Montauk Project


Junior Member
Montauk Project

Years ago, after having read all the Montauk Project books by Preston Nichols, I decided to spend some time at Montauk Point and take a look around Camp Hero, the old army base where they supposedly did time experiments. I spend several hours walking around and poking around where I could until a helocopter came out of no where and hovered about 150' in front of me. We eye-balled each other for about 10-15 seconds until he finally left abruptly. As he left, I had my compass with me and took a bearing on him. I looked at a map later and he was heading in the direction of Brookhaven National Laboratories about 60 miles away if I remember correctly. It's interesting that I was being observed. If nothing is there, why the helocopter? It implies that there is something important there still.
I spoke to a local and he told me that one night about 30 cement trucks came thru town, heading to Camp Hero. A lot of the locals know the stories about the base and he figured that they used it to seal up the tunnels and undergound areas for good.
I think it was around 1995, but I remember that the first episode of "SLIDERS" was on that evening! That was a great synchronicity.
Re: Montauk Project

Welcome to the plantation denbo88. Thanks for the scoop on this. One of my old high school/college buddies had the first name of Denbo, but I'm guessing that's not your name, as it's kind of unusual. Looking forward to more of your posts.


Re: Montauk Project

Did you ever read The Mars Records? It's this guy who through sessions with some type of regression therapy remember experiments with time travel and teleportation he was involved with when working for the goverments. It's related to montauk and some stuff done on Mars. Can't remember if it was the airforce or navy he worked for but something military related at least.
You can download the free ebooks of the sessions at

Re: Montauk Project

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"darkbreed\")</div>
Did you ever read The Mars Records? It's this guy who through sessions with some type of regression therapy remember experiments with time travel and teleportation he was involved with when working for the goverments. It's related to montauk and some stuff done on Mars. Can't remember if it was the airforce or navy he worked for but something military related at least.
You can download the free ebooks of the sessions at[/b]

Wasn't the Capitol there called Barsoom?
Re: Montauk Project

No, denbo is just a non-sense name I made up.

And thanks for the tip Darkbreed, I will look into The Mars Records. Preston Nichols had a similar recall of participation in time experiments by the government. Memories started to surface many years later. By the way, I have been particularly impressed by some of your posts here. Keep 'em coming!
Re: Montauk Project

I wonder if it was a chemical screen or electrical type screen they were using to try and erase memories then..... Electro shock 'therapy' was supposed to 'wipe' memories away. I wonder if they were fooling around with a chemical based memory wiper back then?
Re: Montauk Project

Barsoom? Never heard of that before, had to look it up on google to see how it was related to Mars. Can't remember if that name was mentioned in The Mars Records.

They used alot of chemicals, in other words drugs, to mess with their minds according to the Mars Records sessions. Also hypnosis and such as far I remember. Maybe they used some electrical methods too, I can't remember exactly, been a while since I read through it.

Glad you liked some of my post, hope I'll be able to write some more interesting ones for you in the future as well.
