Monks Predict Global War - 2012


Conspiracy Cafe
Monks Predict Global War - 2012

The following statement was made by British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, in front of #10 Downing Street, London, after his arrival home from the notorious Munich Conference of 1938


We, the German Fuhrer and Chancellor, and the British Prime Minister, have had a further meeting today and are agreed in recognizing that the question of Anglo-German relations is of the first importance for our two countries and for Europe.

We regard the agreement signed last night and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement as symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again.

We are resolved that the method of consultation shall be the method adopted to deal with any other questions that may concern our two countries, and we are determined to continue our efforts to remove possible sources of difference, and thus to contribute to assure the peace of Europe.

My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honor. I believe it is \"peace for our time.\" Go home and get a nice quiet sleep.

Source: Back from Munich

Chamberlain believed that the weapons possessed by man were too terrrible for war and that no sane man (Adolf Hitler???) would use them. Thus he believed the Accord to be based in truth and would be honoured by Germany.

Famous last words eh!


Conspiracy Cafe
Monks Predict Global War - 2012

Excerpt: Heavy Water

When the Nazis invaded Norway in April 1940, the Norsk Hydro electrolysis plant at Vemork in the Telemark district featured high on their list of core objectives to be secured. Not only did the plant occupy a prime strategic site in the Vestfjord valley that cuts the massif dividing the east and west of the country, but it was the world's leading producer of a simple but much-misunderstood substance that the Germans believed would help them win the war.

Heavy water - an isotopic form of good old H2O, with the hydrogen atoms replaced by deuterium - was central to German research into the mysteries of nuclear energy.

Early attempts to create a chain reaction of nuclear fission in uranium failed because too many neutrons escaped. The answer was to envelop the uranium in some substance which would moderate the reaction, slowing down escaping neutrons so that the chain reaction could continue. In trials using water, graphite and paraffin wax as moderators, the chain reaction was not sustained. Calculations suggested that only deuterated water would suffice.

Germany was therefore eager to secure the Norsk Hydro site, which included the largest electrolytic hydrogen plant in the world. Ordinary water is only one part in 4500 'heavy', but electrolysis to produce hydrogen for fertiliser manufacture removes only hydrogen and leaves deuterium behind, thereby increasing the proportion of deuterium. Repeatedly feeding deuterium-enhanced water through a succession of electrolytic cells could thus produce heavy water of over 99% purity.

As early as 1939, Norsk Hydro managers had grown suspicious of large German orders for heavy water. The company alerted authorities in France and the UK who, ignorant of the latest developments in nuclear physics, suspected some use in biological warfare.

In the weeks before the German invasion of Norway, Hydro's stock of heavy water was smuggled out of the country to the cellars of the College de France in Paris. It was later transferred to a bank vault in Southern France, and was eventually moved to the relative security of England.

Chamberlain apparently did not know about the H-Bomb experiments that Germany were involve in when he made his statement.


New Member
Monks Predict Global War - 2012

Originally posted by Tippy@Dec 29 2004, 04:10 AM
Although the exact predictions vary slightly - it is interesting that both predict a global war within a short span. Yet, if the war broke out in other area first - I suppose that would still be consistant. Didnt' JT say something about the Middle East and nukes?

I will say this much (for the record) which I have said as far back during the fist Gulf "conflict"

A.) You will all be back

B.) No more dog & pony show next "Time"

C.) The War will last 7-9 yrs.

I said this to my fellow Marines just before leaving from overseas deployment to return stateside.

I will say this now...

As long as the current administration holds office, we will continue to have wars.
wars that will escalate, and the weather will also reflect a similar pattern of devastation, which there is a historical pattern to demonstrate.


Senior Member
I can defanetly see the possibility of a war on the horizons, will it be a billions dead nuclear war? probably not. Or hell maybe it will be, maybe we should ask one of these time travelers they should know! "waits patiently for answer"


I am officially freaked out. the grand scheme of things picking out the year and region of a war is pretty specific.... if I were Iran or China. I'd test the waters right now and let some "radical group"not government sanctioned attack an area in about 1 week to see the worlds reaction. Is Europe going to back up the USA or not? Will my fellow Islamic nations rally with me? Will my people cheer at the "terrorist" attack? Then 1 week from election day is strike knowing now if I have support of my people, which countries have some balls, and who is my friend.

Edit: imagine a war during an adminstration change? Will Obama declare martial law and cancel the elections or will he risk losing to Romney? Both I feel are incompetent... but what better time to start a war with a country than during an administration change?
