Memories of days gone by...

I lost my Dad several years back. Dad got on a kick where he had to go to Ontario every year - sometimes twice a year - to catch walleyes and northern pike.

I went with him several times. He always went to one particular fish camp on the Lake Despair chain of lakes just north of International Falls. I used to kid him that he knew perfectly well he could stop anywhere in Minnesota and get the same great fishing, but he always said it wouldn't be the same.

We always did pretty good there, but one time Dad hooked a muskie that looked to me to be as long as our (rented) boat. It ploughed his line through the weeds and cut them like a scythe. He got it up to the boat with at least 50 pounds of weeds wrapped around his line, so he couldn't get it in.

While we were trying to clear his line, the damn thing got off the hook.

Just as well. I'd have had to sit on the prow to fit that monster in the dern boat!

20150530_180317.webp 20150530_185152.webp .As a kid my brother and I were in the backseat travelling from point A to point B in Minnesota while our mother was driving. At the time it seamed like a long trip while it may have been a hours drive or less. We knew what was ahead of us so we kept low in the backseat. We didn't want to look but then again we had to. In a third floor attic window a lady had a doll displayed with light and freaked us foward to present day.
I have an vacant property I mow a couple times a month. Inside the old house I found it stacked with junk forming tunnels. The upstairs bedroom had a fireplace and had its own stairway. It also had a bed with over twenty dolls on it. I placed one in a chair on the front porch. It changed locations and even was gone for months, reappearing this year. As I mowed past the front porch I turned and there it was starring at me. I took it home and now plan to freakout anyone that enters my mancave. lol
View attachment 1855 View attachment 1854 .As a kid my brother and I were in the backseat travelling from point A to point B in Minnesota while our mother was driving. At the time it seamed like a long trip while it may have been a hours drive or less. We knew what was ahead of us so we kept low in the backseat. We didn't want to look but then again we had to. In a third floor attic window a lady had a doll displayed with light and freaked us foward to present day.
I have an vacant property I mow a couple times a month. Inside the old house I found it stacked with junk forming tunnels. The upstairs bedroom had a fireplace and had its own stairway. It also had a bed with over twenty dolls on it. I placed one in a chair on the front porch. It changed locations and even was gone for months, reappearing this year. As I mowed past the front porch I turned and there it was starring at me. I took it home and now plan to freakout anyone that enters my mancave. lol
Lol! Is the blacklight room your mancave? :D I actually love antique dolls! That's a really nice one, too!
View attachment 1855 View attachment 1854 .As a kid my brother and I were in the backseat travelling from point A to point B in Minnesota while our mother was driving. At the time it seamed like a long trip while it may have been a hours drive or less. We knew what was ahead of us so we kept low in the backseat. We didn't want to look but then again we had to. In a third floor attic window a lady had a doll displayed with light and freaked us foward to present day.
I have an vacant property I mow a couple times a month. Inside the old house I found it stacked with junk forming tunnels. The upstairs bedroom had a fireplace and had its own stairway. It also had a bed with over twenty dolls on it. I placed one in a chair on the front porch. It changed locations and even was gone for months, reappearing this year. As I mowed past the front porch I turned and there it was starring at me. I took it home and now plan to freakout anyone that enters my mancave. lol
Lol! Is the blacklight room your mancave? :D I actually love antique dolls! That's a really nice one, too!
Beware...Chuckie Doll returns :eek::D
Yeah, the cave is a work in process. Therapy on the weekend is what I call it. Whoever was messing around with the doll drew in the eyebrows. I plan to box the doll in with a glass front and have a switch I can turn on at will. It may sound weird...but oh well, maybe it is. lol
I just thought about the days on the old school yard merry-go-round. We would spin it as fast as we could, jump off, and run till we fell down. We liked getting dizzy. Times have changed as I can't handle going on any ride that spins. We have taken the merry-go-round to the next level. Any of you enjoy getting dizzy on these type of rides or doesn't it bother you?

