

New Member
It will help if you are able to focus Chi/Prana, first how to do this:

1) Relax, sit comfortably in a strightback chair. ( Be sure you are in a place where there is no significant breeze, or airflow. This is critical when feeling chi for the first time.)

2) Arms relaxed, move your hands, palms facing each other, shoulder-width apart.

3) Focus your attention on the palms of your hands.

4) Slowly move your palms together, not touching.

5) Slowly move them apart, then back together. At this point, you should feel a warmth, or pressure. You are feeling, your Chi/Qi/Prana/Aura-field.

6) Move your hands further apart, then back together until you get a feel for the Chi. It will start to feel like a ball, or balloon.

7) The next step is to focus the Chi, and "scan" your body with it. This may take some doing, but with practice, you can move the Chi to points of pain/illness within your body.

8) The next step is to focus the Chi, and move it through your Chakras.

9) Before going to sleep, use Chi-scan to cycle your Chakras, and do progressive relaxation.

As you cycle your Chi/Prana, you need a simple Mantra, so the subconscious mind has a sound to focus on. I recommend the simple "OM". But do not simply say it, but as you breath slowly, let it verbalize as you exhale.

Also, as you eyes are closed, focus on the Third Eye "screen", and place a simple dot, or ball, this gives the subconscious a picture to focus on. The image will change as you progress.

Thoughts will enter your Consciousness, do not fight them, but embrace and release them.

That was kind of long, but hope it helps.


Senior Member
Vamp i found the only way to even try to meditate is calm music i have learned to deal with my crickets as i have a few reptiles and have a large number of crickets at all times so the noise is inevitable but i still cannot focus for longer than 5 minutes before my mind wonders off.

Esoteric i have tried Tai Chi but as of late my time has been fairly slim but when i did try Tai chi i found i was able to do it for awhile but i wasnt able to relax after lol i am weird i know


Can you post an example of music that helps you meditate. I bet you can find some on Youtube, right?


Can you post an example of music that helps you meditate. I bet you can find some on Youtube, right?
I have a question from you, is thinking lot of thoughts not good for the brain? I always get thoughts from past and trying to figure out future actions. But sometimes it gets unnatural, i find myself forcing me to think a lot. Sometimes it becomes a habit, sometimes not. My thoughts mostly consists of images and videos in my head which are always playing and it's become a habit for me to stay out of this world. Because of this i have got a habit to force myself unconsciously to think and imagine and it's not doing good to me.


You should probably try to meditate. It would help you to get rid of habits such as thinking way too much.

I don't nearly meditate as much as I used to, but back then it worked great.


Junior Member
I have a question from you, is thinking lot of thoughts not good for the brain? I always get thoughts from past and trying to figure out future actions. But sometimes it gets unnatural, i find myself forcing me to think a lot. Sometimes it becomes a habit, sometimes not. My thoughts mostly consists of images and videos in my head which are always playing and it's become a habit for me to stay out of this world. Because of this i have got a habit to force myself unconsciously to think and imagine and it's not doing good to me.

The past is gone and the future is not even here, live now.
Be present or be absent.
