minuteman project and Waco type events thread


Senior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread


I've been reading your wise words. My question is what good is all of this if the govt. is hijacked by the executive branch and all rights are suspended? I'm not dismissing anything you've contributed, and appreciate your efforts to educate and enlighten those of us with lacking in legal background. The declaration of martial law, a commensurate crackdown or govt. contol of the media, internet restrictions, etc. would basically put the citizenry at a distinct disadvantage. What effective and coordinated actions could be taken now to turn the tide? Is it too late?


You better always know where all weapons are located.


I think most of the active members here are well aware of the Padilla case and the other American citizen (Arab or Muslim name I can't recall) who have been held without due process for over two years. What's more disturbing are the reports of torture in Guantonamo Bay, Afghanistan and Iraq that have dropped back into the "so what?" bin. Just as disturbing is the lack of public outcry at the disclosure of the current administration's legal brief which allows torture. I have noticed an increased cognitive dissonance regarding the entire 9/11 event and the official story of how the buildings collapsed. Maybe there's hope, but it may not come in time.

Strange and disturbing times.



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minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Because of the tropical storm and the impending really bad one due in any time, Tampa FL. has orders to evacuate. A state of emergency has been declared. Thats some 375,000 or more right? What a mess for those poor people to deal with.

Cary, hows your city storm wise now?

Judge Bean

Senior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by CaryP@Aug 12 2004, 05:21 PM

I've been reading your wise words. My question is what good is all of this if the govt. is hijacked by the executive branch and all rights are suspended? I'm not dismissing anything you've contributed, and appreciate your efforts to educate and enlighten those of us with lacking in legal background. The declaration of martial law, a commensurate crackdown or govt. contol of the media, internet restrictions, etc. would basically put the citizenry at a distinct disadvantage. What effective and coordinated actions could be taken now to turn the tide? Is it too late?
Strange and disturbing times.


The first step in disarming the fear is understanding. Titor's nightmare begins with the suspension of civil rights by the government.

What are those rights, and have they in fact been suspended or ruined?

If they are, what do we do about it? Lock and load?

Cary Prejean, I commission you with the rank of Colonel of the Louisiana Unarmed Militia. Your job is to get up a regiment. You don't need guns. This is going to be the nonviolent overthrow of the government. To make us fight one another would be adding injury to insult. It didn't work in the past, and certainly won't now. The Constitution provides for a nonviolent revolution: we get rid of the criminals running things, and get to keep the law.

Actually, you don't have any choice about being in the militia. What you have the choice about is the shooting war. One of the great rights reserved to the American people is the right to replace those in power, all at once, by vote; and, if they should still persist in holding power, under the Second Amendment we have the right to force them out. The war powers of the people are meant as a last resort.

That's what my essays are about. I am calling for the general impeachment of the government-- all of Congress, all of the Supreme Court Justices, and the President and Vice President-- to be replaced by those who have not previously held such offices and according to a regular ballot in an offyear.

All American citizens must vote, and must first demand the ballot. Voting citizens are the class of all those over the age of 18. The traditional militia consisted of all males between (generally) the ages of 16 and 50; our militia consists of all voting citizens. If you can muster them, and they all agree to vote, their militia service is satisfied for the time being, and they can be mustered out with honor.

Details are in the wind, but I hope to be able to get you some sort of certificate, perhaps an honorary sword.

I am offering commissions also to others here: do I hear any volunteers?


Senior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Cary Prejean, I commission you with the rank of Colonel of the Louisiana Unarmed Militia. Your job is to get up a regiment. You don't need guns. This is going to be the nonviolent overthrow of the government. To make us fight one another would be adding injury to insult. It didn't work in the past, and certainly won't now. The Constitution provides for a nonviolent revolution: we get rid of the criminals running things, and get to keep the law.

Col. Lyon,

Commission accepted with honor and humility. But we'll keep our guns handy. I don't know if I know anyone down here that is unarmed. Guns are a prevalent part of the culture down here. When you get your plan together, give me my orders and I will execute them to the best of my ability. Thank you kind sir for the confidence in my questionable abilities.

Cary, hows your city storm wise now?


