May 5, 2005

Re: May 5, 2005

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"PhantomLord\")</div>
Nah man, isnt it obvious. The end of the world is gonna come next year on June 6th.

It will be 06/06/06.

I'm gonna be blasting Maiden all day.


Seriously though, you know whats on May 5th? Cinco De Mayo. People are gonna be to busy drinking to worry about anything that could be happening.[/b]

I never thought I would see a picture of Bruce on this forum...
Maiden rules!
Re: May 5, 2005

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"PhantomLord\")</div>
Nah man, isnt it obvious. The end of the world is gonna come next year on June 6th.

It will be 06/06/06.

I'm gonna be blasting Maiden all day.


Seriously though, you know whats on May 5th? Cinco De Mayo. People are gonna be to busy drinking to worry about anything that could be happening.[/b]

At least four times a year you hear about the 'End Of Everything' and then they raise the tax rate. Imagine the new nonsense we get to hear about in 5 years.
Re: May 5, 2005

my Dad was born on the 6th of June :unsure: better check with my Nan what time it was, I'm sure there was mention of 6am ;)

Maiden do rock, heheh Harris n Pea Head Murray kick ass...
Re: May 5, 2005

My birthday is on May 2nd, three days before the world is suppose the end according to all of your dreams. What I would like to know is if any more of people have had dreams or have seen the numbers 5/5/05.

Re: May 5, 2005

Relax , the world isn't going to end.
A natural disaster isn't out of the question but the world ending is.
They thought the world would end on 5/5/2000 due to funky gravitational forces in the planetary alignments. There is no such worries with 5/5/2005.
The worst would be a Nostradamus quake or that asian supervolcano.
Re: May 5, 2005

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"thenumbersix\")</div>
I had a dream where, I think, I crashed my car on Chimney corner, then I was carrying my own leg, whilst walking to throw it through the bathroom window of an old school friend who was running a bath ! Oh yeh, and it had a big scar on the knee, and it had been in the garden for 2 days. I wanted to put it on ice so the doctors could sew it back on again but my Mum kept telling me to put it in really hot water for some reason that I couldn't work out.

Dunno what relevance and if any dream people could tell me what the hell that means I'd be grateful, just your mention of May 5th made me remember it, think I might not drive my car that day :D[/b]


I had a strange dream too. It was back in '86. I dreamed I was walking down a street and there is smoke everywhere. Ambulances are parked all down the street and everything is in rubble. A little boy walked up to me and said, "Mam, can you help me find my face and when I looked at him, half his face was gone. Then I looked in the ditches and they were full of body parts. Needless to say, I woke up screaming. I was in the hospital and the nurse thought I had it was because I was in the process of getting a blood transfusion and she thought it could be the drugs they give you. At that time, I was not into any of this. I didn't even read about it so it was really strange. It looked like the end of the world (looked like a nuclear blast). I didn't see anything with dates on it. Anyway, I thought I would share this ghastly dream.:unsure:
Re: May 5, 2005

The hospital environment is bound to have a fair bit of influence on the dream as is the fact that you're under treatment. Though this doesn't take away from the core of the dream, being the boy, but just because he was faceless could be that he has no identity at that time but your brain translated it into the current settings ? Speculation off the top of my head. I have a great belief in the idea that we go through lives again and again and get to choose our path, maybe a future family member checking you out ?

Also doesn't mean this is not some vision of the future or a mixture of all of the above. Or is it something that lingers in all of our minds. If society went to ****e, let's be honest it would be a release from the shackles and back to a more natural living of our own lives in a natural world, how many people now see this as a welcome form of escape ?

I would guess you are / feel early to mid twenties, dreams of a 'nightmarish' nature lose their scary aspect over time as we analyse them more and more. Have you had a falling dream yet where you actually hit the floor and found it not to hurt and felt a little suprised at this ?
