Creativity Maxwell Hammer


Senior Member
Any self-proclaimed Time Traveler who claims to be an Agent that protects the future, and/or someone who can "save it" (our future) loses credibility with me right off the bat. ;) I believe Maxwell Hammer is another wannabe.


I agree that if you are really here to protect the future, it's highly unlikely that you will post about it on Youtube. Oh, and plug your Facebook and Twitter page! ;)


Any self-proclaimed Time Traveler who claims to be an Agent that protects the future, and/or someone who can "save it" (our future) loses credibility with me right off the bat. ;) I believe Maxwell Hammer is another wannabe.

Will the real slim shady please stand up! Miley did!o_0o_0


Hi All he is not real everyone is a time traveler now as the present moving forward into the future because some scientists and physicists believe that you can't travel into the past but into the future as of now now for parallel universes and parallel timelines they all exist but they are different from our timeline of the earth as of now from the present does god, jesus, and satan exist well the positive answer is yes we all have religious beliefs we believe in what good and evil is and what it is in general and in private do aliens and ghosts and other beings or entities exist yes they do if god created everything then time exists as well gravity and time coexists with each other when they cancel each other out then nothing happens and matters but space still exists somewhere and can be included with gravity and time too so will we have spaceships or starships in the further future like nostradmus mentioned he will be right in every sense we will leave earth and explore the solar system and even time travel to the past and future too and we will also be put on the moon and mars time machines will be developed later on in the further future virtual reality will replace console systems all information will be on a chip as your wallet or computerized chip this is all I can say for now I have nothing more to tell you!