Thanks for your concern, but a rather unusual cool front is keeping both storms to the east of us. Only the extreme southeastern corner of the state will see any kind of fringe from either storm. Seems the eastern part of the Gulf Coast, Florida and the eastern seaboard will catch most of the hell. Spared again. Thank you Jesus, thank you Lord. It's actually going to be nice here for the next week. Lows in the low to mid 60's and highs in the mid to high 80's. Very unusual. Normally, it's lows in the low 80's and highs in the high 90's and low 100's with 95% to 100% humidity. It's normally Africa hot this time of year, but I'll take a welcome break.



minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by Hackimer@ Rob,Aug 12 2004, 02:36 PM

\"I think this is a deliberate, intentional destruction of the United States of America\"
speaking of fear.

Oh yeah. And then next it will be misdemeanor to go off your medication . . .

They have Butch on Prozac and now he is a believer . . . oh my! :unsure:

Forgive me for posting the text when you only posted a link. I have to many links go dead in my life on the web and it just makes it easier if the text is always available. You got the tools to remove if you want to :D .

Now Bush wants to test every American for mental illness--including you! And guess who will create the tests?
By Jordanne Graham

Next month, President Bush plans to unveil a broad new mental health plan called the ?New Freedom Initiative.? Never mind that it couldn?t have less to do with freedom; if you?re a thinking American, this initiative should scare the hell out of you.

The New Freedom Initiative proposes to screen every American, including you, for mental illness. To this end, the president established a New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, to study the nation?s mental health delivery service and make a report. It?s interesting to note that many on the staff appointed to the Commission have served on the advisory boards of some of the nation?s largest drug companies.

The commission reported that ?despite their prevalence, mental disorders often go undiagnosed,? so it recommended comprehensive mental health screening for ?consumers of all ages,? including preschool children because ?each year, young children are expelled from preschools and childcare facilities for severely disruptive behaviors and emotional disorders.?

Children and school personnel will be the first to be screened. The panel concluded that schools are in ?key positions? to screen the 52 million students and six million adults who work at the schools. By doing this, the commission expects to flush out another six million persons not now receiving treatment. But who will decide the screening criteria? Bush and his people? The drug companies? What are their qualifications?

One recommendation of the commission was that the screening be linked with ?treatment and supports,? using ?specific medications for specific conditions.? It is no coincidence that the treatments recommended for specific conditions are the newest state-of-the-art treatments that will bring in the most revenues for the drug companies. One of these emerging treatments is a capsule implanted within the body that delivers doses of medication without the patient having to swallow pills or take injections. If a government wanted to exert control of its citizens, think of the implications of using this device.

The Texas Medication Algorithm Project, or TMAP, was named by the commission as a ?model? medication treatment plan that ?illustrates an evidence-based practice that results in better consumer outcomes.? Medical algorithms are a decision-tree approach to treatment. If symptoms A, B, and C are evident, use treatment X. In 1995, TMAP began as an alliance of individuals from the University of Texas, the pharmaceutical industry, and the mental health and corrections systems of Texas. This plan was trumpeted by the American Psychiatric Association even as it asked for increased funding to implement TMAP. When an employee of the Inspector General?s office revealed that state officials with influence over the plan had received money and perks from drug companies who stood to gain from it, the plan came under severe criticism.

Allen Jones, an employee of the Pennsylvania Office of the Inspector General, wrote a whistleblower report in which he stated that behind the recommendations of the New Freedom Commission was the ?political/pharmaceutical alliance? that developed the Texas project, which promotes the use of newer, more expensive antipsychotics and antidepressants. He further claimed that this unholy alliance was ?poised to consolidate the TMAP effort into a comprehensive national policy to treat mental illness with expensive, patented medications of questionable benefit and deadly side effects, and to force private insurers to pick up more of the tab.?

In an article in the British Medical Journal, Jones shows that many companies who helped launch TMAP are also major contributors to Bush?s re-election funds. For example, Eli Lilly manufactures olanzapine. This is one of the drugs recommended in the New Freedom plan. Lilly has numerous ties to the Bush administration according to the British Medical Journal. It says George Herbert Walker Bush was once a member of Lilly?s board of directors. Our current President Bush appointed Lilly?s chief executive officer, Sidney Taurel, as a member of the Homeland Security Council. Eighty-two percent of Lilly?s $1.6 million in political contributions in 2000 went to Bush and the Republican Party.

Now don?t get me wrong. The medical algorithm approach used in Texas shows promise as a treatment tool for mental health and other illnesses. But make no mistake; this initiative is not really about treatment tools. Masquerading in the lamb's fleece of providing mental health treatment to needy folk is the greedy wolf called Big Pharma. Helping out Big Pharma in the form of the TMAP has nearly bankrupted Texas. So why would our president want to do that to the rest of the nation?

