minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Re: Waco-Type events (Reloaded)

\"Let's placate some of the anti-war types, and sacrifice up a grunt.\"
That puts us right on track with the titor thing. None of the groups who are ticked at the admin in large numbers right now are the types to start a civil war. If they start sentencing soldiers to death for killing terrorists who forgot their guns that day, they're going to have a whole other crowd on their hands. Ex military guys who ain't on the passive resistance wagon.
Re: Waco-Type events (Reloaded)

Hi everybody! I've been super busy-- sorry I haven't stopped by more often.

Does anybody know what this guy is talking about?


Here's a quote:

"Did you know there have been at least 4 or 5 sieges similar to Waco, Ruby Ridge and the Freemen since, but the Media has covered it up."

Re: Waco-Type events (Reloaded)

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"dancho\")</div>
Does anybody know what this guy is talking about?

Just read the article, and really enjoyed it. I wish the author would have given some proof as to these Waco-type events.

Strange though that he mentions Waco and Ruby Ridge... Just as JT and Alex did.

Perhaps someone should follow up with an e-mail to that author asking for his proof.
Re: Waco-Type events (Reloaded)

This isn't a Waco type event, but I didn't know where else to put it. Apparently, a cartoon that talked about Bush's admitted use of marijuana was pulled by over 300 papers yesterday. You think we're getting the "real news" here? Think again. Who controls the media and the press? Global corporate elitists do. They're not going to put out anything that makes much fun of the "emporer" or the fact that he has no clothes.


At least three of the approximately 300 ?Boondocks? ? ? ? ?clients dropped today?s strip mentioning President Bush?s alleged ? ? ? ?former drug use.
? ? ? Aaron McGruder?s comic showed one character saying: ? ? ? ??Bush got recorded admitting that he smoked weed.? Another character ? ? ? ?replies: ?Maybe he smoked it to take the edge off the coke.?

? ? ? According to Universal Press Syndicate, newspapers pulling ? ? ? ?today?s strip included The Detroit News and the Star Tribune in Minneapolis. ? ? ? ?The Poynter Institute?s Romenesko site reported that the Chicago Tribune ? ? ? ?also dropped today?s ?Boondocks,? with the paper saying ? ? ? ?the comic ?presents inaccurate information as fact.?

? ? ? The syndicate further noted that The Miami Herald plans ? ? ? ?to pull ?The Boondocks? when McGruder addresses a different ? ? ? ?topic this Friday and Saturday; Universal declined to say what that topic ? ? ? ?will be.

? ? ? Comment: The cartoon below is the one featured on the website, ? ? ? ?it appears to have been changed from the above description.

? ? ?


It's just a freaking cartoon about what Bush admitted to. What's the big deal? Can't be making fun of the guy now can we? I mean, he does such a good job of making a baboon of himself even with all of his handlers. No insult or disrespect to baboons out there. The days of a free press here are long gone. You want the straight news? Too bad. You'll have to search the internet and rely more on foreign news sources and bloggers to see what's really happening. The networks are all owned by huge global corporations. Part of the game is to keep the sheeple "happy and ignorant" Just doing their job, as are the sheeple.

Re: Waco-Type events (Reloaded)

\\"Did you know there have been at least 4 or 5 sieges similar to Waco, Ruby Ridge and the Freemen since, but the Media has covered it up.\\"</span>

Hey, uh, Dansho. I really don't put much credibility behind that article. The guy sounded like he was just ranting without much of a point. He didn't even tell us where these alleged seiges took place. If there were any way to contact the author, I'd need at least the dates and places before I give it any credibility. Now it woulden't surprise me too much if the feds were involved in four or five seiges of some kind since then. They do that, sometimes they even have good reason to. It also woulen't surprise me if they have continued going after the freedom movement and we haven't heard much about it. There were many more waco type events during the clinton administration than got alot of coverage. They only got publicity either when they got caught, when they wanted to deliver a message, or when the operation was so huge that it was impossible to cover up.
Re: Waco-Type events (Reloaded)

When's it time to start worrying?

NYT: U.S. Says It Has Withdrawn From World Judicial Body

Prompted by an international tribunal's decision last year ordering new hearings for 51 Mexicans on death rows in the United States, the State Department said yesterday that the United States had withdrawn from the protocol that gave the tribunal jurisdiction to hear such disputes.

The withdrawal followed a Feb. 28 memorandum from President Bush to Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales directing state courts to abide by the decision of the tribunal, the International Court of Justice in The Hague. The decision required American courts to grant "review and reconsideration" to claims that the inmates' cases had been hurt by the failure of local authorities to allow them to contact consular officials.

The memorandum, issued in connection with a case the United States Supreme Court is scheduled to hear this month, puzzled state prosecutors, who said it seemed inconsistent with the administration's general hostility to international institutions and its support for the death penalty.

The withdrawal announced yesterday helps explains the administration's position.

Darla Jordan, a State Department spokeswoman, said the administration was troubled by foreign interference in the domestic capital justice system but intended to fulfill its obligations under international law.



WP: U.S. Quits Agreement On Access To Diplomats

Thursday, March 10, 2005; Page A01

The Bush administration has decided to pull out of an international agreement that opponents of the death penalty have used to fight the sentences of foreigners on death row in the United States, officials said yesterday.

In a two-paragraph letter dated March 7, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice informed U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan that the United States "hereby withdraws" from the Optional Protocol to the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. The United States proposed the protocol in 1963 and ratified it -- along with the rest of the Vienna Convention -- in 1969.

The protocol requires signatories to let the International Court of Justice (ICJ) make the final decision when their citizens say they have been illegally denied the right to see a home-country diplomat when jailed abroad.
Re: Waco-Type events (Reloaded)

I don't see the problem with that Jesus. Those mexicans committed capatal crimes in the united states, and were convicted of them. Don't see where that is the world court's business.
Re: Waco-Type events (Reloaded)

What we do to criminals who commit crimes on our soil, and are caught tried and convicted here is a matter for US law, not world law. This is a matter of the world court sticking it's nose where it does not belong. It is an assult on our sovrenigty, and I'm glad it was rebuffed.
Re: Waco-Type events (Reloaded)

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Darkwolf\")</div>
What we do to criminals who commit crimes on our soil, and are caught tried and convicted here is a matter for US law, not world law. This is a matter of the world court sticking it's nose where it does not belong. It is an assult on our sovrenigty, and I'm glad it was rebuffed.[/b]

You Got That Right Brother!! Here Here!!

The Problem is the 'World' is so used to pointing their collective finger at the US and finding fault, it's become just like the opening day of Duck Hunting....

What this country needs is some big bad ass to turn to them and in a very loud voice ask them "And What Makes You Think We Give A Rats Ass What You Think About Our Country?"
