in the American continent.

“Make me wonder what’s really out there in the North American woods,” said King.

Interstate 75, the seventh longest interstate highway, connects the Great Lakes and the Southeastern areas of the United States.

The post Man Spots Giant ‘Tasmanian Tiger’ in Tennessee appeared first on Cryptozoology News.


Senior Member
There have been actual videos taken of Mountain Lions that have moved into Tennessee from the West, which could explain this.
We also have a major drug problem in the state, which could be another explaination for some of the sightings.

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Senior Member
Why didnt he take a front shot of the creature instead of waiting to photo it in the rear side mirror?
They obviously passed it as he described it as being around 7 foot tall..
Was his wife and child spooked when the were coming up to the creature, ready to pounce on the deer?
If it was me on that road and coming upto that creature i would have slowed down and reversed to put the camera on my cell fone, taken a couple of shots of it and driven past it like a bat out of hell :eek::D


Senior Member
They say he happened on I-75...what is shown here is a two lane highway out in the middle of nowhere, which is not a very credible photo.


Senior Member
Good one Dawg, i think you and me should become the Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson of the International detectives on Paranormalis..
Bags me to be Sherlock Holmes ;):D
