Mandela Effect


Yes, they have controlled my whole life just because I know God/Jesus. God knows and the Holy Bible makes it clear that all sorcery is evil.

John the Devil

New Member
That really sounds like mind control. I hope you will get over this experiences. I would not necessarily call witchcraft evil. The wiccas care about others and nature. One of their teachings say the following: If you do something evil, it comes back to you threefold. It is a kind of a karma law. I doubt that it is threefold, but I am sure you get everything back - also the good things you do. And if they follow that directive, nobody with the right mind wants to do something evil.

There are a lot of crazy and egoistic people that pratice magic. I know that. But that are not all of them.

The most open satanic lodges were closed and a lot of books burned where I live in the 30s. But I think magic was very popular back then.

The teaching of unconditional love are in a way positive magic that protects you. So it is logical they didn't want Christians.

The soul mirror is a teaching that tries to balance the four elements earth, fire, water, air. And you try to transform your negative characteristics in your personality into positive characteristics. I just wanted to know, whether you heard of it, but I guess, no.

Interesting thought. Do you think some kind of negative energy was left in the places where the books were burned? Is it an act of Evil to destroy knowledge? Would christians who believe they received the gift of knowledge in the garden of eden from the Lord and the Tree of Knowledge consider the destruction of knowledge an evil act?

I'm going to guess that Wiccans believe that destruction of knowledge is an evil act. And if it is done does it leave a void of good behind which then draws the good out of the people in that area, leaving them with Evil energy?

I don't know. It just struck me that there could be a "Ghost" of the book burning in that place. Or maybe the karma has been balanced since then and the karmic debt repaid.

John the Devil

New Member
Mandela Effect is a paranormal phenomenon in which people remember events in a manner which is different from the way they did occur. For example, some people claim to remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison.

Perhaps this is a dark city scenario. It is similar to the DARK CITY movie. Reality is not exactly what we see. Hindu people call this world of illusions - maya.

HDR Users: Dark City scenario

Here is an explanation about this paranormal phenomenon and it brings up more questions and supplies no answers. Truly, our universe is more amazing than we can imagine.


Here are my answers:

  • LUKE, I am your father.

  • mirror mirror

  • It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

  • SEX in the city.

  • Interview with a vampire.

  • #### bears

  • Looney Toons

  • Red

  • cancer

The majority of this thread is not what I expected. Or rather it did not turn out the way I expected. Thats sometimes how our mind works, expects one thing and not what it sees.

I was hoping for some extensive descriptions of the Mandella effect that some of you have experienced. I'm always fascinated when I do see examples that I Identify with and some that I don't. Does that mean we have jumped back and forth across dimensions and been mixed together from our many Universes of Origin?

OR Is it caused by TTrs messing with stuff? If so you would think the Mandella effect would be clear for everyone and the change would be evident for all people (Like Kennedy not dying but instead retiring after one term because of a sex scandal) and the randomness from person to person seems instead to be caused by the merger of multiple worldlines.

Or maybe it IS evidence of TT because the effect of the TTr was localized to where they TT'd and so it only had effect on some individuals and not others. Hmm.

start at edge

Active Member
The majority of this thread is not what I expected. Or rather it did not turn out the way I expected. Thats sometimes how our mind works, expects one thing and not what it sees.

I was hoping for some extensive descriptions of the Mandella effect that some of you have experienced. I'm always fascinated when I do see examples that I Identify with and some that I don't. Does that mean we have jumped back and forth across dimensions and been mixed together from our many Universes of Origin?

OR Is it caused by TTrs messing with stuff? If so you would think the Mandella effect would be clear for everyone and the change would be evident for all people (Like Kennedy not dying but instead retiring after one term because of a sex scandal) and the randomness from person to person seems instead to be caused by the merger of multiple worldlines.

