McDonald's logo explained


Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

What a bunch of little wimps lol
They have only to move their arses a little, and play less video games.

It's their problem, not ours.
Well, now, it's our problem, because they are everywhere.
You can't go outdoor without seeing some big fat dudes. lol



Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

so funny dude but, your rite if they would just get off there asses to change tv station they would loose wieght. throw the remote away, sell the gameboys,and kick there asses outside to play.
that reminds me:D
last year when I went to sturgis the runnin joke was when we saw a fat dude on a bike.
we would say he needs to let the bike ride him for a while its probb. gettin tired.:eek:


Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

Some big dudes are so huge, we can't even see the bike's seat, ughck :eek:

I've seen a huge one a few weeks ago, he was almost walking sideways.
That's sad. He just played too much Nintendo as a kid.
I can agree that some are big because of health problem, but the most part of big guys are so because they sit in front of their tvs.


Active Member
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

Numenorean7 said:
Some big dudes are so huge, we can't even see the bike's seat, ughck :eek:

I've seen a huge one a few weeks ago, he was almost walking sideways.
That's sad. He just played too much Nintendo as a kid.
I can agree that some are big because of health problem, but the most part of big guys are so because they sit in front of their tvs.

Now that is the real deal.
Technology came into our lives and we forgot to think about going outside and play a real game like kickball. Parents think that their lives have to be so busy....that they need the new car the new everything and they F off their kids. Why have kids and then spend your life getting only material things for them instead of getting to know them.
I hope in my life I have just what I need and no more..I dont wanna turn into that...
Hey NUM7...that pic was way accurate and sad and funny all at the same time!


Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

well I have a confession :eek:
when I started at this job 3yrs ago I wieghed in at a whopping 290 lbs and 6ft tall.
still 6ft, but now 230lbs guess what????? no fancy diet,no excersize increase. just one simple step
scoot the f*%k away from the table.
eat to live, not live to eat. I still eat everything I love to eat, just a people portion. and not a horse plate. the pounds came off just as they went on, bout 3-5lbs a week, plan to go to 190lbs. its so simple.


Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

You got it man, that's it.
There's no magic !!!

I'm lucky, I'm 5'10, and I weight like 135lbs lol
I can eat as much McDonalds as I want (for now).
Yeah, I ate some MD. tonight ! They rebuilt the inside of the place, it's ugly as hell in there :eek:.


Active Member
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

I probably play more videogames than would be considered healthy, and I've never gained any weight from not having enough physical activity. I'm 5'11" and weigh 160 pounds. Weighed the same since I've been about 16, and am 28 now. Sometimes I have stretches inbetween jobs for a few months where I do what I call my binge gaming and catch up on all the games I misssed out on while working. My weight never changes, and this is usually in the winter when peole put on weight is when I'm the laziest. I have smoked cigarettes for a very long time though, and i know that affects metabolism. But I just quit! I haven't smoked in 4 days! THat doesn't sound like long, but after almost 11 years of smoking i think thats pretty good. I think I may start putting on the pounds though. I work construction, and the foreman usually expects blood sweat and tears, so hopefully that will balance it out. MY girlfriend tells me I need to gain weight....I disagree, but if I value my life, I will agree, and it would also be very wise of me to say nothing at all to her about her weight, no matter what it is I might be thinking. I may have said to much already...:eek:

Slightly off topic:
Numenorean, I thought you guys used the metric system up there? What's up with these standard measurements I see you're using? I had such a hard time trying to find the size of some case fans for my computer the other day. All computer case fans are in metric, it was difficult to get exact conversion. I think USA should use metric like everyone else. THey drive me nuts here with the standard measurements sometimes! Use the metric system and be proud!


Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

Construction, that's a hard job. Even if you play video games, you must be in good shape.

At work, I'm sitting in front of a computer, or driving a car 40h/week.
I make no sport at all.

Do you make some sports ?

To baudmik: I use both of them. Some people look at me like I'm a nut case when I talk to then in inches, feet, and mpg lol They don't understand why a 20 years old like me uses those units of mesurement !
Where I live, there are only km, meters, and litres.
I also see that nobody around me are using kg, not even kids, they only use lbs.
My parents use the standard system, they learned it at school back in the 60s. I learned the metric system at school in the 90s. everybody older than 40-50 years old use the standard mesurement here (except for miles).


Active Member
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

Numenorean7 said:
Construction, that's a hard job. Even if you play video games, you must be in good shape.

At work, I'm sitting in front of a computer, or driving a car 40h/week.
I make no sport at all.

Do you make some sports ?

I used to play some sports in high school. I was very much into basketball and hockey and played competitively on teams. I used to jog to stay in shape and keep stamina for them. Not anymore though, unfortunatley. I don't like to watch any of them them at all on TV. People try to talk to me about the Superbowl,and I honestly could not care less. I liked to play a pickup game of football when I was younger. If I didn't play NFL2K on the Dreamcast though, I probalby would have never cared for football or even understood how the game works. Sports are not like riding a bike though, it takes alot of practice to stay good at them. IF I tried to jump into a pickup game of basketball now, I would end up getting smoked by some 13 year old who is as good as I used to be.


Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

I made some sport as a kid, but since 5 years, I did nothing at all.
I wasn't so good, and I didn't like it all that much.
I was playing Nintendo games, that was my favorite sport ! :)

I don't have time to play sport anyway. Perhaps it's the same for you.
