Material Items


Just a morning thought while I sip my coffee.

Why do so many people hold material items so dear to their hearts? One example is cars. Cars are a status symbol and people waste so much money on them. My car is 14 years old but works great and looks fine (we wrapped it!), but snotty family members are appalled that I am not buying a new car. My husband simply fixes the car if something goes bad. Why do I need to fork out $20k-$30k to impress other people?

I have to drive into town for errands. The road is a sea of white Lexus SUV's. All these people look the same. They are mere puppets. Me? My car is bright blue. You can see it a mile away. Yet, I do not feel "beneath" them. I can afford their cars, but I really DO NOT CARE ABOUT CARS. They mean nothing to me other than transportation.

I feel the same about clothing. I only dress up when I need to. Clothing has zero value to me. I do not care if it has some man's name on it. Just keep it clean, neat, etc. That's all. I'm just not a fancy person.

I don't know. This is what my morning coffee does to me. LOL. Why am I talking about myself? LOL


Senior Member
Perhaps because the material items bring them joy (a nice sports car or truck can do that), or they have sentimental attachment.