Or maybe it IS evidence of TT because the effect of the TTr was localized to where they TT'd and so it only had effect on some individuals and not others. Hmm.
There was a post of mine some time ago, but on another topic title. Have a look: here


Ringo Starr died of cancer, then suddenly found himself alive and well. At least, this is how many of us have experienced it.
I'm trying to remember who keeps dying over and over again. When I remember, I'll let you know.


I've always been big on spelling. I distinctly remember the lesson teaching words with a silent "n" at the end: Autumn, rhythmn, solemn, column, etc. Apparently, most current sources deny ever using some of these. BTW, why do so many ppl use an "a" in definitely?

Grateful used to be spelled "Greatful" until about 2 years ago.

start at edge

Active Member
It seems to be just as I assumed – a lot of mandela effects are location-dependent, because this one related to the word “grateful” I remember it being always like this, I never encountered it as “greatful”, not even when I learned English in school. I even remember the English teacher explaining the origin of the word “grateful” – FULl of GRATitudE (not of GREATness). Nevertheless, the “Luke, I am your father” issue is known all over the world because the movie (trilogy) was distributed all over the world, even if the making of the movie “happened” in one single specific location.
I am still bothered by the “Hangar 18” movie and I wonder if this happened to other people in other parts of the world as well, because all my friends here where I live, remember it the same way I do – a story about faking a Mars landing, in a movie set inside hangar nr. 18 (which gave the movie title). The “Hangar 18” movie from this timeline, is about a failed earth orbital mission, while trying to place a satellite in orbit, when the satellite accidentally hit an UFO that was right above the shuttle carrying the satellite. Here it is:
The Mars landing faking movie, indeed exists in this timeline, but it is called “Capricorn One”. Here it is:

As for very interesting (and mind blowing) mandela effects, there is one that blew my mind indeed. I saw it commented by a girl (I think she was from USA) in a YouTube video and it is about the earth poles. Here it is:
Speaking of school, I vividly remember the plastic earth globe in geography class, as having 2 areas covered in white color, representing ice – the north pole and the south pole. In our days, the north pole is missing (there is no ice at the north pole).
There are a lot of mandela effects I can not pronounce myself on, especially about brand names, as they refer mainly to brands from the US .. but the one about the movie “Shazaam” I also find to be real indeed, because I also remember seeing this movie some years ago – I clearly remember Sinbad’s face, even his voice (which both can not be easily confused with someone’s else).

start at edge

Active Member
For kindergarten and the first 3 primary school grades, I was at German school. I am also a German speaker, being German descent.
I learned English as a foreign language at school and also by myself ever since.
I am Romanian, so Romanian is my native language.
I live in a region with 85% Hungarian ethnic people.

That being said, here is a line in all these 4 languages:

Mirror, mirror (on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?)

Oglindă, oglinjoară (, cine-i cea mai frumoasă din ţară?)

Spieglein, Spieglein (an der Wand, wer ist die schönste im ganzen Land?)

Tükröm, tükröm (, mondd meg nékem, ki a legszebb e vidéken.)

.. So, YES, the original (time)line is “MIRROR, MIRROR” .. not “MAGIC MIRROR”.
It is a proof among Americans (English), Hungarians, Germans, Romanians .. and maybe many other nations (languages).





start at edge

Active Member
Everybody knows Nat King Cole, everybody knows the famous painting of Monalissa.
If mandela effect deniers say she never smiled in that panting, then why in the world would Net King Cole ask in his song:
“.. Is it only ‘cause you’re lonely they have blamed you
for that Monalissa strangeness in your smile?
Do you smile to tempt a lover, Monalissa? ..”

Even stranger than this, I just stumbled upon a new mandela effect related to this subject, as there are only a few minutes since I googled it, so I do not really know how new it is, to me it seems to be very, very new:
I found the name to be spelled “Mona Lisa” everywhere. That is really strange, as I know for sure it was a one-word name – “Monalissa”, not two names “Mona Lisa”.


Senior Member
Never heard it as one word only Mona Lisa. Going back a few posts there was discussion about grateful never heard of that one either.

Maybe i dont look hard enough or its my spelling:)
