minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Re: Waco-Type events (Reloaded)

I am not a nazi don't worry about that. But I am however interested in the occult history of the third reich. What they were based on. And its pretty interesting.
Occult history. Matter of fact I'm reading a book about that right now. Unholy allience, don't recall the author's name right now. I'm familiar with the white gods concept, and it's apperaance in a number of ancient legends. Sorry I jumped on you on the other thread, I run into one too many neo nazis on the job, I've kind of got an attitude about it.
Re: Waco-Type events (Reloaded)

Unholy alliance by Peter Levenda is the book you're talking about. The real danger of nazism and neonazism is that you (me, anybody) can be manipulated into thinking Hey, maybe their original idea was a good one. But it wasn't. It was one of the darkest periods in human thought, it was a monstrous movement wrong from the beginning (whenever that beginning was) and everybody involved in it must have been either completely insane or on some heavy drugs. The suffering they caused and the crimes they committed can never, never be justified, never atoned.
Re: Waco-Type events (Reloaded)

I reccommand you the movie documentaries "The occult history of the third reich" and "Hitlers search for the holy grail" it gives a good insight into their ideology and how it all got started, what its based on etc.
Re: Waco-Type events (Reloaded)

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"CaryP\")</div>
Okay Jesus Bush, I've tried staying out of this one, specially seeing that Sosuemetoo has already cautioned you, but you're getting a tad belligerent, when no one is attacking you. I happen to agree with most of your perspective, but coming in here waving your finger at model members is not gonna cut it. Most of the members here are not pleased one bit with the current administration and its global military escapades. Take a deep breath and chill. You are among like minded people here. Insulting them will not get you warm fuzzies in response. If it's a fight you're looking for go over to anomalies. They'd love to pass the post on you. Now I'm politely warning you to play nice. You certainly have permission and are encouraged to voice your opinion and present articles, etc. to make your case. Continued belligerence on your part will be your exit sign. Why you wanna fight with people who aren't trying to fight with you? Like I said. Chill.

Some examples of your posts and my commentary follow.

No one, has said this, but YOU. Are you trying to pick a fight? Go to anomalies.net. You'll last all of about 1 or 2 posts after the wolf pack chews on you a while. You wanna fight here? Come to chat when you see me there. Bring your dancing shoes, you're gonna need 'em. NO MORE insults. We clear hoss? You're in the right place. You just got the wrong attitude.

Okay, I got to laugh on this one. I've used it a time or two myself. But it is fairly smart ass. Given your current developing reputation, I'd shelve this kind of remark for a while.

The \"ilk\" you refer to is a model member here. He offers a perspective from his profession as an LEO that few here share. And get this, HE'S ON THE SAME SIDE AS YOU! He ain't too thrilled with Bushco either. But he's not goading you to make inflammatory statements. Please stop. If the SHTF, I hope I have guys like Darkwolf around. They'll be on the citizens' side, not Bushco. Think about it. No more insults buckshot.


You couldn't be more misinformed. We talk politics all the time, and we have disagreements. But we don't insult one another. You haven't done a whole lot to get in good with anyone so far. Your opinion is not dissenting for most members here. It's a tad on the extreme. You want to dissent, again, try out anomalies. You better be a Bush loving, kill all the terrorists, ongoing global war loving, blindly loyal neocon there, or there is a group of folks that will have fun jackin' you up. Drop your political opinions here or not. Your choice. Opinions are welcome, insults are not.

I'm being nice now. ?You don't want to see the \"not nice\" side of me.

We cool now slick? You savvy what I'm trying to 'splain to you? CHILL OUT. NO MORE INSULTS. There I spelled it out for you, again. Please don't invite me back here again for this kind of behavior.


Well that just isn't very nice..
Re: Waco-Type events (Reloaded)

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Darkwolf\")</div>
I would bet a nice cold beer that wine and cheese are the main exports. Only one place I've encountered that attitude.[/b]

Are you into freedom fries man? j/k rhetorical question
Re: Waco-Type events (Reloaded)

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"darkbreed\")</div>
I reccommand you the movie documentaries \"The occult history of the third reich\" and \"Hitlers search for the holy grail\" it gives a good insight into their ideology and how it all got started, what its based on etc.[/b]

Are you in the kkk?
Re: Waco-Type events (Reloaded)

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"isabel\")</div>
That entire America-to-the-rescue thing oughta stop.
How much crap is a country, any country, supposed to take before finally saying Go screw yourselves the next time someone invades you, attacks you, denies your human rights or whatever. So, America isn't perfect, big deal; so the government and the president may or may not suck, what-f***ing-ever! If you put things in global perspective it becomes quite clear that NO OTHER COUNTRY EVER GIVES A DAMN ABOUT ANYBODY ELSE!!! Forget those few international organizations and their token charity deeds and just look at what countries and governments do; it's clear that no other country or nation comes through for anybody outside their own borders. And yes, mistakes happen, shady agendas find their way into noble causes, a trigger-easy Marine messes up in a dusty country in the middle of nowhere... but that all falls under The road to hell is paved with good intentions, doesn't it. And what does America get in return? Burnt flags and bombs in McDonald's. Now, I'm not dumb or naive to think the US take interest in anybody's business or problems without agenda, but that's a different story. Bottom line - the US are the global protector, and the ingrates all over the world never see it. Just a few months back I heard this French chick say that the US only liberated France from Hitler so they can sell hamburgers on Champs Elisees... I wanted to smack her, or just ask her what language would the entire Europe be speaking now if it wasn't for the ambition of Ronald McDonald. But then I just felt sorry for her - if she really believes that crap she said, she's got enough issues without me adding a broken nose to it.
Anyway, I just wanted to say Let the bastards take care of themselves. Ignore them when they bad-mouth the US, ignore them when they beg for help. They will inevitably do both.[/b]

baaah baaah sheep.
Re: Waco-Type events (Reloaded)

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Jesus_Bush\")</div>
Are you in the kkk?
Lot o' nazis on this board man..

No I am certainly not in the kkk, nor am I a nazi or affiliated with any such groups. Please refrain from coming with such thoughtlesss comments.

I am discussing history here and those documentaries i reccommand is related to the part of the history dating back to the second world war and what it was all about.
Re: Waco-Type events (Reloaded)

Jesus Bush just got him a 3 day ban for his rude manner and name calling. If/when he comes back he'll play nice or be gone for good.

