Microsoft buys Mojang (Minecraft) for $2.5 Billion


I just read that online. Although I rarely play, I love Minecraft.

Everyone is saying that the community will be always first and that everything will be fine, but that's what they always say. Microsoft are pretty good to do weird changes and clutter up formerly good products.

I really hope they're not going to fuck it up.

Yes, we’re being bought by Microsoft


My kids play it. They better not impliment a monthly or annual fee and remove or ruin the PC version. (They play xBox AND PC versions). They better allow mods as well. The mods are what the kids love. Also, kids love the simplicity. If they start making it complicated, people can't mod it as easily, etc. Furthermore, I'm afraid they're going to turn it into a full blown war game. (There is some basic fighting in the game but you know what I mean).

God, I hate it when corporations get their dirty little fingers on everything. They have dollar signs in their pupils.


Temporal Engineer
Microsoft is the kiss of death. Maybe if investors dumped their Microsoft stock, then Microsoft might start to realize what they are doing.


where the wild things are
I'm a longtime minecraft player. I've been playing since September 2010 when they were in the alpha development stage. It doesn't bring me tears of joy to see Mojang selling out, but it could be worse. You think Microsoft is a kiss of death? Look at EA and their track record for games and franchises. Or look at Google (and their whole merging youtube with G+ crap. My only real concern out of this is premium content. I have a premium account and its four years old. I'm really hoping that it stays that way, and I don't get my access revoked where I have to pay for a new mod or a new texture pack or a new mob or a new item or block. EA would do that. They would charge you $50 just for a new ore block or a new tool or a new mob to hunt or tame, just cause they can. Will microsoft do this? Time will only tell...

Minecraft is on the Xbox 360 and over there they charge for their DLC. Texture packs range from $10 - $20.

I'm afraid they're going to turn it into a full blown war game
Don't be small minded. Microsoft doesn't just make war games. They are the owners of Forza Motorsports (racing) and Fable (roleplaying/fantasy)

And I've never once seen them take a new franchise and turn it into a war game. Was Banjo & Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts a war game? No.


Minecraft is on the Xbox 360 and over there they charge for their DLC. Texture packs range from $10 - $20.

There is also a PC version and Apple version of Minecraft. The DLC is user made and free, which is what I like.

And I've never once seen them take a new franchise and turn it into a war game. Was Banjo & Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts a war game? No.

I said I hope they don't. I didn't say they did in the past.

I'd be disappointed by any large company taking it over. I don't want my children to have to stop playing because of the cost.


They likely think, among a lot of other things, of making money out of in-game content. Texture packs, add-ons. They probably don't wanna turn off players like you and me who paid once a long time ago for the game, and likely won't pay a dime to play for the rest of the game's life. So they'll want money for additional in-game content or features.

I really hope it won't stop this game from being awesome as it always was.

I don't think they'll make it a war game. Combat in Minecraft is just a relatively small part of the whole thing.

I didn't see it that way, but now that I think about it: It could have been worse. It could have been EA games. Just think about the latest Sim City...


New Member
One thing I hope that they add to the game, or may not add... is the possibility of Industrial-era themed items.

The game has TNT, minecarts and redstone to act in place for a power system. So, why not? :)


where the wild things are
I'm sorry if I was a bit dickish earlier on in this topic. I'm just a rabid, diehard, loyal minecraft fan. I love my minecraft like its my own child. Don't like seeing others bash it or try to make false assumptions of it.

I'm just hoping they still allow non-commercial mods on the PC version. AND I hope they keep the PC version.

What I worry about too is the mods and other things that make minecraft better than the vanilla (original) version. Microsoft hates it when people use mods on their products. They hate indie developers. At one time they were going to prevent indie developers from developing games for the Xbox One, but they have since decided to let it happen after all the backlash they got over the reveal of the Xbox One. And people who make modifications for games are classified as indie developers.

They'll keep the PC version of course. There's no reason to stop that. PC's are mostly windows based which is a microsoft platform, so there would really be no reason to stop the PC version. Now the other versions like Playstation, Apple, Android. Sure, yeah. I'd be careful with those. Because the settlement is finalized next year and there could be something thing tiny print in the contract that reads "we'll continue to develop and support outsider versions of the games, until such and such date"

One concern I have is my premium account which I have had since 2010. I an eligible for all future updates with no charge. Now will I suddenly be charged for future updates and future content? Will I have to pay a subscription fee? So many things...


I'm sorry if I was a bit dickish earlier on in this topic. I'm just a rabid, diehard, loyal minecraft fan. I love my minecraft like its my own child. Don't like seeing others bash it or try to make false assumptions of it.

It's ok. My kids LOVE Minecraft so I am all for it, which is why I'm nervous about it being bought out. Wasn't bashing it at all. :)

What I worry about too is the mods and other things that make minecraft better than the vanilla (original) version. Microsoft hates it when people use mods on their products. They hate indie developers. At one time they were going to prevent indie developers from developing games for the Xbox One, but they have since decided to let it happen after all the backlash they got over the reveal of the Xbox One. And people who make modifications for games are classified as indie developers.

They need to realize that indie developers are more or less why many people play the game! My kids would be bored if we couldn't mod it all the time and I WOULDN'T mod it all the time if I had to pay for every mod. Developers of games like The Sims and Civilization realized this, and they allow it - which allows for endless amounts of gameplay and replay value. The games never lose their zest because when you get bored, you can change them. It will keep you interested enough to buy the latest version or even an add on pack.

One concern I have is my premium account which I have had since 2010. I an eligible for all future updates with no charge. Now will I suddenly be charged for future updates and future content? Will I have to pay a subscription fee? So many things...

Yes, subscriptions. On PC, you only pay once. So, I'm wondering if they will require an annual membership or something.
We'll have to wait and see.
