Many Conspiracy Theorists Believe London Bridge Attack is a Hoax — False Flag?

Common Sense Conspiracy

Conspiracy Blog
London has suffered yet another terror attack. This attack involved a van careening into people on the London Bridge. It is already being labelled a false flag event in some conspiracy circles. We have no reason at this time to concur with that account of things.

A false flag event has to have a point. With the information we have right now, we can see no advantage the government of either Britain or a shadowy New World Order would gain from this attack. Yes, it keeps people on edge, but as terror attacks go, this and the Manchester attack are very terrible events, without a doubt, but small on the scale of these things. We’re not saying that it doesn’t matter or that this sort of speculation is not pertinent and worthwhile; we are only saying that to declare this a false flag operation by the British government, we would need a goal, an objective that this helps to fulfill. At this time, we at Common Sense Conspiracy have not seen any evidence of this. However, there are those that disagree with us. The video below shows one such YouTubers who most certainly thinks he has this nailed down. Perhaps with more information we will see where he is coming from, but we aren’t ready to make such a declaration at this time.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy
