Martian Mushrooms



“It is possible that all the specimens presented here are abiotic. We cannot completely rule out minerals, weathering, and unknown geological forces that are unique to Mars and unknown and alien to Earth. However, growth, movement, alterations in location and shape, constitute behavior, and coupled with life-like morphology, strongly support the hypothesis there is life on Mars.”


Senior Member

“It is possible that all the specimens presented here are abiotic. We cannot completely rule out minerals, weathering, and unknown geological forces that are unique to Mars and unknown and alien to Earth. However, growth, movement, alterations in location and shape, constitute behavior, and coupled with life-like morphology, strongly support the hypothesis there is life on Mars.”
Great find Windy(y):)...

Obviously the mushrooms are of the Magic Mushroom variety containing the hallucinogenic psilocybin, as grown in many areas on Earth...They could have been seeded there in 1983, probably by the people who were teleported to Mars, by the Montauk Project scientists including Preston Nichols :eek:..

The President Nixon administration in 1969 began a task to send people to Mars in a nuclear powered rocket following the success of the first Moon landing in 1969....Nixon formed The Space Task Group and funded it with $10 billion dollars (equivalent to $74 billion dollars today) to study methods of getting people to Mars...NASA engineers and other engineers including Montauk scientists were involved in that task (y)..

1977, the British TV movie series/documentary (Alternative 3) started, and quickly gained World Wide attention, caused in part by the 1969 Space Task Group mentioned above...Briefly, the plot was about British Scientists that moved abroad to earn more money for all their scientific efforts, this period of time was called "The British Brain Drain" which was also linked to climate change and a human colony on Mars! :cool:...

Furthermore into Alternative 3, there is a World Wide ecological collapse and the World is thrown into the next ice age...Fortunately for us our Governments know what to do, but Unfortunately its a conspiricy to end all conspiricies....Vanishing scientists, dubious space missions, plus a freak accident that kills the courier of a tape containing a secret radio message from an unmanned Mars probe that holds the key to finally unravell the conspiricy!!!

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Senior Member
No conspiracy here....The Martian Mushroom was just .....A Dude that liked to party.

Rumor has it that he was a Real Fungii. ;)

(I'll get me coat....)
Youre right Windy, and the "Real Fungi" was more than likely the code name for those planted on Mars!! (y):LOL:..
