Miscellaneous Chatter about John Titor: Post it here!


Active Member
I'm not very fond of armed men barging into my home stealing my belongings, or the state treating me like a felon, I've got a better plan.........


well she started all this.......... god forbid my time traveling son came to her and told her to do it so I would have a reason to dissect the schematic as a means to retrieve him at the last known time/location he was seen...........not many other reasons why we would need to bend time and space, except maybe to send someone back to visit a lost loved one, perhaps a boy that lost his father at a young age................

Maybe she's an alien who is secretly married to John Titor and it was a conspiracy to steal all of your Oreos.


Active Member
Yeah........... and maybe our system is so broken that a straight cut, square guy like myself can't get by in our system anymore.


All 177th members are required to travel with personal 02 respiration systems and sleep during jumps so that the body requires less oxygen during the jump. The Samsung miniature fuel cell electrical power system that power the C204 and C206 actually uses the ambient O2 supply within the car to produce electricity by pairing H2 with O2, generating DC electrical current and purified H2O drinking water/coolant. Never use a C204/C206 without a respirator/re-breather with CO2 scrubber, as the lack of O2 in the ambient air supply within the Kerr field will kill you.

Yes, and the vehicle and bubble outside the vehicle will run out of oxygen, so I understand the need for O2. I wonder, however, about temperature.

Is the space/time continuum cold?

Does Titor leave the engine running to regulate the temperature?

What about carbon monoxide poisoning, or would the respirator take care of that (I'm guessing, yes)?

What would happen if he opened a window?

If he honked the horn, I would assume it wouldn't be heard.

What if he sprayed the windshield wiper fluid?

If he farted, I'm guessing he'd be STUCK with the smell for the entirety of the trip!

Does he pack a lunch? What if he has to pee? He wouldn't be able to bring me along. I'd have to go every hour at least. We'd be stopping a lot.

I wonder what music he plays while he travels.

What if he has insomnia?

Can you see me in that thing experimenting with the car? LMAO

So much to think about.


Active Member
If John gave any shred of a damn about his family and child/unborn self, then the person we think he was is a cover story to hide his true identity. John likely gave the novel and all associated rights to the story to Haber as part of his mission objectives. Perhaps it was the only safe way to warn people of N-day and disclose the C204 schematic? If time travel is real, then the 177th is simply allowing this imposter to expose himself as a target and decoy. Think about it, John himself admitted to killing hundreds of men in brutal combat. He is a killing machine, survival of the fittest. The Terminator. If this imposter was a threat, he would have never been born....


Senior Member
If John gave any shred of a damn about his family and child/unborn self, then the person we think he was is a cover story to hide his true identity. John likely gave the novel and all associated rights to the story to Haber as part of his mission objectives. Perhaps it was the only safe way to warn people of N-day and disclose the C204 schematic? If time travel is real, then the 177th is simply allowing this imposter to expose himself as a target and decoy. Think about it, John himself admitted to killing hundreds of men in brutal combat. He is a killing machine, survival of the fittest. The Terminator. If this imposter was a threat, he would have never been born....

This is actually another topic and not related to the subject of the Imposter on the other thread, so I moved it here for further discussion.