To understand this, one must look at the big picture.

At the recent Inequality Matters Conference, Bill Moyers illuminated listeners on the front of a new class war being waged against us by the wealthy leviathan corporations. ?Their stated and open aim is to change how America is governed, to strip from government all its functions except those that reward their rich and privileged benefactors?. Their leading strategist in Washington, the same Grover Norquist, has famously said he wants to shrink the government down to the size that it could be drowned in a bathtub. More recently, in commenting on the fiscal crisis in the states and its affect on schools and poor people, Norquist said, ?I hope one of them?--one of the states--?goes bankrupt.? So much for compassionate conservatism?. The White House pursues the same homicidal dream without saying so. Instead of shrinking down the government, they're filling the bathtub with so much debt that it floods the house, water-logs the economy, and washes away services for decades that have lifted millions of Americans out of destitution and into the middle-class. And what happens once the public?s property has been flooded? Privatize it. Sell it at a discounted rate to the corporations.?

On a website describing the Take Back America conference in June of 2003, Moyers is paraphrased: ?[The Bush Administration] would privatize public services in order to enrich the corporate interests that fund campaigns and provide golden parachutes to pliable politicians. If unchecked, the result of these machinations will be the dismantling of every last brick of the social contract?. I think this is a deliberate, intentional destruction of the United States of America.?

The destruction of America is evident in many ways. Do not be fooled; the Bushites intend to control all they can, and if that can include your brain, they will do it. If Big Pharma benefits, all the better. The New Freedom Initiative is an early step toward both, and $20 million has already been set aside to implement the initiative.

Work now to maintain your grip on your first great freedom, the power to control your own thoughts. Work now to maintain your grip on your secondary freedom of being able to control the approval for your own medical treatments. Ask your congressmen and senators today to put an end to the New Freedom Initiative.

Find your congressional representatives and senators here!

Jordanne Graham is a writer and researcher in the Midwest. She is doing all she can to protect the country and the environment.

Posted Sunday, August 8, 2004

Judge Bean

Senior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Who needs Waco events?

By the time they're finished with this fake democracy of theirs, to shoot us would only be a waste of bullets.


Senior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Paul, Count Me In.

Snow Fire: Bush has got to be insane if he thinks folks would put up with that. Who in their right mind would want to be labeled government wise as to their mental state? I would love to see the questions they ask. I bet you they are standard psych questions that the military has used for years to check the mental state of its personel. We need Grayson, our Mental Health expert to check those questions out for what may be infered if you read between the lines, because that is why those questions were formulated the way they were.

Judge Bean

Senior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by StarLord@Aug 12 2004, 10:36 PM
Paul, Count Me In.

Snow Fire: Bush has got to be insane if he thinks folks would put up with that. Who in their right mind would want to be labeled government wise as to their mwntal state? I would love to see the questions they ask. I bet you they are standard psych questions that the military has used for years to check the mental state of its personel. We need Grayson, our Mental Health expert to check those questions out for what may be infered if you read between the lines, because that is why those questions were formulated the way they were.

One of the most widely-used psychiatric tests, the Multiphrastic, was developed by the U.S. military to "discover" latent homosexuals. The purposes of the government in psychiatry (as witness the MK Ultra program) will always be dark, and they will always have ulterior motives. This is because this is set up to be a developing democracy with representative government, not a market for pharmaceuticals. There is no legitimate purpose in registering your state of mind with the authorities.


Junior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

as a sod a member for 5 yrs, my mental state was evaluated quite often. it takes a special breed of man to survive and successfully complete your objective, whatever it may be. to operate efficiently with sleep, chow and water deprivation. to kill without question. these were not insane men, nor were they big dumb ogres with guns. we had several with phd's and if memory stands, there wasnt a member of my team with an iq below 140. now, there were some attributes that were "encouraged" to be enhanced. i have to be careful what i devulge, leavenworth isnt appealing to me. but take me for instance, my profile concluded i was antisocial, therefore setting up signal interception posts and operating without command support would be easier than say someone with a co-dependant personality. i have heard of delta programs that use psychological conditioning to enhance performance. (deltas primary function is antiterrorism) torture beyond your darkest thoughts are performed regularly, and encouraged by higher higher if all other forms of interrogation fail. i live in the midwest and there is a growing fear, (underground) ofcourse that the government is getting too powerful. i know for a fact that in certain military circles, the question was raised about a contingency in the event of civil unrest due to the butterfly effect of 9/11. add your thoughts please
