Ministry of Truth


Senior Member
Would be nice if newspapers could at least fix their many typos and basic factual errors that are everywhere in articles. Not because they oppose mainstream with a theory, but because they are just incompetent as journalists and have no editors. There are outdated names of companies (which were clearly announced as changed during mergers), wrong information about EU rules (which anyone can look up at the official websites), confusion about which countries have a presidential system...


Senior Member
Downsizing has happened across the media industry in the last 5 years, there is a gambit to get quickly in front of the competitor so that online some will see. Which from a newspaper backgrounds irks me as you have pointed its like rush to the scene with possibly not the correct or validated information.


Senior Member
By the end of the year according to Babba Vanga and Nostradamus we're supposed to make alien contact for the entire society. Potential slavery issues there. How do we know that Trump was not paid off to act the way he did?

The art of distraction to conceal an ulterior motive is always based in a primary deception of a game.

That is complete and utter bullshit.
You can't quote Baba Vanga on a single prediction.

I knew I shouldn't have unblocked that post. Guess I have too much faith in humanity.

